Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Letter To Satan : I am Not Sorry

Letter to Satan that I never spoke
Poems I thought about that I never wrote
Sentences on a paper that I never said
Listen to these stories that I must read
Dirt on my shirt that must be cleaned
Lyrics of a poem you've never seen
I am not stories that you heard, Diva
I was born smart since the time of La Divaz
I'm not sorry to accept the love I never had
Satan knows I am not Haddy Ceesay
I refused the Illuminatti, ask what she says
''Fly in the milk
Drink the milk and get rid of the fly''
I've been judged before I met George
They wanted to baptize me to Saint George

I've seen a lot
Been through hell and back
Front and back
But I've got a lot more to write than to say
I met Satan and all his fallen angels
But they all know I am not an angel

From the freezer to the fridge
ML is cooler
ML is higher, ML is Fula,
Gambian by mistake
Not a baby who feeds on cornflakes
I hustle with the muscle
My story is like Bill Russel
I lost my virginity in Virginia
To Queen Regina
Cali-Zantelate, gimme space, lemme ventilate

I'm not sorry 
To be my own stories
I've been through a lot
From doom to decadence
Right to wrong
Character assassination to hatred
Lies and accusations
Heartbreaks and deformation
Give me all these reformations
But fuck it, I hate this nation
And I'm not sorry

How can I fail because of people I don't know?
I write differently
In indifference
Living the present past of my future tense
My life is so tense with tensions
And I need no attention
I'm the author of my vision
Am on a mission to the vision
From North Bank to Western Division
Is the president
Sitting behind the Statehouse
Secretary with bigger breasts
Handing me files to sign
Giving me her sauce to dine

I am not sorry
I broke many hearts
Because they broke mine too
But I am not just sorry
I am not sorry that I do not sell my soul
I know you must not understand this blindfold
But everyone knows ML is just fucking bold

I am not sorry
To be born a Muslim
14 years later, I wrote my first book
I am an Islamic therapist
More extremist than an existentialist
I am a dinosaur
I find this cure
Before you judge me, analyze, read my blueprint
Did you see the winner as the first-runner
Writers of Satan, you see that in your country
What ancestors did they bring to the summit?
To give me what I needed, what they need to take from me
They needed my soul
But I am not sorry to be a Muslim

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