Tuesday, July 28, 2020

55 Inspirational Love Quotes To Make Gambian Women Fall in Love

1. The reason why Gambian music will not go is because Gambian artistes don't sing a song for you. You're the ritual to Gam-music because Jizzle sang for Jalika, but ST should sing for Binta. 🤣

2. You make me feel like a born - again Christian; your love will make me die on the cross ➕. 🤣

3. My Sugar Lips, nothing pleases me than hearing compassionately meaningful words from a lady of grit and forestall like you.

4. My sweetenedly condensed milky sugar, "man yamai reey". Don't leave the leaf in my leaflet alone in the night. I speak in tongues for the love in me is big enough to hide you in my world. 🤗

5. The difference between a good girl and a bad girl is that good girls are very selective with who they’re bad with. "Doo sen morom teh danga ova saff horom. Ya reey Gamcel teh Yaay Borom." 🤣😂

6. I've never met anyone as incredible as you. You're the cross in every crossroads in this country, and you always make me smile like Jesus Christ. 🤣

7. I’ve longed to send this write-up to you for a while now, letting you know what I feel inside. You gave me all I need to make my life glow. I know I’d cover a book if I start to write everything you did.

8. I write as the writer in me with tears in my heart, fears in my eyes, blood in my hands, and discomfort in my brain to shout out to you the word "I MISS YOU" in capital letters. I think this might worth your attention, don't you? What's love for me without you?

9. Yоu are worth more than gоld
Yоur bеаutу iѕ оbviоuѕ fоr everyone tо bеhоld
In mаritаl union уоur hаndѕ I wаnt to hоld
I’ll lоvе уоu in mу уоuth and whеn we аrе both old
Distance might bе a hindrаnсе, but love brings uѕ сlоѕеr and bound оur hеаrtѕ till forever.

10. I'm mentally and excruciatingly dying to tell you "danga over rafet". Your love is grossly exerting happiness in my heart. 

11. Delicious my sugar sauce, I just want you to know that my love for you is as frazzle as it's arduous. The joy of our gobbets of honesty and laughter - is as beautiful as astrophotography. 

12. Lady Luck, I had my heart pounded and attacked by your love - call that love-soup. I had my mind sexy like your bra , call that mind defense!

13. When I was in high school, my English-literature teacher once told me that I'll find a beautiful woman who'll love me beautifully. I didn't know you're the one until I open my English dictionary and saw the word - YOU.

14. The way I love you cannot be a lie because even if I sit up straight, I cannot lie. 

15. When the heart weeps for what it has lost, the spirit laughs for what it has found. My spirit is layoff and laughing because I found you.

16. You're the bones in me and the boundary that bonds us together is stronger because your lips taste so strong.

17. Bae, to effortlessly ignite a very strong bond of connection, take some time out to appreciate what I appreciate about you, and understand why you've all my respect because you'll.

18. What will beauties like you be learning any further if not to be more beautiful? No doubt, all the first ladies The Gambia had, have their names begin with a consonant because you're the only vowel I know. 🤣

19. My heart is pumping deoxygenated blood to my head for being so hungry to eat your food and missing you. 

20. Nevermore will dreams expire.
Keep it burning, guard the fire.
Hold my hand and don't let go.
Feel my heart and you will know, what you should know, is that I love you.

21. Tell me what's love without you? And tell me why my blood smells anytime I hear your name?

22. You're my incandescent lamp and the only torch to my soul! Come and light my world, you beautiful lighter.

23. I want to say good morning to you in a very sweet way.
Swingeing into the barnacles of the sun as it opened its God-fearing eyes, the bees whizzed the honey and sucked the drizzle, the programme perimeters of my chin stood erected in gloucestershire for just thinking about someone like you this morning and smiling with laughter. I can't get my mind off you.

24. Climaxing as I tightly squeeze
Grabbing you as I please
Biting your lips just to tease
I feel weak in my knees
Good morning, sweetheart.

25. Hey beautiful. ...
I was just thinking about how wonderful you are. ...God, your laugh is incredible. You're everything to me. I'm counting down the minutes until I get to see you.

26. The Landlord of My Heart, beautiful you. How are you doing today my Queeny Goddess of Beauty and Gorgeousness?

27. The bidding of two different people with very similar characters and trails, united or living together in the name of love, as one, for eternity. For good or bad - for better, or for worse. That's the place our love is heading to.

