Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Tribute Poem to late Pa Nderry Mbai by Modou Lamin Age-Almusaf Sowe

In a rare show of collective grief, celebrated and emerging journalists within and outside The Gambia show a synergy of voices, mourning the demise of Pa Nderry Mbai, a foremost Gambian investigative journalist who died on Monday in the USA. As an author who has a very close relationship with Pa Nderry Mbai, I wrote a tribute poem for him last night upon receipt of the sad news of his demise. 

Short Biography of Pa Nderry Mbai

A Tribute Poem To Pa Nderry Mbai written by Modou Lamin Age-Almusaf Sowe

I can't believe Pa you're gone
As I write your name, every verb turned to was
Over this the snow of death chill
Once was fun, now done the thrill
My bones are crying with tears of cracks & creek
Tired of the sun and its hide & seek.
Pa Nderry Mbai,
'Hol la di yalla fey'
May your abode be 'Firdaus' in Jannah
For being miraculously
A national asset.
You were the YES to all NOs
The shelter to runaway Gambians
The newspaper to the voiceless
The truth and reparation commission
The commissioner of reconciliation
The image of investigative journalism
And the true defender of nationalism.

When I heard you died,
It sounds so divine;
It runs within my nervous system;
It blocks my auditory system on hearing it to prevent other incoming words;
It energizes me purposefully;
It's the religion I want to belong to;
My heart fastens to my soul.
I feel ecstatic,
I got so much static,
Or maybe, it's all this plastic fear of no more Freedom Newspaper
That's making me feel elastic.

I'll tell you a story
Of my Pa Nderry in all his glory,
Maybe some parts will be glory,
But for that, I am not sorry.
Pa was a freedom fighter
He was the news, the broadcast,
The paper,
And the eye of Gambians in the Diaspora.

When I look at you
I see a fortress of dignity
I see the impeccability of God
I see the idyllically made saint
I see a congenial soul of journalism
I see the effect of beautification
I see the light you've put in humanity
I see the reason The Gambia is not Gambia
I feel a little bit not Gambian
You should not be buried in Zambia

When I look at your photographs,
I can't take my eyes off your religious face
I can't resist your godly smiles
I can't seize to admire your bright teeth
I can't get enough of your aroma
I can't control my stammer.

When I look at you, Oh Pa Nderry!
I can't blink, for you're professionally eyeful
I can't speak, for no words can describe you
I can't feel my nerves, for your deeds are infectious
I can't hear anything else, for it's your voice I want to hear on Freedom Radio
It is your news I want to read on Freedom Newspaper,
And it is your presence I want to feel online.

Sobriety keeps me drunk
The illusion of life
Holds me abound
Life is a carcass of dreams
A theatre of illusion
Beneath the streets of my scream
Death as a reality lives in a world of dreams
Take a break from eternity
Forget about dexterity
Run wild within these fields
Let caution set itself loose
A stream of agony follows
Screams come in loud hollows
The ground slips beneath my feet
My wings dare to break
As my back bends in wake
But to roam I must
On this dammed Earth's crust
Felling my toes itch
Falling to a ditch
Savior above reach
But to forgive
Heaven's delight
Self, not to heal;
Beloved Pa Nderry:
Heart, pure as snow
Your tainted soul
Dwells in a heart of gold
May Allah forgive you, I pray
I swear to God
I only wish you feel what I felt
If only you had,
You will knee where I knelt.
Loving you is melting me,
Daily I melt;
I only mean to do what I meant.
But if prophets can die, tell me,
Why not you, Pa?

My special wishes to you! To schedule or book me for public lectures/ book launches/ conferences/ readings/ scriptwriting/ keynote/motivational speaking events, please email:


 © All Rights Reserved! Thank you for reading and following my blog. Should you wish to use any of my articles for research, lectures, personal use, etc.,.. kindly address your message to: modoulaminsowe1@hotmail.com. 

Copying any of my articles without written permission is an infringement of Copyright.

Saturday, November 6, 2021

Book Review for Don't Judge The Book By The Cover by Modou Lamin Age-Almusaf Sowe

As part of events marking the official book launch ceremony and the unveiling of the award of excellence won by the author Modou Lamin Age-Almusaf Sowe, scheduled on 7 January 2022 at Ebunban Theatre, Kanifing, The Gambia -- the author is giving away 50 FREE TICKETS to the first 50 PEOPLE to write a BOOK REVIEW for Don't Judge The Book By The Cover.  

   About The Book

Don't Judge The Book By The Cover, as the name implies, tells the story of 9-year-old Fatou Sowe -- who turned out to be a good speller overnight, as early as the age of nine. Most people know that the word BOY is spelled as B-O-Y -- but not Fatou. 

Fatou, who has always been good to neighbors and guests alike, wakes up one day to discover she has turned into a good speller with the help of a magic pen. This beautifully illustrated storybook has been created to support learners who after acquiring the basics of reading and writing, have struggled to organically grasp the rules that govern spelling in the English language. 

To everyone’s surprise, she can now spell the most difficult words in the world -- and a few minutes, too! But will her extraordinary talent last? 

The short story centers on the theme (of childhood and education in African societies, African traditions, poverty, and the shared values of love, forgiveness, and unity.)

 To WIN a FREE TICKET to the event, you must complete all these four (4) steps:

1. Follow the author on:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mlsowe2021

TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@agealmusaf?

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/modoulaminsowe1/?hl=en

2. Download and Read Chapter One of the Book on this link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WiA8_rvb3c2rOWXRP24ykuocWbarGQ9OQvnuXhrvjp8/edit?usp=sharing

3. Write a short REVIEW for the book by answering these questions:

a. What can be learned from the book?

b. How does the book depict Gambian and African cultures?

c. What is unique about the book?

4. Post your REVIEW NOTE (just 100 words maximum) in the comment box on this blog.

Once you have completed the FOUR STEPS, send a WhatsApp message to +220 7791631 to be booked for your free tickets.

My special wishes to you! 

To schedule or book me for public lectures/ book launches/ conferences/ readings/ scriptwriting/ keynote/motivational speaking events, please email: modoulaminsowe1@hotmail.com 

 © All Rights Reserved! Thank you for reading and following my blog. Should you wish to use any of my articles for research, lectures, personal use, etc.,.. kindly address your message to: modoulaminsowe1@hotmail.com. 

Copying any of my articles without written permission is an infringement of Copyright.

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