Monday, March 27, 2017


Man is not perfect—and perfection itself will never be perfected, and always imperfect until it is perfect. Blindness is not only a product of the eye, but also the mind and heart that connects the eye to the rest of the organs on the body. In recent times of mental slavery and low esteem stance for humanity and religion, the social media has been one of the most successful media outlets that have effortlessly dehumanized, decolonized and disfranchised the human mind intellectually without signs and symptoms. The different traits we all possess are proportionally different from the realities we face in our lives. If slavery had not existed in Africa, as a way of colonialism, the social media would have been a very powerful instrument to successfully colonize Africans without having to disvirgin our waters with ships and boats loaded with our brains taken to the West Indies. Before I write this article and while I was battling with sickness, I conducted an intellectual survey on my Facebook page to test the number of people out of the 5000 friends I have — to see those who will be online to share, like, or comment on any good teaching on Islam or Christianity or other religions, supposing they are not one’s religion but teaching a hard fact factually. Despondently, Facebook itself contextually asked me what’s on your mind, I had to write; “I’m sick, worried and surprised.” Surprise that the drug you (Facebook) has been prescribing for usage is not being used accurately by honorable people in my country and continent (Africa).

As if philosophy had schooled me enough to wipe out the inhuman dust raising fictitious concerns on social media unnoticeably— I coughed words of commensuration, politely alphabetizing the unread fiction of human deeds uncharitably making waves in trends of African gutters.  To add inscription to description without describing precepts of intelligence, do man, especially Africans normally reflect on the past and future. If yes, how often? And if no why?  Have they noticed that there are three days on earth: TODAY, YESTERDAY, and TOMORROW?

 My dear brother and sister, no one cares or condemns you to like, comment or share anything on social media, is your inalienable right and divine bonus to misuse or use correctly, and your privacy and personality— what I’m after is reminding you that anything you do, have been doing or have done on social media will be there even if you die. Therefore, not all personal, societal, national or international issues must be shared or written in public. Is very true that the parrot is talkative, but never talks to itself alone. You must give a dog a name before you kill it. Few months ago, a female personality in my beloved country died— friends in friendship for woe and cold-blooded of them had to use her pictures on Facebook carelessly, and not even watching the content of the pictures they had shared informing us about her death. But adding pain to the corpse journeying to another world—one of them said: “I can’t still believe you’re gone, just yesterday you were so very sexy and everyone talked about your attractive dress code”.  Taking a closer read of this quote, I ordered for a tissue paper to wipe out the unabashed students of  newly enrolled water running down my nose as a result of a three-day premature freshly common-cold I’ve been suffering in the absence of pepper-soup and fish I miss eating.

Having to even post her pictures and the short dress she wore— for neither Islam, nor Christianity encourages such—when a person dies, religion defines that we sympathize them, cherish them, never talk bad about them and always pray for them at least. But the opposite was done, one sensitive woman who had actually realized the nudity of what has been done—instantly hid all her odd pictures on Facebook and wrote on her timeline: “Please when I die, do not post my pictures on Facebook or share them like that without looking at the content of the picture you’re posting”, she ended. The most valuable asset mankind has, apart from his life and provisions from God, is his or her privacy and personality— does man normally reflect about death from time to time, to measure the degree of good and bad he or she has been doing or done—he who has never made any mistake in life, have never learnt anything new. Let people watch attentively things we do on social media, people nowadays are very difficult to pleased, very easy to judge and have blended religion and politics together, even morality is now taken to be a pleasure. In the very brain of theology I pondered, I happened to realize that some people on earth will see the number 6 plainly written and call it number 9, depending on how they are standing when looking at the number— and others will see 6 and 9 written differently and call it 69. Let us not be too quick to judge, let’s be first to always hear things, but last to always speak; and lets us do to others what we will like them to do to us. The stick that destroys the eye-sight of a person, the eye of the person cannot see it.

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Saturday, March 18, 2017


Marriage they say is an obligation to one’s coital ardor, harder than it used to be during the days when love was a teenager. Settling down into the belly of a pregnant milling machine of true love, whose remnants were eternal spouses given to anyone interested in getting married— had been briskly pounded into the mortar of tradition and taken a dust bath into the tenets of adulthood—then, love was not lust. I’d got the thought at about six-thirty the previous morning; Sunday – during the “Whispers of a Nameless Fear” that choke my blood vessels with a countenance of hope, ageing itself a prided shame across the continent where I grew up.

