Tuesday, September 27, 2016


The oppressed,

Have taken up arms;

Against the oppressors,

For their opposing views;

Against political vendetta,

As a result of their overstay in power with a scarce development;

And too much spending and taxation,

Taxing their citizens;

Against their political rights,

Muting their mouths;

And pricing them against their scruples,

Killing them with promises;

And ignoring their wounds,

Making them tools to weed opposition parties;

In their political farms,

Using them to grow crops of poverty and tribalism;

Making the African soil barren,

With a lot of mourning and burials;

Vandalism and killings,

Sorrows and regrets,

For weeding their farms with tools of humiliation;

Financing their farms and owing the crops,

Like Musa and Pharaoh.

We've watched you on your thrones

Till the Whiteman came to your land,

You died in pits;

Why not on your golden beds?

You triggered us with bullets of history,

To be remembered for your bravery;

Brave indeed but cowardice,

If not for the sake of humanity;

Some of you don’t even deserve a proper burial.

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