Saturday, December 26, 2020

3 Situations Men HAVE To Lie To Women

It’s no surprise that both genders rely on lying to some extent in a relationship or even marriage. They do it differently and sometimes for different reasons.

All humans, especially women, say they want their partners to be honest. Is this the truth? Can you keep a relationship up and running if you are telling the truth all the time?

Imagine that you just have brought your girlfriend to your home, to spend the night together for the first time. You have made a great effort to arrange and clean your home and especially the bedroom. You are proud of this, and ask your partner what she believes about your home. 

She responds, “It is a little old-fashioned… and who owns that lipstick in your room?”. Ups! Ok.

If she were to say just two little lies, everything could be great, but now…

While women love honest people, they don't like a guy who always tell them the truth. They take you to be a fool or trash - and women do love and like those men who beat them. Piss them off and treat them with all sort of disrespect. Those are guys they love and end up marrying.

According to research, over 80% of African women end up marrying the man who don't truly love them. That's because they must leave the man who truly loves them for the one who just love them.

While I am not encouraging telling lies to any woman/ women; the truth is, telling a few lies can be one of the best ways to keep your relationship healthy. Why? to avoid problems and breakups. 

So if you want to keep her happy and keep getting laid, you’re going to have to learn how to lie positively – and lie convincingly. The trick is figuring out what she wants to hear always. It could just be as weird as a joke that goes like ..... you're the most beautiful woman in the whole world ( Astagfurllah) because even the hens know this statement is a lie. Yet, she smiles and appreciate your kind words. 

1. Never mention your sexual past… especially if it was a good one. If your girlfriend/wife asks you what it was like or how good your ex was, you can tell a lie if you have to. Say it wasn’t all that good. Don’t ever mention her. Even if what you’re saying is uncomplimentary, it will still have a negative effect. You bringing her up hints that she’s still on your mind.

2. When it comes about how she looks, if you picked her to be your partner, you have to make her feel that she is a WOMAN. Every woman has something beautiful, something sexy and attractive, and if you make her know that you find her attractive she will be more confident, wilder and more passionate. But when she asks you about something you don’t really like at her look, never but never tell her your true opinion. Just say that it is OK and pass over the moment. If you are telling her that you don’t like something at her, she will feel frustrated and become more inhibited.

3. Everybody knows that women have more sensibility than men. So pay attention to her sensibility and don’t make bad jokes about other people (especially her family) or let her know when you are up to take the cat and throw it out through the window. She will find you insensitive and you will lose points. Use your common sense and try not to hurt your woman's feelings even if you have to say a little lie from time to time.

Overall, lying is a bad thing to do. But when it comes to women, you have no choice.

The little white lies don’t hurt anyone and are only meant as reassurance now and then.

It’s therefore okay to tell a person what they want to hear.

(Disclaimer: this article is not encouraging you to tell lies to women)

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Thursday, December 10, 2020

Why We Date

As human beings, we have what can be considered some of the strangest mating rituals in the animal kingdom. Most species hook up with members of the opposite sex to procreate and nothing else. There is no emotional bond that ties them together for the rest of their lives other than the need to continue the species. 

Now that’s not to say that all animals are like this, there are some species out there that do mate for life, but the overall percentage of those types are small. Sure, you can say that many animals have mating rituals that rival ours. There are male birds that flaunt their colorful plumage trying to attract a female, but is that dating or just a type of seduction? 

And in the end, isn’t that what going on dates is all about, seducing that someone we’ve had our eye on. Dating is a form of seduction, only for us humans it can sometimes take a much longer time for the desired results to be had. In the animal world there is a specific time of the year when seduction and mating can take place, and except for humans, dolphins and some primates, animals' mate to continue their species and not for the pure pleasure of it. For most animals, it is the drive to survive as a species. We humans have taken the whole dating/seduction ritual to unforeseen heights. 

Most humans fall in love to satisfy their sexual desires. Did you know an accident don't stop traffic? It happens because people won't see it. 

Just think of all the things we do to try and impress that special someone. And why do we want to impress them? Because we think we like them, and if we don’t do our best to seduce them using all sorts of dating tricks and techniques, then, someone else will - and that’s just not acceptable. 

So why do we date? 

 To impress someone, we are interested in? I would say yes on that one. I can’t think of any other reason to spend that kind of time and money other than to do just that. To continue the human species? This is a far more subjective question. 

Do we need more humans on the world? That’s debatable. I think for the majority of humans it’s for a little more selfish reasons and that’s to have someone come after us who carries the family name onward into the future. Just for the fun of it? Now here’s whole another way to look at it. Meeting new people is fun. Particularly if you are attracted to them. Dating is fun and it introduces us to whole new ways of thinking and approaching people. The why do we date question is a hard one to answer, but whatever your reasons maybe it’s a part of what makes us human. 

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