Pains enough to fulfill a mad man’s destiny had been successfully enrolled into the silent university college of my humble thought— “marriage”, “death”, “widowhood” and “divorce” casted and spelt out by some men in Africa; who out of jealousy and desire had caused the death of their fellow men with the ultimate aim of inheriting their sweat, wealth and property. Justice must never be ashamed to speak in our mother tongue.  The vulture faiths on the death even it is old. A heinous act increasingly unpardonable— a mind that sees beyond the seven colors of the rainbow, as I understand the language of the thunder of a widowhood and death that has been raining on African soils.

A housefly that never buzzed at your smell, when seen sucking your trash is highly interested in something. Take for instance, how many of us in Africa who are from the same family— will have each other’s time during hardship; but the very moment an individual dies, heartless among men and oblivion of the human crocodile that a person mostly needed help from when her/she was alive, will turn the funeral into a feted feast of allotting wealth and self-competition—some will be eyeing on your beautiful wife/wives you have left behind, your daughters, your properties and your business. It’s call “Inheritance of Haste”— a brother to a brother, nephew to an uncle, aunt and a niece, a sister to sister, friend to a friend, blood for blood—the same people who used to counsel you to get a divorce in your marriage during hard times, or had been your sympathizers; are those who will supposing be asking for your hand in marriage immediately your husband or wife dies. If you’re looking astonish with my write-up and seeking for answers to this thought, just die and see— all in Africa. Making the troubles of African widows my worries, I felt the literary pedigree of their discomfort so sorry—a loftiness of a story, beneath the annals of history; some live all their lives in dismal distress.

To undress the naked fibers of my shameless African sweat-glands, funerals in Africa are now festivals— such that the death of a person calls for few tears and celebrations. A headache of a rich man is far better than the death of a poor man in Africa. When a poor man dies, he is buried with dignity for being poor and had nothing—but if a rich man does, his ghost dies ten times in his grave before he is finally laid to rest.

Sorrow has made the African milk sour, venom of pain had stung our hearts with hatred, tribalism, jealousy, mourning and poverty. Is it when we cry blood these acts will be condemned? How can you inherit your brother’s wife when you were always at odds with him when he was alive, my brother, the problem is you not your late brother. You caused his death and advocated for it—my dear sister, have you as well taken a closer look at your image in the mirror; your conscience is not clean in the death of your friend, you love her rich husband and sent her to hell, to inherit your friend's joy and bank with her husband—are you not bigger than the Pan African bank? Banker of the year, you’re civilizing hopelessness to bake our hearts with ponderings of misdemeanor. 
 I’m understood by only those who understand philosophy, soil me in your earth crust to better explain to you the degree of doom and decadence felt in the hearts of disturbed corpses in the grave. We have to form an alliance with each other in Africa to end these—it is God Who has the eternal key to lock every door, but man was born naked and must die naked. Death is the separator of the dear from the dearest— the dead are not happy anymore in Africa. Some died innocently, others gave up their properties, some abandoned in the darkness of hatred in the family; and others gave up in professional hatred at work that killed them. Jobs in Africa are now embattled for, to the extent that men had to send others in their grave so that they can be a “CEO”, “Director”, “Permanent Secretary”, “Minister”, what can I add— a “President”. That best describes the evil seen by the uniform trousers of my naked corridor of my weary eyes, as they got blown away by the wind of sight idiomatically. Africa has indeed a great battle to fight aside from poverty, hatred, jealousy, ignorance, greed, pride and evil are the most vital things to be fought for eternity, if ever there will be United States of Africa; we must be freed from the bondage of evil.

All Rights Reserved! Thank you for reading and following my blog. Should you wish to extract any of my articles for personal use, research, lectures, etc, kindly address your messages to Copying any of my articles without a written permission to me is an infringement of Copyright.

Monday, March 13, 2017


I like the way she does a finger play in her kitchen
Meat of a he-goat, female chicken
Her fingers tick the clock, a flock of naked salivas unlocked my lock
Inhaling the aroma of her food, as I wait ‘n listen


She cooks with diligence, civility ‘n foresight
God knows,
 She makes the salivae in my mouth fight
They fight, arguing for her breakfast, lunch ‘n dinner
Factorizing my appetite
 Inducing my dish prime


I wish I never went to work, but I had to try
I like witnessing where she does a fish fry
I cry; saying OMG! The meat is dry
Electrifying food, full of sweetness
 Delicious madam holiness
Egging in her classic finger-nest

