Sunday, December 22, 2019

Introducing The Modern King of Afro-Manding: Prince Morris (Mr. Koddo)

Prince Morris, one of Gambia’s finest Afro-Manding artists has arrived in the music scene in 2013 and since then continued to break outstanding records in the annals of Gambian music.

 Morris has been ranked as the modern voice of Gambian afro Manding artist with his famous brand 'Kodo Lekka Diyamu', which loosely translates in English as money talks. He is pushing his music to a higher level by working with international producers and promoters around the world. Prince is a perfect gentleman with unpretentious manners with great elasticity to his dedication and prowess in music. He embodied tenacity and perseverance and in him rests cultural provocation and edutainment (the combination of education and entertainment) in one golden voice.

  About Prince Morris

He started his music career in 2013 and graduated high school at Gambia Senior Secondary School (Gambia High).

He recorded 10 Afro-Manding songs enriched with Gambian culture and these songs were a hit and his fan-based grew nationally and internationally.

In 2014-2019, he released 6 videos and currently working on more singles and setting International records.

In 2015, he was part of the 20 young Gambian artists who were selected in a music competition at Abuko for their brilliant craft in promoting culture through music and entertainment.

In 2017-2019, he released two hits tracks called ‘Kodo Lekka Diyamu and Sanyang Chosano’. The songs were a national success and earned him prestige named in the country’s music industry.

He's performed in many concerts and is very renowned in his craft.

Click here to watch the song title

Another song that hit the Afro-Manding chart and making names in diversity of cultures a across Africa and beyond is the song title

The King of Afro-Manding is highly educated and has an excellent mastery of the English language and other African languages. He's a songwriter, artist and educator.

Click here to follow him on Facebook:

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