Sunday, November 20, 2016


Abiding aberration and abloom aimless ambition
Born Brexit’s bureaucratic boundaries-
Connotation of costly condolence coined concordance
Devastating damnation dividing Damascus
Engulfs Egypt’s electrifying energy
Fanatically fashioned faint-hearted fascism
Galliambic government governs governance governor
Hallucinating hope hit Haiti’s house hidden hunger
Inhuman introjections insinuating influential independence
Justice’s judiciaries jailing journalists’ juries’ jingoism
Kept Kenya’s kangaroo knack keen kingdoms
Levitating legitimate lake lambasted linguistic language
Moving magnetic macaronic missiles massacring Muslims’
Nuisances noised nuclear neo-nationalists nonentities’ notion
Oppressing our oil’s organizational O.A.U organic offerings

Peacemakers paid philosophically pessimistic ponderings pumping petroleum’s pleasant perfumes
Quicken quadrillions quest quantities
Rubbish Rwanda ransacked remembered racial riot
 Sorrowful sob Somalia’s sacrificial sweet- sausage
Tyrannical tailoring tailpiece talking Terrorism trash Taliban
    Ultimately under umbrella ultra-filtration
 Visually vivisecting voter’s voted victory
World wifi wants walkabout walkathon
X-raying x-axis xenophobia
Yarning yaw yardstick yearbook-yogurt
Zink zoom zapped Zionism

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