Monday, April 5, 2021

Book Launch: AfriKa Not AfriCa by Modou Lamin Age-Almusaf Sowe

Two Days to my book launch: AfriKa Not AfriCa by Modou Lamin Age-Almusaf Sowe

Join me for a Q&A! I will chat about writing, living in general, and my new release AfriKa Not AfriCa! ( Wednesday 7 April from 4-6 pm GMT)

The event will be held live on FACEBOOK/ZOOM/YOUTUBE on this link: 

To my most avid fans/friends/family members/clients/supporters who will go above and beyond for me and my book.

Potential readers who will buy (and, hopefully, review) my book.

My classmates. Colleagues I’ve worked with. Clients I’ve helped. And social media friends. 

You're all invited!

Thanks for visiting my blog. Let me know what you think about my writings. 

I really do appreciate your feedback. 
Ring or text +220 7791631 or email: 

Featured Post

Virginity for Valentine - a poem by Modou Lamin Age-Almusaf Sowe

Disclaimer: This picture is subjected to copyright.  On Valentine’s Day, a gift so rare, A heart laid bare, a moment to share. In shock, I s...