Tuesday, July 12, 2022

If I Wasn't Me ( A Poem)

If I wasn't me 
I wouldn't be born a Gambian writer on 7 January 1990 
In Bakau Newtown, The Gambia, West Africa
In a religious family of multiple scribes and Islamic scholars
My blood is from Prophet Isa ( Jesus) 
And the Prophet Muhammad (S.A. W).

If I wasn't me, I wouldn't have cried nights full of me on a faithful Friday
Waking up on Saturday morning
Hearing my mother talking to my dad Thinking about the name I was going to be given.
But most people don't want to be part of the process, they just want to be part of the outcome. 
But the process is where you figure out who's worth being part of the outcome. 
Seven days before my birth, I saw all the humans and inhumans who were going to be my enemies. 
I seen days of insanity 
Seeing enemies I recognize inside my mother's womb
Sweeping the hardest parts of my struggles; 
From hatred to accusations, 
All the food I ate served as my tears 
Even gold couldn't convert my fears.

If I wasn't me, I wouldn't drink blood inside my mother's womb 
From avengers to revengers amongst mankind and the jinns
Congregating to pay every debt of self-defeat they had lost to my grandfather
Everyone knows bout my greatness from kismet to dissipation 
But their hatred gives me constant constipation
I know Christians without beads and Muslims who don't read the Qur'an,
I read the devil's bible
And I'm off the rifle 
Bcos when I was two years old,
I met the antichrist at the age of 14
I recognized him and know he is a world leader 
A ruler who is glorified in the West;
A handsome public speaker and a former president.

If I wasn't me, I wouldn't have rejected my nationality of being Gambian to
Speaking to reporters in India,
But nothing is perfect that's why I made the difference.
Bring back Jesus, I'm the prove
Like a food in a stove, 
I planted myself a great destiny from my hard work
Like a newly wedded bride caught cheating with a gateman, 
I rejected my namesake's name for my name instead 
I'm not my namesake because I renamed myself 
Classified my ISBN and put me in a shelve
I'm Modou not Momodou 
I was born to carry the whole of mankind up there in the sky
At the age of 7, living a life that is so hard...
I recognized all the snakes and reptiles present at my naming ceremony 
I got aunties from the marine kingdom and uncles from the evil world 
But my grandmother never fed on evil.

If blood, I drink it,
If money, I make it
I don't care it is clean or not, I just take it. 
I'm not a wizard, I'm a jinn. 
I feel like I'm half human and half inhuman for us humans 
The daytime is my night and the night is my daytime 
I'm usually dark in the light and light in the dark
I'm darker than the Kaaba at Mecca
And harder than the pyramid in Egypt.

If I wasn't me,  I wouldn't see two witches eating my flesh at night 
Addicted to writing and hate love without marriage 
Hesitation made me feel like a lie in the middle of a gossip 
I knew the Quran at heart and became the heart of the truth
The bible is inscribed on my chest;
 If we'll fight, let's fight,
I've been waiting for death for so long 
With great aplomb.
I'm born to identify the Dajjal 
To become a disciple to Jesus and a viceroy to God.
If God has three letters, why not man?
From canterbury, nativity, and credulity,
I'm captivated by my innermost being.
Let me sell you mirages from the sun
Let's say Jesus will soon come.
I knew I was going to be called Modou Lamin Age-Almusaf Sowe 
Bcos Almosaf is the guardian of the qur'an and a religious reformer. 
My name attracted so many liars with some and informers 
From the olding generations to the newcomers,
I'm enslaved in England and remarried the queen.

If I wasn't me, I wouldn't see the antichrist since I was young bcos 
Not all cars are taxis' 
I ain't gotta to tell you Chinua Achebe didn't just rose to fame like that
If you want to be great, you have to worship the spirits
If you ain't part of the secret, they say, "don't trespass the Secret Society"
Every letter entering into the statehouse must bear the writing "His Excellency"
I don't need cameras to appear on TV
Everything I touch turn to gold
Ask a golddigger 
My wife is so cool like a cold dinner
The truth doesn't have to smell sugar and salt to be accepted 
I'm better than your favourite author 
Don't make me urine on you
I'm addicted to doing evil
I'm a photo lamp in a photograph 
Even if I were to sell my soul, nobody can buy it.
Put my picture in your magazine 
I did so many good things but every Gambian hates me like Yahya Jammeh.
Let's play with ambers of fireballs 
From Wordsworth to Shakespeare, I'm read everywhere, what y'all talking bout?
Go drink ibuprofen 
Add me to the dictionary 
Or add the words I invented;
I can vividly remember meeting Satan.

My special wishes to you! To schedule or book me for public lectures/ book launches/ conferences/ readings/ scriptwriting/ keynote/motivational speaking events, please email: modoulaminsowe1@hotmail.com © All Rights Reserved! Thank you for reading and following my blog. Should you wish to use any of my articles for research, lectures, personal use, etc.,.. kindly address your message to: modoulaminsowe1@hotmail.com. Copying any of my articles without written permission is an infringement of Copyright.

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