Friday, May 31, 2019

The Emerging Young Gambian Writers You Should Know in 2019

 1. Rohey Fofana: Poet, Novelist and Playwright. Author of "The Founding of A Lost Hand."

2. Kebba Mamburay: Poet, Columnist and Journalist at Foroyaa Newspaper . Assistant Secretary General of the Writers' Association of The Gambia, and author of " In Her Acute Difficulties."

3. Kalipha Jabbie: Poet, Journalist and Columnist at The Stone Circle. Author of "Poetry is A Religion", and Head of Publicity at The Voice of The Pen.

4. Saidou Anna Ibn Ahmad: Poet, Motivational Speaker and Writer. Author of "The Poor Man and His Ungrateful Wife and The Islamic Perspectives on Female Genital Mutilation." The Youth Representative at the Writers Association of The Gambia.

5. Harry Bah: Poet, Aspiring Journalist and Writer. A member, The Voice of the Pen. Author of "The Bleaching Girl."

6. Omar Ngajan: Aspiring Writer, Poet, Actor, Novelist and Playwright. Author of "The Pen is Mightier."

7. Ismaila Saidybah: Aspiring Writer, Novelist and Poet. Author of "Sins of A Father."

8. Adama Joof: Aspiring Writer, Spoken Word Artist and Poet. Author of "World of The Black Wizard."

8. Essa Janko: pen name Essa Baye Janko, Radio Presenter at Vibes FM, Poet, Motivational Speaker and Novelist. Author of "The Silent Screams of A Heart."


9. Emil Gibba: Teacher, Essayist and Poet. President of GLADS ( Gunjur Literary and Debating Society.) Author of "The Deviant."

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