Honey Madam hot-finger; my kitchen singer
Praise the Lord Hallelujah
You set me on fire, burning like a wire
I had to say, Jah, Haile Selassie....
Indeed, “yai taw ci yaye”


I like the way you select
Deject, elect and eject
When selecting you food items
Satisfying my mind’s hunger drawn in pattern

You’re My Best Cook
She I mean, LS (Lady Sowe) hook
 Creamy, you got me write books
Standing on my mind, as I held where you stood
I like the way you arrange your firewood


Burning my favorite soup
Committing a daylight coup
Jumping in my shadow’s umbra
Constantly eating your finger’s penumbra
Hissing like a mad cobra
Take off my bra, let me kill a smoked zebra


In your kitchen days ,
Under the forest of your bay, my happiness is numbered
Mumbling the hunger, getting younger
You cook everything, including you ‘n anything
Quite sure don’t you think?
Is your cooking-pot is pink

You smile like a super-model
Being my lady ‘n role model
Expensive like a heavenly hotel
Not cheap like an African motel


Good dish connection, Gamtel!
‘Yaay borom teh amulo morom’
I call you Gamcel;
You cook angels, jinn’s-chicken, ‘n grilled meat human being
Taking my tongue in my stomach to places I’ve never been

I like the way you sauté ‘n grill your chicken
Taking me in ‘n out of your kitchen
They say ‘Black is Beautiful’
I don’t doubt that
You’re the beauty in blackness
All Rights Reserved! Thank you for reading and following my blog. Should you wish to extract any of my articles for personal use, research, lectures, etc, kindly address your messages to Copying any of my articles without a written permission to me is an infringement of Copyright.

Friday, March 3, 2017

Epiphenomenalism and Philosophy of Religious Theology ( Philosophy Paper )

Religion has been a psychological epiphenomenalism as an institution of contemplation in philosophy of religion and theology.  Most erratic people pretend publicly as Muslims, Christians, etc— but are self-satan within themselves, and have fallen out of the phenomenal rays to the radiance of the truth. “Epiphenomenalism is a philosophy marked by the belief that basic physical events (sense organs, neural impulses, and muscle contractions), are causal with respect to mental events (thought, consciousness, and cognition).’’ The technological drums of 'mind control' had long been beaten deviously, and the insincere sights of 'spiritual blindness,' had been introduced into the tenets of our creed and broke the psychological inflexibility of our beliefs in theology— to keep us blinded from the truth forever.
 In a world of global deception and intellectual mercantilism, where people of great renowned capacity are use dubiously; to themselves collectively deceive mankind by supposing redress them back to ancient lives (worshipping of the fake gods). Today, in a world of substandard religious conviction; wealth, fame, power and dignity, are earned not based on merit, but by doing ungodly things and living as a slave— A slave for your mind-- as a devoted worshipper of the Secret Society (The Illuminatti).

 Have you realized within yourself that you have changed, and did know that something is wrong in the world, but this, you cannot tell; you’ve been noticing that there seem to be a ‘new religion’ already established; which teaches that some people are gods or goddesses. In such a religion, which has globally been signed in the tenure of the Anti-Christ (Dajjal) to guaranteed same-sex marriage, lesbianism, homosexuality, etc-- and therefore, considered as a fundamental human right— for neither Islam, nor Christianity had mentioned these things in any of the holy books as appropriate; if they are to be mentioned by a new leader of the world during his tenure; what religion do you think someone who introduces such belongs?
Since 1500 years ago, no single teaching of Islam or Christianity and other religions, have guaranteed such: but I want you to know that the Secret Society comes after people of great renowned capacity; almost they follow you well before your birth on this earth through your parents; generation by generation. As a philosopher and a concern servant of Allah (God); I’ve naturally learned that from the beginning of the ‘New World’ to-date; supernatural beings have fallen and walking in our midst as they declared themselves human beings. Take for example most of the films you normally watch; thinking they are just fictions; are abundantly rich with knowledge of the supernatural and the secrecy of their living in the unseen world; make your research by watching the following: Aladdin (how the dragon lured Aladdin into Satanic practices before he gained power), Star Wars (The Appearance of Supernatural Beings from the Space), Lord of The Rings ( The lost of the One Ring that rules the world: 3 rings given at first for fortune, 7 were given for power and 9 were given for all other fortunes on earth); those who want wealth, fame, etc, Gods of Egypt ( How Horus lost his eye and went searching for it, as the Antichrist): Islam and Christianity has it that the Anti-Christ will be one-eye.

