Thursday, March 22, 2018

Snow White or Snow Black ( Poetry )

This love poem was inspired by Modou's love life. 

Like a poet lost for words
Like a book without a title
A dream without a dreamer
A sin without a sinner
An office without a cleaner
A farm without a farmer
Like a library without books
A nation without citizens
A market without traders
A school without teachers
Like a car without a driver
Like a musician without a voice
Like a painter without a brush
Like life without choice
Like silence without noise
Like a woman without a man
A man without a woman
Like an angel of God
A market without noise
An ocean without tides
Like like without mike
A cyclist without a bike
Like chaff without grains
Like a toilet without a soap
Like pain without hope
A sky without rain
Like a body without a heart
Like a ghost without a body
A road without a lorry
Pain without sorry

Like The Throne of the Ghost
Ghost of the Throne
Like Ghost on The Throne
Like life without death
Like an English rose
Like a flower without rose
Like a rose flower
Like Dubai without the tower
A clock without the hour
Like a bathroom without the shower
Like a daylight coup
Like an eye without a sight
A day without a night
Like today without tomorrow
Yesterday without today
I am not afraid to tell you ''I love you''.
I just don’t want to destroy the White House.

Feelings tell the truth; they never lie.
Snow White or Snow Black,
When I love is finished. I love for real.
I desire to have a wife,
At least, someone in my life 
But I am afraid;
I was betrayed.
I can't date anymore --
But for marriage, yes, I'm ready. 

All Rights Reserved! Thank you for reading and following my blog. 

  a person-centered view.

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