Wednesday, November 23, 2016


In life nothing is easy
Success is a road always busy
With enemies talking ‘menemies’
Why don’t you feel how am feeling?
If only you had—
 You wouldn’t have taken what you're not given
Can’t you see what I’m seeing?
My blood flows in the rain am seeing
Increasing pain I’m receiving-
Your departure got me mixed feelings
I survived death;
 Dying ‘n still living

I wished I can tell you how am feeling
Deadly silence my mouth is speaking,
Hiding my unexpressed sorrow in my seedlings;
Nursing the tears of love I’m gardening,
Have your Darling changed?
Undressing your common senses:
With unusual texts
Going back to her ex’ses,
Being fooled by fake friends
In fake brines,
 While still dreaming;

Your tears woke me up when am sleeping
It’s your heart am writing
Lust of Love
And Love of Dust!
Don’t you know love always hurt?
Can’t you hold your lovely feelings?
Am dying in my eyes
 Crying what you are not speaking
I wished when I speak you’re listening
Why don’t you feel how am feeling?

Could you listen when am not speaking?
Love has eyes 'n ears
Ears have pinners to cover them;
Seal them,
Hearing the unheard
And seeing the unseen
Rubbish in bin,
So bin them,
When promises are being broken
Those you trusted lied to you
You still obliged to her lie
Ignoring the lies
By Mulie ‘n Abdoulie
Say ‘Blie’
‘Cheehh Wolie’
When they lie:
Start killing love flies

I looked inside my heart
 And it’s you I’m seeing
 Your love-book I am reading
I can’t stop the Laughter of Crying
Hearing gossips of lying
The love flew
Things started flying,
Your hope started drying
You started crying
Beginning the begotten,
Mending the broken
Your fingers am fingering
Gingering your hot red-ginger
Why can’t you feel how am feeling?

Tell him/her
Honey, you’ve changed,
 Your noiseless voiceless sound am ringing
Drinking your breath when drinking
We are meant to be
I wish my surname could contain the letter B
Remembering our sun shining days:
Eating my ripe bush- bay
Walking in the bush-
Sitting under the bush-bay
Fashioned like one ‘Mbouba ak Toubay’
Times we’ve been
To places you’ve never been-
Sweet like a cream-mint
A Castle of Roasted Chocolates
Your torch lit
Why can’t you feel how am feeling?
If truly you love me—
                              Always feel how am feeling.            

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