Having known that not all people are gifted, and can see the unseen, my research have proven that 65 percent of the world’s population are all members of the Illuminatti from year 2000-2024, out of the 7 Billion people living on earth: 75 out of every 100 birth throughout the world gives rise to human Satans being born every year: even the Qur’anic Apps people download in their phones are not all correct and have been totally changed; not all of them are wrong though— we now love the world so much so that even when making love to our wives, we totally forget to say Sunnah prayers, either in Christianity or Islam to expel the devil and his agents, to enable that if there born a child out of that— he or she won’t be fallen for the Age of Deception; be very mindful about the foods you eat, pills you drink, things you do in this Last Hour; all these elements they have made for you to undeniably admire this present life as a catalyst to speed up mankind for falling for the New Age Deception.  As an author, I’ve known very well what have been happening in my life personally, out of the visible eye, but all praises be to Allah alone; to make you understand this point, I will stress myself having you to watch a short documentary vide which can be found by clicking on this link:

In this video, you will hear Roger Morneau, a very famous author and bestseller clearly explains his encounter with the supernatural, and how he rose to fame and power. Lastly, it was long prophesied both in Islam and Christianity that this time we are already in, was going to come, here your eyes read that: “Abu Hurayrah (RadiyAllahu Anhu) relates that Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said: ‘The Jews were divided into 71 or 72 sects as were the Christians. My Ummah will be divided into 73 sects,” (Al-Mustadrak).

The hadith of our beloved Prophet (S.A.W) is in Hadith Abu Dawood: In this hadith, the prophet (pbuh) is reported to have said, “My community will be split up into seventy-three sects.” (Sunnah Abu Dawood Hadith No. 4579). Another Hadith is there in Hadith book Tirmdhi Hadith no: 171 Narrated by Abdullah ibn Amr, which says Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) said: There will befall my Ummah exactly (all those) evils which befell the people of Isra'il, so much so that if there was one amongst them who openly committed fornication with his mother there will be among my Ummah one who will do that, and if the people of Isra'il were fragmented into seventy-two sects my Ummah will be fragmented into seventy-three sects. All of them will be in Hell Fire except one sect. They (the Companions) said: Allah's Messenger, which is that? Whereupon he said: It is one to which I and my companions belong.

(Christianity) Titus 3:10-11  “As for a person who stirs up division, after warning him once and then twice, have nothing more to do with him, knowing that such a person is warped and sinful; he is self-condemned.”  Honestly, our work is very challenging as we find it very difficult to break away from the wants of this world and struggle for righteousness by curing those affected by the Jinn (unseen)— we always find ourselves being hated by people; sometimes for no reasons, but we dearly understand that it’s not the people themselves who hate us for exposing them and their religion; but it’s the demons/demoness that possesses them. This quotation from the Bible is enough of my explanation: 2 Timothy 4:3 “For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions.”


