Monday, July 31, 2017


Aware of your actions
But ignored your weak decimal fractions
Dead but still alive, living but died
Leaving the truth and living in a lie
Being married without a knot tie
"SWAG", Satan's World Against God
The Mind Control with I-phone and I-pod

Drop the "I" and let us understand you meant " eye"
To represent the Antichrist with one-eye
Selling your soul for wealth
Wealth without freedom and health
Riches without satisfaction
A world of temptation
Why not sanction North Korea?
But passed a bill to sanction Russia?

A Globe of shamelessness
Leaders without piouness
Disbelievers who believe
Sinners with the reward of what they achieve
Mischievous of all,
You've ruined generations like the winter and fall

Above all, worshippers of the 'Secret Society'
Those who knew the truth but quiet in unity
Liars who tell the truth
Know the Threory of Evolution taught in thrust
Truth tellers who tell the lie
And the righteous dress in "haftan" and necktie
Tell us which do you represent?
Allah or Satan, the future or the present.

Tell us in whose voice you spoke?
Burning the Quran and the Bible without a smoke
You're rotten like some stale biscuits
Role models with evil circuits
Abortion is now a body-lotion
Fornication an obligation

Leaders who ruined the world
And the generation who can heal the wound
 Writers who're taught what to write
With singers whose lyrics resound a bottle of sprite
Changemakers who don't make a change
Tell us we're in, of course, in the age;

The age of the Antichrist, lying with antitrust,
Tell me who to trust?
Health with anti-drug
Fame with a spoilt human-tug
Filmmakers who film for Satan
Scientists like Kaplan,

Fashion without shame
Global crisis without a blame
Even football as a game
Boko Haram is setting another flame
The use of contraceptives and modern pills
Ruined many marriages, stop the rent pay your bills
Same Sex Marriage;
Pregnancy of lie and miscarriage;
Lesbianism, gays with a human right,
Al-Qaeda is not looking at this as a plight
Man cannot fight God, don't put up a fight,
Enough of smokes! Afghanistan; Yemen to Pakistan
Israel to Syria, even Libya,
Do you know the Al-Shabbab?
Mid among the Arab.

Congratulations to you all
On your global achievement of evil
Religious fouls and snivel
Hypnotism of modern science
Defaming of human conscience
Muslims be cautious!
Don't even be curious
God might be furious.

Get your hands off Syria
Ebola nearly finish Liberia
Do not start a Third  World War
ISIS got anything you have, even planet mars;
Nearer and near is the destruction of Jerusalem
Lebanon Hezbollah at Dar Essalem:

Spoken is not a mear poetry
This is unspoken over history
Iran is very determined to,
Not afraid of you too;
Hear me out when I speak,
I told you this is your fault, don't sit on the peak;

Lastly, the world will one day attack its superpower
Power will rule power, gun will fire gunpowder,
Muslims will join the Christians in motion;
To overcome a third world religion;
My role is to write from my gift
The rest will be your own news on the press to lift.

All Rights Reserved! Thank you for reading and following my blog. Should you wish to extract any of my articles for personal use, research, lectures, etc, kindly address your messages to Copying any of my articles without a written permission to me is an infringement of Copyright.

Thursday, July 27, 2017


Voyaging in literature,
 I went sailing in penmanship
A priapism of my nature;
A scholar without a scholarship
I write in oceans, streams ‘n seas;

An African-European lettered Gambian intellect
Shading light in your every darkness
I listed your choice of books ‘n said what next?
I wish the grammatical mistakes in my book
Turn history’s sweetness--

Must I write what’s already written?
Nor I'll rewrite what’s likely to be told 'n written
Creativity whispered to my ears
 And said: ''read''I listened,
She said: ''read'', I said I am reading;

'Don’t mind the grammar
 But the knowledge you're giving
It’s only an official language
English is not your mother tongue;
Accept the criticism you must receive 'n receiving.'

But do not take what you've not given
When they speak, be contented ‘n listen--
The world’s best intellectuals from creation
 Haven’t reached higher institutions;
They served mankind from their God given perceptions,

Writing told me you’re not an exception
But exempted in an unknown detention
By jealousy ‘n underestimation
Even in your nation,
Don’t care if they argue for or against your motion.

