Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Man with No Friends

In the silence of the night, I weep
For a life that seems so steep
No friends to call my own
Just enemies disguised in a friendly tone

This is probably the most me I've ever been,
I'd been to places you've never been,
I've got plenty enemies among jinns and human beings,
I don't fear the sting of bees,
I'm an 'A' student and never got Bs,
I've departed:
I'm, I, was, are, were, been.
Bingo, Bissou to Binko,
Just let me be.

I'm a man with no friends
A compound with no fence
A dollar with no pence
A verb with no tense.

My success breeds jealousy and hate
As others plot to seal my fate
People pretend to help, but behind my back
They whisper words that attack

Every young person dreams to be
Just like me, so carefree
But little do they know
The weight of success, the price to show

Alone in my journey, no one by my side
As I watch my dreams slowly slide
Away from my grasp, my heart so heavy
A soul so pure, yet so unsteady

No love to warm my lonely nights
No joy to fill my empty sights
Just the sound of my own thoughts
Echoing in the silence I fought

I, a man of intelligence and grace
Struggling to find my rightful place
In a world that's cruel and unkind
Leaving me shattered, lost in my mind

But despite the pain, the loneliness and strife
I continue to fight for my life
For I know deep down inside
That my spirit will never subside

So as the tears fall from my weary eyes,
I lift my head up to the skies
And vow to keep pushing on
Until the light in my heart shines strong.

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