Name of the Sect
Basic Belief Distinguishing it from Others
Followers of Abu’l-Jarud, They believe Prophet (pbuh) designated Ali (ra) as the Imam by his characteristics but not by name.
2. Sulaimaniah / Jaririyah
Followers of Sulaiman ibn-Jarir al-Zaidi, They believed Imamat was a matter of conference and could be confirmed by two best Muslims.
3. Butriyah / Hurariyah
They did not dispute the Khilafat of Uthman, neither they attack him nor praise him.
4. Yaqubiyya
They accepted the Khilafat of Abu Bakr and Umar, but did not reject those who rejected these Khulafaa. They also believed that Muslim committers of Major sins will be in hell fire forever.
5. Hanafiyah
Followers of the Imammate of Muhammad ibn-al-Hanifah. They believe that Allah might have had a beginning.
6. Karibiyah
They believed that Imam Muhammad ibn-al-Hanifah is not dead and is the Imam Ghaib (in disappearance) and the expected Mahdi.
7. Kamiliyah
Followers of abu-Kamil. They believed companions to be heretic because they forsook their allegiance to Ali and condemn Ali for ceasing to fight them. They believed in the returning of the dead before the Day of Resurrection and that Satan is right in preferring fire to clay.
8. Muhammadiyyah / Mughairiyah
Followers of Muhammad ibn-‘Abdullah ibn-al-Hassan. They do not believe that Imam Muhammad ibn-‘Abdullah died and that he is Imam Ghaib and awaited Mahdi.
9. Baqiriyah
Followers of Muhammad ibn-‘Ali al-Baqir. They believe him to be the Imam Ghaib and expected Mahdi.
10. Nadisiyah
They believe that those who consider themselves better than anyone else are Kafirs (disbelievers).
11. Sha’iyah
They believe that the one who has recited La Ilaha Il-Allah (There is none worthy of worship except Allah), whatever she or he does, will never be punished.
12. Ammaliyah
They believe that faith for one is what he/she sincerely practices.
13. Ismailiyah
They believe in the continuity of Imammate among the descendants of Ismail ibn-Ja’far.
14. Musawiyah / Mamturah
They believe Musa ibn-Ja’far to be the Imam Ghaib and expected Mahdi.
15. Mubarikiyah
They believe in the continuity of Imammate among the descendants of Muhammad ibn-Ismail ibn-Ja’far.
16. Kathiyah / Ithn ‘Ashariya (the Twelvers)
They believe that expected Mahdi will be the twelveth Imam among the descendants of ‘Ali ibn-abi-Talib.
17. Hashamiya / Taraqibiyah
They Predicate a body to Allah and also allege Prophet (pbuh) of disobedience to Allah.
18. Zarariyah
They believed that Allah did not live nor had any attributes till He created for Himself life and His attributes.
19. Younasiyah
Followers of Younas ibn-‘Abd-al-Rahman al-Kummi. They believe that Allah is borne by bearers of His Throne, though He is stronger than they.
20. Shaitaniyah / Shireekiyah
They believed in the view that deeds of servants of Allah are substances; and a servant of Allah can really produce a substance.
21. Azraqiah
Followers of Nafi ibn-al-Azraq. They do not believe in the good dreams and vision and claim that all forms of revelation has ended.
22. Najadat
Followers of Najdah ibn-‘Amir al-Hanafi. They abolished the punishment for drinking wine also they believed that sinners of this sect would not be treated in hellfire but some other place before allowed in paradise.
23. Sufriyah
Followers of Ziyad ibn-al-Asfar. They believed that sinners are in fact polytheists.
24. Ajaridah
Followers of Abd-al-Karim ibn-Ajrad. They believed that a child should be called to Islam after it has attained maturity. Also they believed booty of war to be unlawful till the owner is killed.
25. Khazimiyah
They believe Allah loves men of all faiths even if one has been disbeliever most of his life.
26. Shuaibiyah / Hujjatiyah
They believe that what Allah desires does happen no matter what and what does not happen it means Allah desires it not.
27. Khalafiyah
Followers of Khalaf. They do not believe in fighting except under the leadership of an Imam.
28. Ma’lumiyah / Majhuliyah
They believed that whoever did not recognize Allah by all His names was ignorant of Him and anyone ignorant of Him was a disbeliever.
29 Saltiyah
Followers of Salt ibn-Uthman. They believed in the conversion of adults only and if father has converted to Islam children were considered disbeliever till they reach maturity.
30. Hamziyah
Followers of Hamza ibn-Akrak. They believe that children of polythiests are condemned to hell.
31. Tha’libiyah
Followers of Tha’labah ibn-Mashkan. They believe that parents remain guardian over their children of any age until children make it clear to parents that they are turning away from truth.
32. Ma’badiyah
They did not believe in taking or giving alms from or to slaves.
33. Akhnasiyah
They do not believe in waging a war except in defense or when the opponent is known personally.
34. Shaibaniyah / Mashbiyah
Followers of Shaiban ibn-Salamah al-Khariji. They believe Allah resembles His creatures.
35. Rashidiyah
They believe that land watered by springs, canals or flowing rivers should pay half the Zakat (Tithe), while land watered by rain only should pay the full Zakat.
36. Mukarramiyah / Tehmiyah
