Thursday, March 3, 2022

Should We Fall In Love? (Poem)

PS. This picture is subjected to copyright.

Should we fall in love?

Or should we just laugh like, lol?

The very first day I came into existence

Your love was planted in me

And I grew up searching for you;

I met many ladies without having babies

Names like Stacey, Whiskey and Tracy; all did break my heart and made me crazy.

It was you I didn’t meet...


The appearance of your name on my phone,
To the sound of your voice,
Down to your smile and laughter,
Gives me great joy beyond any imagination.
The first time you texted me, I knew it was you.

But yet, we are still in limbo, afraid of what we feel.

I feel what you felt, like an undiscovered Celt, I melt. I am melting for you. 

It's your food I want to belch.

I want to put words into your mouth:

Should fall in love this month?

Why do I feel so strange after reading that text?
Your laughter is contagious and warms every corner of my soul.
Why do I feel so connected after looking at your pictures?
I try and shake it, but you already have a hold on my heart.
It is magical and soothing transporting me to a place I have never been.
I don't dare like you, I'm a dare for you.

Fresh off the bed, sharper than Gillette
The shower still wet, so pass it like 'Chui Boulet'
We sip side of text messages, we call it cuddle and pet,
You are my chosen bride to beset,
My only honey to cuddle and pet,
I'm hotter than the end of August;
I'm awesome, repeat it to your grandma, and uncles
Or friends, ML is a husband.

The sight of you
Holding your hands
Walking beside you — oh Lord
I can’t even put into words how it makes me feel

I heard people talk about love at first sight
Some saying it romantically for a guy or lady
Others for their spouses
And very few for their acquaintances
But I was so sure I found love in your sight

My senses of sight, smell, touch & hearing

Are all yours.

The wide smile on your face when I giggle
Oh Lord — praise be to God, amen, hallelujah.

I will trade everything and anything for
Being held by you became my priority
As the energy that radiates from you to me
To learn how to love like you should love me
And express the love I hold within me like you do.

How can I ever see love in someone else
Lost in a gaze pure to our soul
And your warmth wrapping me in your safety
I can make you the daughter your mom never hear from
Because your love can make me throw stones at the Statehouse

Should we fall in love?

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