Wednesday, November 22, 2017

SPEAK OUT Mother Africa ( A Poem )

Speak, will you?Africa Speak!
Spread your hands,
Play the traditional bands,Sing our:

Raw materials ,
Talent and;
Human resources.

Speak the lips of joy
Deactivate your silence
Be revamped 'n renamed
 Of a wondering continent,
Speak out Mother Africa!

 The youth need your milk to breastfeed
The continent of unrespected voices
Lecturer of war 'n harborer of crimes
The continent of pest 'n diseases
Our dignity is being riped off
Our unity zip zipped off
 For a lack of cooperation
Bad representation in the United Nations
The news broadcast what our radios don't speak on the press

Be detetmined from a distress,  Oh mistress! Cooperate! Use a rake and rate the stars:

Not modern speakers!
Changemakers in sheep clothing
Held our objectives sailing
Wallowing endlessly
Regardless of the holes in their pockets
For being political pickpockets
Speaking in disrupted bells of governance
Democracy with hypocrisy
Rights with dead batteries in a torchlight

 The disgruntled voices made more noises
Silent in our battered houses
Shattered into flights
Dancing naked with scattered pains
We're missing the Mugabe quotes
As his resignation gave notes
Cooperate MOTHER Africa!
Will you? Trash AU
Reshuffle ECOWAS
They're rubbish in a bin
Noisy bling blings
Whose meetings determine
An evaporated water on the road
And the dead of a toad

Cooperate with USA 'n UAE mother Africa
 As slaves of humiliation chained in politics  Threatened 'n abused in our pants
By the great constitution of nations
 In the forest of cowardice
 We drenched in our blood of fright
Clapped in delight
Time to speak out!
 Speak out Mother Africa!

Voices from afar 'n within
Our shame shall be resolved in witty
 Write hashtags, let's match the streets
 Sing boldly 'n wholly
To bid farewell with our songs of sorrow
For a better tomorrow
We must be heard even it's hard

SPEAK,  SPEAK, 'n speak out!
Time to get our abused voices into a microphone
We need Afri-Phones
Not IPhones
To SPEAK,  speak,  and speak out for EU Cooperation in Africa

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

The Pain Is Gone (A Poem)

O'er the land I'm overlaid
Weighing motion in emotion
 Overloaded in the ostentatious origin
 Overcame to overcome in the overclock

 I'm overcast, dressed overcoat
Suffered overall-
 The clock ticking overtime
My efforts are overwhelming
They overlooked
I'm overpaid

Did you hear the overflow?
In the overlap
Overblown today
In the outskirts of an outsold ovation
In an orchestrated nation

Over the damsel of an off cell
Overdue in time
Things overdone
But I'm off the done
I'm licking the ice on  the tongue

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