Sunday, October 20, 2024

"Left-Eye" poem by Modou Lamin Age-Almusaf Sowe

Even when Rihanna sang everything to the left, 
I'm still eating with my right hand;
I understand The Gambia couldn't still find the right man.
But break, broke, broken,
Let it break.
The broken pencil still writes.
Let the donkeys brake.
Let the pastor and imam preach
There is still sex on the beach.

So you don't still know I see both Satan and the Anti-Christ?
The reason why every dog barks at me in The Gambia 
Is bcos I ain't part of the movement that derail Christ 
And praise Jesus Christ,
But hallelujah to this screaming;
Amen to this healing.

Welcome to the New Age.
In the Book of Enoch,
Chapter one, page one,
Paragraph six of 2026;
Let's turn a new page gently.
The sun has already risen from the East,
War in the Middle East;
The NBA headed to the East;
Gog and Maggot arrived with ease, 
Enough of the East!

Expect Abraham Ibn Ashram. 
Next is the continent of Africa.
Who are you people still voting for?
Let the rest rest in peace
And the death finds peace in pieces.
"She knows, she knows,
And I know she knows,
The real rapper defended his thesis 
It is sad to read such speeches,
Such things don't only happen in music. 
I wrote a letter to Satan,
The next morning my image was tarnished.

We've successfully burned the Quran and the Bible without burning them.
Have we not had enough agenda at the UN?
What else is my mission?
In our religion, 
When you eat beef,
Don't ask how many cows are in a steak?
We're so accommodating like a housing estate.
So, let's ask, how many cows in a steak?
Allow intellectuals continue seeing their mensuration
Until Achebe resurfaces. 

An era of natural disasters strikes,
The planet is ours,
But before 2030,
Don't use my name in vain.
See how I turned your intellectuals into prostitutes,
Your teachers are agents of the devil;
Your parents are my enablers;
And then, I turned you and your child in the new age. 

I am the reason you worship your phone and false prophets 
The reason why every young person is tryna sell a soul.
We're all sinners in disguise,
But I made you addicted to pornography, 
Forced you to use condoms,
Drink contraceptives,
And now you're a whore.
Well done!
I'm ISIS in capital letters 
And abortion in small letters.

I'm the devil's Bible and the sinners Qur'an 
I ran marathons in your mind;
Do you see how I'm controlling the world?  
I'm a religious crisis.
By my grace, I am the final prophet.
I influenced a generation of mobile addiction, 
Sex and dating, 
Kissing and immorality,
And flirting and hating.
Admit that I'm hateful, 
Enraged, and ungrateful.

See how I'm successfully making you learn foolishness in school
Yet, you claim to be knowledgeable?
Hi hater, yes I heard you talking.
Bravo, but that shit was boring.
Am I not the one who invented social media? 
Who is discrediting your profile?
Who really is the Savior of Planet Earth?
I turn your value into likes and followers,
Make your presence online, 
And reduced you to a mouse with a click on the internet.

I inspired a generation of boobs and big buttocks,
Alcoholism and drugs,
Dancing and shaking of asses,
Wealth and more money. 
C'mon, honey.
What y'all bitches masturbating for?
You dress indecent but don't want to be called a prostitute; 
Bitch, what's your name?
My style of writing is too harsh
I don't decorate the truth in a pavement.
Who really is the King of Saudi?
Just too supernatural to comprehend, 
But when schooling kids in kindergarten,
Teach them ABC.
Every gardener needs a crop,
But I am the apple of your eyes and your spotify children.

Should I still tell you I am the left-eye?
It's funny I'm the writer 
Every writer is tryna beat now,
Even underground writers with a big mouth.

Explanation of the poem titled "Left-Eye" written by Modou Lamin Age-Almusaf Sowe.

The poem is a "sarcastic poem" written as a protestant vilification that foretells the coming of age in contemporary African and global poetry, indecisively.

It both revealed and predicted the future plans of the "Illuminati" in the coming years, and happenings across the globe. Referencing from the holy books; it exonerated the arrival of the Anti-Christ and Gog and Maggot. 

