Friday, August 30, 2019

Tribute to Sir Dawda Kairaba Jawara, first President of the Republic of The Gambia

It's only in the Gambia, I see that people celebrate you when you die and jealously fight you when you're alive. I see motivational and public speakers who don't acknowledge people's words when they use them and don't give credit or quote them in their speeches. I see people become writers for the sake of writing for 'presidential gains', or writers who haven’t written a single book.

I see musicians who don't know the art of music, rappers who don't make sense at all; comedians who can't make anyone laugh, I see people start what they cannot or had never finished. I see ministers who can't correctly address any public, leaders, and directors without a vision, I see women working in offices they don't deserve at all. I see at last that the very moment one becomes a PS or a Cabinet Minister; he marries a second wife- or add more wives and forget his past.

What else do I see with my silent eyes anytime I join a commercial vehicle or go out, I see that what you study in school and what you end up becoming are not even the same. I see the River Gambia lacking fish and turtles living on land. I see hard-working men and women who are very poor but very respectful and religious. I even noticed that it has been raining ever since the first President of the Republic of The Gambia, Sir Dawda Kairaba Jawara died.

I see the sick curing those well, I see potential youths who're jobless, I see teachers who can't teach, and our education system is dominated by foreign books and foreign teachers.

Ask me what else do I see, I see people mistake indecent dress codes for awareness, I see police officers who don't know the law, I see that the culture I left here three years ago, is not the same at all. I see the culture of silence and silence then became the culture. I see women raped and their rights violated. I see what's wrong being considered very right.

And I see self-appointed journalists who don't know information as not the only liberation. I see the blind leading the deaf, I see knowledgeable people who're silent with their wisdom, I see a nation without a fence and without citizens driving in the car of lost.

Finally, I realize that those we term knowledgeable don't know anything. A seed grows without noise but a tree falls with a big noise. Destruction has noise but creation is silent. Before you try to put out a wildfire on a mountain, go and ask the hunter how it started.

 Like I said in my poetry book ( Temple of Wisdom), if you go to a country where people eat with their eyes, don't eat with your nose.

That's the power of knowledgeable men living in the country of fools.

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