Monday, March 30, 2020

Yeefi Lady Sowe Rek - My Blueberry Pie ( Love Poem)

My sugar sauce
My snuggle pie
My wifey patootie
This poem is for you
Swim in your red sea like Moses
Shake your hips steadily, red like roses
Play ball for Nigeria and win like Victor Moses
MLS, the last breath of her lips
Kinky like Binzy
Hon', you ain't Tipsy
Heading to my lips, call her Lipsey

On the lights, 'Dafa over lendam'
Hold me tight like Vandame
'Ndo-bi daffa dangam'
Kiss her on her breast
Open her bra and get the sauce in it
Eat this fish, drink her juice, spread the news in it;
'Ku kebettu tekci hellu, hana giss'
Say the S after the ML
Spell the word Lady ML, with the S in it
Like my ancestors, I pray for segregation
So green like a vegetation
Beautiful Cupcake full of beauty and grace
Yeefi Lady Sowe Rek, sitting high on her throne
No one can take your place
Your heart is full of pure gold!

You're burning my boxers
Jumping over
London bridges am off the hitches
Sand on the beaches,
Sexy than all these witches
Bae, my brown sugar eye-candy
I drank a bottle of kerosene after done looking at your pictures
A good woman is what you are
A woman who is proud of who she is and what she stands for
A strong woman is what I see when I look at you
One who can pick up the small pieces of her broken heart
And carry on as if she was never hurt in the first place
Hold up, babe!
Lemme switch hands
I know you just wondering who this poem is for
I used to love you
Because love never dies
But it can kill
I love you like a father
Wanna marry you like a husband
You can see the devil in my features
Paint the husband in my pictures

You're the image of a queen
The apple in the eyes of a king
You keep my desire burning
A woman of prime
The treasure that's so priceless
The best of time
The reason am always timeless
So fruitful every season
To let you down, I'd no reason

The love of my unbeatable life
I can make you my wife
Because you're really and truly a bride
The woman of faith and blessings
The one am loving and never missing
With you, the feeling is so passionate
Kind and so affectionate

Sandwiched between the geography of your thighs
Chocolate biscuits in your eyes
Babe, you're milk
You're sweet in the middle
Play the music of my song, Google the giggle
Shout-out to ST n' Jizzle
Spend my revenue
The epitome of tender compassion
The champion of all mothers
The best kind of a sister and an aunt 
The caregiver of a country
The one that supports the fathers
The keeper of the home
You damsel, the Dam of Egypt!

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