The poet, using euphemism, sarcasm, rhythmicity, innuendo and paradoxical iambic pentameter, provocatively insinuates his revolting against the secret society personally and socially.

Linking music and poetry to lyrically and intellectually disintegrate societal values, the poet begins with opening verses from a song by Rihanna, "Everything to the Left", noting that the song was evil because it praises Dajjal, the left-eye (one-eye).

The poet teaches that a certain group of people in society becomes famous, powerful, rich, and influential because of their affiliation with the Illuminati.

To schedule or book me for public lectures/ book launches/ conferences/ readings/ motivational speaking events, etc., please email:

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Copying any of my articles without written permission is an infringement of Copyright.

Monday, May 20, 2024

You Never Loved Me - Poem by Modou Lamin Age-Almusaf Sowe

I am full. 
Of me. 

Free calls
With Africell 
Customer care
On flight mode 
Up in the air 
Do I care?

Some days,
I forget who I am
I can’t see the light 
I am lost from within 

I look around
It’s dark and vast 
Everyone is gone 
Nothing lasts 

My loving eyes,
My soft touches,
My strong, solid anchor,
Once outsourced. . .
I am left with nothing but rancor
Toss and cheers to alcohol 

I understand now that I'm misunderstood 
You don't understand me
So let me explain: 
I thought that in time what was bad would turn good
I love you from the centre of my heart 
From where the blood gurgles in its search for oxygen 
I breathe you into my soul for healing each time my heart threatens to hurt.

Aware of my victim hood
Forged in childhood
Perfected in adulthood 
Into nationhood 
I am in the hood 
For the chicken, poddles, and noddles 

But to what,

I trusted love 
I dated lies 
I kissed romance 
And hated you
Followed my course 
Leaned in
Reached out
Got back on that wench
Sit on the bench 
And drove a Benz 

Now I falter
I refused 
The news 
Don’t know where I’m
What’s been the purpose?
What was the lesson in that?

And romance.
Is that all?

Every truth I believed that this world had to offer 
I question entirely 
I’ve filled up my pockets 
With theory and rationale 
Gleaned from my process
It’s dissolved into nothing, 
I’m empty.
You never loved me.
You love the money,
The fame,
And the cars.

© All Rights Reserved! Thank you for reading and following my blog. Should you wish to use any of my articles for research, lectures, personal use, etc., kindly address your message to: 

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Man with No Friends

In the silence of the night, I weep
For a life that seems so steep
No friends to call my own
Just enemies disguised in a friendly tone

This is probably the most me I've ever been,
I'd been to places you've never been,
I've got plenty enemies among jinns and human beings,
I don't fear the sting of bees,
I'm an 'A' student and never got Bs,
I've departed:
I'm, I, was, are, were, been.
Bingo, Bissou to Binko,
Just let me be.

I'm a man with no friends
A compound with no fence
A dollar with no pence
A verb with no tense.

My success breeds jealousy and hate
As others plot to seal my fate
People pretend to help, but behind my back
They whisper words that attack

Every young person dreams to be
Just like me, so carefree
But little do they know
The weight of success, the price to show

Alone in my journey, no one by my side
As I watch my dreams slowly slide
Away from my grasp, my heart so heavy
A soul so pure, yet so unsteady

No love to warm my lonely nights
No joy to fill my empty sights
Just the sound of my own thoughts
Echoing in the silence I fought

I, a man of intelligence and grace
Struggling to find my rightful place
In a world that's cruel and unkind
Leaving me shattered, lost in my mind

But despite the pain, the loneliness and strife
I continue to fight for my life
For I know deep down inside
That my spirit will never subside

So as the tears fall from my weary eyes,
I lift my head up to the skies
And vow to keep pushing on
Until the light in my heart shines strong.

My special wishes to you! To schedule or book me for public lectures/ book launches/ conferences/ readings/ scriptwriting/ keynote/motivational speaking events, please email: 

 © All Rights Reserved! Thank you for reading and following my blog.

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