Friday, March 22, 2019

Smiles from The Smiling Coast ( Poems from The Gambia)

From the dramatic cold caps of Bakau to the perfectly smiling breeze in Kololi,
Dotted by the banks of Senegambia,
Stretching to Brufut, to the very heights of Brusubi
Deflowered by the salty salts of Tanji, Welcomed by the fishes in Tujereng;
Travelers have been visiting the Gambia for years
In search of spiritual restoration and healing.
In search of love, smiles, relaxation, and hospitable people.

 'Na-nyen-deff, Jaarama, Al-niin-Mbaara'
The Wolof, Fula and Mandingo,
Added these re-energizing codes with linguistic chi of smiles
Toleration, solidarity, and humanity.
This feeling is kneeling me willingly
Discovering to the wills of the hissing it is kissing me
Enjoying our sunshine known for its beauty
Our virgin sandy beaches arose the curiosity to take a selfie
Eat some 'Yassa, Kaldou, Ebeh' and crab, lobsters and shellfish

Come one and come all, tourists from nearby and afar,
Come eat 'Chaalo, Kobo-bulaka and Domoda'
Digest your visitation with 'Benechin, Chu, Ebeh and Palasas'
Go to Yarambamba and drink 'Wonjo' from Ya-Fatou Jobe,
Remind her her cooking skills and kindness towards visitors
Tell her of her beauty and Gambian smiles

Tell the vendors of perfume, the smell of fresh fish and oysters
The market of lies that sell houseflies, tell them that
A new dawn has arisen
All creatures have to realize that
The Universe has a new law
That the galaxy has to bow.
In The Gambia, at a visitor, a dog will not bark.

Upon the beauty of the glow,
Where do you go?
To the Smiling Coast of Africa.
The smell of the green leaves of cashew and coos
Perforated with millet and maize, smoked - fish and palm-oil
From Banjul to Makumbaya, take a boat ride to the Denton Bridge
Visit Kartong or Kachikally crocodile pool, Berending, or just sit on a stool.

Go Makasutu or to the Lamin Lodge
Tell The Gambia her beautiful smiles, Her smell, her flora and fauna
Her sexy eyes, romantic big breasts, and seductive thighs
Undress her tiers-- kiss her forehead, touch her waist, and go upcountry to McCarthy Island
To The Gambia, is a unique smile from the smiles of the Smiling Coast of Africa.

( VERY IMPORTANT: Please, do not forget to subscribe to my BLOG by typing your e-mail in the space above)

 My special wishes for you!

To schedule or book me for public lectures/ book launches/ conferences/ readings/ script writing/ keynote/motivational speaking events, please email:

 Kindly visit my mobile-friendly author website on this link :

 © All Rights Reserved! Thank you for reading and following my blog. Should you wish to use any of my articles for research, lectures, personal use, etc, kindly address your message to:

Copying any of my articles without a written permission to, is an infringement of Copyright.

Monday, March 18, 2019

Skills Development Training in Creative Writing and Book Publishing

I would like to take this moment to announce that I am officially conducting a skills development training on blogging and creative writing to 10 young Gambians who are passionate about writing and book publishing.

As the UNDP Report 2018 shows that the number of young people aged 15–24 years will rise from about 1.2 billion in 2015 to 1.3 billion by 2030, I have a role to play in society. As a young scholar myself , I strongly believe that #creative writing, #cultural promotions, #self-reliance and #youthbusiness could help keep Gambian youths employed.

Are you an aspiring Gambian writer who is thinking of having your own blog page?  Do you want to be guided from submission to publication of your already finished manuscript?

The people around you may not see the greatness in you. Don’t let them take you out of what God  has put in your heart. Speak victory in spite of what the naysayers think. Join #The Voice of The Pen's latest seminar for using the ordinary to demonstrate the extra-ordinary. Modou Lamin Age-Almusaf Sowe says in The Throne of The Ghost that, " It takes an extra-ordinary challenge for an ordinary man to be extra-ordinary."

 Improve your fiction. Learn professional tricks to strengthen, tighten and tone your author voice.


D150 ONLY per person, based on a first come first serve.
We need only 10 young people; so hurry up and register!

All participants will be awarded a certificate of completion at the end of their training, to be conducted by The Voice of The Pen  ( VOP), in partnership with National Center for Arts and Culture ( NCAC), The Writers' Association of The Gambia ( WAG), and the Young Writers' Association of The Gambia (YWAG).


1.You'll have your own blog as an author.

2. You'll be given a recognized certificate signed by the NCAC and WAG.

3. You'll be taught how to protect your work as an author, away from pirates and copyright infringement.

4. You'll be assisted to create your own content and niche.

5. You'll learn how to self-publish your book on Lulu,  Bookbaby, Amazon, etc.


Date :Thursday,  4th April 2019

Time: 10:00 a.m to 12:00 p.m

Venue : NCAC hall,  @ the National Museum-Banjul


Mr. Modou Lamin Age-Almusaf Sowe  ( ML Sowe )

BA in Library and Information Studies, Records and Archive Management; and a double Diploma in  French and English Language Teaching.

Email your interest and comments to:


For payments, all queries and concerns, reach out to Mr. Saidou Anna Ibn Bah, Director of Operations and Editorial Services at The Voice of The Pen ( VOP).


You can send a message, video-call or just call to our WhatsApp account (+220) 7433412

( VERY IMPORTANT: Please, do not forget to subscribe to my BLOG by typing your e-mail in the space above)

 My special wishes for you!

To schedule or book me for public lectures/ book launches/ conferences/ readings/ scriptwriting/ keynote/motivational speaking events, please email:

 Kindly visit my mobile-friendly author website on this link :


 © All Rights Reserved! Thank you for reading and following my blog. Should you wish to use any of my articles for research, lectures, personal use, etc, kindly address your message to: Copying any of my articles without a written permission to, is an infringement of Copyright.

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