Monday, May 4, 2020

Introducing The Two Mentees of The Voice of The Pen 2020

1. Begay Jane

Begay Jane was born on February 15 2003 in Bundung, The Gambia.

She is an aspiring writer, a poet and a member of the Writers Association of The Gambia (WAG).

She's currently attending St Joseph's Senior School School in Banjul. Begay in grade ten and studying arts. Her pen name is Tha Lil Poet.


My home is peaceful
The people are beautiful
And they are so faithful.

My home contains different kinds of people
But we still help and guide each other
Working together and defending the nation side by side
Even when one lacks the means.

We are blessed with our black melanin skin
Living side by side in a minimum inter tribal friction
Each preserving it's own language, music, cultural tradition, and even caste system.

With the dramatic beauty of the Atlantic coastline, picturesque beaches fringed by palm tress.

My home is known for its pride
Its hospitable people far and nearby
My love for my home will not fade away.

Begay Jane, alias Tha Lil poet ✍🏿

2. Bubacarr Jabbie

Bubacarr Jabbie was born in Nema-Kunku village on June 23 2002.

He's 17 years old and currently attending Charles Jow Memorial Academy in Bundung.

Jabbie is in grade ten and studying commerce. He's an aspiring writer and a poet. He's also a member of the Writers Association of The Gambia (WAG).


I speak of the one who was found from a fetish foundation,
I am more than a star I am a legend.
I hold the records of the world because I am black.

From the rising of the sun to the setting of the moon,
From daytime to the night including the noon,
From the months to the weekend, the story of my life is my inspiration.

Sometimes people look at me and say:
"You're too old to be new, too empty to be full, too rusty to be used and too starchy to be moved.
You are who you are; you need to make yourself you to become who you are
Be outstanding and be unique."

Even the weather cannot determine when it will rain,
It's not that I don't want to be happy, but I feel suffocated, embarrassed, and ashamed about anything not me
Not my iving has become the constant nightmare.
And it is said that 'if you don't speculate you won't accumulate',
That's why ST said "niyamoi keloo-tehbanna, woto sayaa lemang fatarokeh."

BUBACARR JABBIE, alias The Silent Poet

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