Tuesday, November 5, 2019


  1. Omar Champion Cham  ( ThA ChaMpION PoEt)


       2. Cherno Gaye                   


 3.  Lala Touray                       

4.  Aji Ndumbeh Jobe ( The Eye of The Pen)



 5.  Alieu Jallow

6. Ebrima Jaiteh

7. Adama Mboge


8. Lamin Barrow ( ThA RaInbOw PoEt)
9. Aji Oley Samba                           

10.  Kebba Mbye   ( ThA WoRd SmiTh)                    


11.   Ebrima Johm

 12.   Omar NK Ceesay ( Tha Hero Poet)

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