Followers of abu-Mukarram. They believe that ignorance constitutes as disbelief. Also that Allah enmity or friendship depends upon the state of a persons belief at his death.
37. Ibadiyah / Af’aliyah
Consider Abdullah ibn-Ibad as their Imam. They believe in doing good deeds without the intention of pleasing Allah.
38. Hafsiyah
Consider Hafs ibn-abi-l-Mikdam as their Imam. They believe that only knowing Allah frees one from polytheism
39. Harithiya
Followers of Harith ibn-Mazid al-Ibadi. They believe that the ability precedes the deeds.
40. Ashab Ta’ah
They believe that Allah can send a prophet without giving him any sign to prove his prophecy.
41. Shabibiyah / Salihiyah
Followers of Shabib ibn-Yazid al-Shaibani. They believe in the Imamate of a woman named Ghazalah.
42. Wasiliyah
Followers of Wasil ibn-‘Ata al-Ghazza. They believe that those who commit major sins will be punished in hell but still remain believers.
43. ‘Amriyah
Followers of ‘Amr ibn-Ubaid ibn-Bab. They reject the legal testimony of people from supporters of either side of the battle of Camel.
44. Hudhailiyah / Faniya
Followers of abu-al-Hudhail Muhammad ibn-al-Hudhail. They believe that both Hell and Paradise will perish and that preordination of Allah can cease, at which time Allah will no longer be omnipotent.
45. Nazzamiyah
Followers of abu-Ishaq Ibrahim ibn-Saiyar. They do not believe in the miraculous nature of the Holy Quran nor do they believe the miracles of Holy Prophet (pbuh) like splitting the moon.
46. Mu’ammariyah
They Believe that Allah neither creates life nor death but it is an act of the nature of living body..
47. Bashriyah
Followers of Bashr ibn-al-Mu’tamir. They believe that Allah may forgive a man his sins and may change His mind about this forgiveness and punish him if he is disobedient again.
48. Hishamiyah
Followers of Hisham ibn-‘Amr al-Futi. They believe that if a Muslim community come to consensus it need an Imam and if it rebels and kills its Imam, no one should be chosen an Imam during a rebellion.
49. Murdariyah
Followers of Isa ibn-Sabih. They believe that staying in close communication with the Sultan (ruler) makes one unbeliever.
50. Ja’friyah
Followers of Ja’far ibn-Harb and Ja’far ibn-Mubashshir. They believe that drinking raw wine is not punishable and that punishment of hell could be inferred by a mental process.
51. Iskafiyah
Followers of Muhammad ibn-Abdallah al-Iskafi. They believe that Allah has power to oppress children and madmen but not those who have their full senses.
52. Thamamiyah
Followers of Thamamah ibn-Ashras al-Numairi. They believe that he whom Allah does not compel to know Him, is not compelled to know and is classed with animals who are not responsible.
53. Jahiziayh
Followers of ‘Amr ibn-Bahr al-Jahiz. They believe that Allah is able to create a thing but unable to annihilate it.
54. Shahhamiyah / Sifatiyah
Followers of abu-Yaqub al-Shahham. They everything determined is determined by two determiners, one the Creator and the other acquirer.
55. Khaiyatiyah / Makhluqiyah
Followers of abu-al-Husain al-Khaiyat. They believe that everything non-existant is a body before it appears, like man before it is born is a body in non-existance. Also that every attribute becomes existant when it makes its appearance.
56. Ka’biyah
Followers of abu-Qasim Abdullah ibn-Ahmad ibn-Mahmud al-Banahi known as al-Ka’bi. They believe that Allah does not see Himself nor anyone else except in the sense that He knows Himself and others.
57. Jubbaiyah
Followers of abu-‘Ali al-Jubbai. They believe that Allah obeys His servants when He fulfill their wish
Followers of abu-Hashim. They believe that one who desires to do a bad deed, though may not do it, commits infidelity and deserves punishment.
59. Ibriyah.
They believe that Holy Prophet (pbuh) was a wise man but not a prophet.
60. Muhkamiyah
They believe that God has no control over His creations.
61. Qabariyya
They do not believe in the punishment of grave.
62. Hujjatiya
They do not believe in the punishment for deeds on the grounds that because everything is determined so whatever one does s/he is not responsible for it..
63. Fikriyya
They believe that doing Dhikr and Fikr (Remembering and thinking about Allah) is better than worship.
64. ‘Aliviyah / Ajariyah
They believe that Hazrat Ali share prophethood with Muhammad (pbuh).
65. Tanasikhiya
They believe in the re-incarnation of soul.
66. Raji’yah
They believe that Hazrat Ali ibn-abi-Talib will return to this world.
67. Ahadiyah
They believe in the Fardh (obligations) in faith but deny the sunnah.
68. Radeediyah
They believe that this world will live forever.
69. Satbiriyah
They do not believe in the acceptance of repentance.
70. Lafziyah
They believe that Quran is not the word of God but only its meaning and essence is the word of God. Words of Quran are just the words of narrator.
71. Ashariyah
The believe that Qiyas (taking a guess) is wrong and amounts to disbelief.
72. Bada’iyah
They believe that obedience to Ameer is obligatory no matter what he commands.

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