28. I lance for your thighs on mine and your lips favourably pairing mine. Come and pair my device "yowtamit"! 

29. Love me just the way I am, and I'll cherish you just the way you want. Take me as your dream man and I'll make your dreams come true.

30. How a changed man I've been since I met you? Now my life has changed for good. I laugh more,
I give more, I eat more and I feel so loved just because of you.

31. You are my happiness, my heart’s desire, my everlasting flame, the one that makes my heart beat fast. My love, my sweet in the middle, I cannot think for a second without you in my mind. I cherish you, princess of beauty.

32. Heaven does not always mean a place to be in. Sometimes it’s a person to be with. For me, heaven is being with you all the time! But you're useless and I must tell you because I miss you so much. 

33. Love is a risk; either you sink in it or it sinks you. For me, I have deeply drowned in the love that I have for you. Thank you for giving me this unconditional love.

34. My love for you is hard work. If loving you was a job, I’d be the most deserving, dedicated, and qualified candidate. I’d even be willing to work for free! 🤣😂

35. I hope you will receive this message with lots of happiness and smiles? As the hot afternoon breeze touches you, always have it in mind desirably that someone faraway is insanely thinking about you - yes, "yowla", only you.

37. When rivers begin to dry, when love begin to die & the stars would begin to fade. When hatred hates, when the lips lie and the blind can see, just remember, I will never forsake you. I'll always love you and you - I mean.

38. What ancestors did you summon to the summit? My heart was broken at the AU Summit. 
To give me what I needed, what you need to take from me is all my heart - here it's take it. 

39. I like the caesura you deliberately make in contextuality of my dramatic irony.
Equally, I like the brevity in your sensation. Your love is burning my heart, daily I burn. 

40. If fasting was you, I'll never be hungry because your lips are the best "Ndougou" ever cooked on planet earth. Which of our planets are you from "sah"? That's why you look so mercy and dark chocolate brown like Mercy Johnson. 🤗 

41. "Naam Sama Yeuf", I'm just missing you so much and thinking about you in utopia. I miss your smiles and sweetness on the screen of my phone. 

42. My milk, my woman and my sweet tamarind juice, I'm always reminiscing the day I'll set my eyes on you and must certainly have goosebumps.

 You're the reason Moses crossed the Red Sea. Come and cross my river with your wig. 😂

43. I'll start collecting royalties for my induction on intellectual property rights by richly making your heart smile with laughter of derogatory, anytime you read my texts. Are you not yourself an angel from the above?

44. Good morning my expensive Apple Milk... I’m an excellent sounding board for venting. This text is good for one back rub, redeemable whenever and wherever you may by chance, need a holistic massage. 

45. One thing I know is that our love can last forever, why? Because it is stronger than the most muscular wrestler. Even Balla Gaye, lol. 🤣

46. I love a woman like you who is her religion is religious , in her kindness is kind, in her obedience is obedient, and her ability to help me in my career and her indifference with money and society is impressive. Come and rape my wealth. Lol 😂 

47. Queeny Goddess of Beauty, 
I'd like you to know that you're one of those who always smile whenever you read my messages. Why? Because you'd know I've the power of words. It would crush me if I ever lost you.

48. Underneath your baobab tree, I want to be your only tree - and your only one, two, three.. Lol. 

49. If sweet words can kill, my wife will be the first person to die. If you don't believe what I'm saying, go and ask the person reading this if she's not laughing.

50. I'm missing you horrifically and badly. I'd miss your sweet scent that's so you. Won't your heart direct you to me? Don't you know I'm feeling you?

51. I'm so lucky that I'll not buy TV in my house because you're more interesting than GRTS and QTV. I'll never stop watching your programmes because you alone can make my heart smile. Lol

52. You deserve to laugh every day my Distinguished Queen. Here is your crown 👑 to wear 🤗

53. Your silent and breathless laughs have given shape to all the lovely memories I wanted to have in a woman.
The love I have for you will last until the NAWEC becomes NOOR. You're the reason NAWEC constantly off our lights because you're too luminous. 🤣 Don't ever off your light! 

54. You deserve to be treated like a queen and love like a mother. 

55. Sweetness, my only goddess of milk and sugar, you're making me drink Café Touba without sugar because your lips taste better. I like your caffeine. 

Inspirational quotes written by Gambian author and scholar, Modou Lamin Age-Almusaf Sowe (ML Sowe), Executive Director, World Writers Association (WoWA). 

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