Writing is God given talent cherish your penmanship
You only write to inform, entertain ‘n educate
What if I even mean to advocate?
My manuscripts would not die 'n decay,
In my brain ‘n yours is not the same

Disgraceful I felt the shame,
                     ''I literature!, I am ashamed
For not giving you good readership ‘n fame
Why are you so down to earth ‘n tame?
But your readers know you’re not lame
Write ‘n published ‘n play in the game.''

Whether you do good or bad;
 People must talk,
Do good ‘n let them talk;
Get them dissolve in your brain like a chalk.
When the time comes,
They will discover you ‘n change
Is not you!
Only God can bring this change

 Hoping to witness that day.

All Rights Reserved! Thank you for reading and following my blog. Should you wish to extract any of my articles for personal use, research, lectures, etc, kindly address your messages to Copying any of my articles without a written permission to me is an infringement of Copyright.

Saturday, July 22, 2017

Harnessing the Demographic Dividend: Population Growth, Migration and Refugee Crisis ( Teaching Material )

In every migration crisis in the world, women, youth and children are the most vulnerable. Safeguarding their inalienable rights and well-being is therefore an international obligation of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and their partners, to protect the conditions that cause refugee movements toward building a prosperous Africa free from migration and refugee crisis. Over the past decade, the number of migrants requesting for international protection has augmented exponentially. The Geneva Convention on refugees and its ensuing Protocols unconstrained refugees to international protection, most importantly, to the right not to be returned to their home countries. The complexity of national and sub-regional issues requires cooperative problem-solving, drawing on viable solutions internationally to address the exacerbating migration crisis in the Sub-Saharan Africa. It’s in tandem with these humanitarian concerns that I’ve chosen the theme: Population, Migration and Refugees for this blog to discuss in detail the figures—coupled with the unstoppable ongoing attacks by Boko Haram, ISIS, AL Qaeda, etc, which have gained a foothold in Africa.

In adopting the Solemn Declaration as well as the Agenda 2063 process and framework of The Heads of State and Government, recognized that the African identity and the African Renaissance are important elements of Africa’s total emancipation and development. In line with the Agenda 2063, the African Union Commission translated the Agenda 2063 into concrete objectives, milestones, actions and measures and adopted a Strategic Plan (2014-2017) which defines eight priority areas including Peace, Stability and Good Governance. Cognizant of key AU frameworks for action on peace, including the Common African Defense and Security Policy (CADSP), Continental Peace and Security Architecture (APSA), AU Border Programme (AUBP), AU’s Policy Framework on Post-Conflict Reconstruction and Development(PCRD) African Charter on Democracy, Elections and Governance and the African Union Peace Fund.

My blog intends to make a unique contribution to stop refugee movements and illegal migration through education and creative arts. More importantly, to demonstrate how the arts can be applied to achieve important social objectives in the African society on the Mandate of the UNHCR and IOM objectives. This include: Migration governance, migration policy, evidence-based migration policy, break downs in migration governance, migration and social policy, effects of migration, migration drivers, patterns, and trends, as well as migration cultures, minority and immigrant integration, different channels and flows of ‘voluntary’ migration, including labor, education, family reunification, marriage, and lifestyle to name a few.'

Forced Migration and Refugees: Migration governance, migration policy, evidence-based migration policy, break downs in migration governance, migration and social policy, effects of migration, social, political, economic and health impacts of resettling and/or hosting displaced populations to new countries, how this is working now, how politics and elections are impacting the current refugee crisis, etc.; politics of asylum processing; differences in refugee and asylum processes across countries; integrating refugee development and service delivery with national policies.
Cognizant that youth in Africa are affected by poverty, inadequate employment opportunities, exploitation, civil unrest and diseases. They are further left out of the decision making process, which makes them vulnerable and exposed to illegal migration and terrorism. The UNHCR's Mid-Year Trends report of June 2015 (based on information for mid-2015 or latest available information up to that date) reported an "unprecedented" 57, 959,702 individuals falling under its mandate (for reference, on January the 1st, 2007, 21,018,589 people - or less than half of the number in 2015 - fell under the mandate of the UNHCR.) As sorted by the UNHCR bureau in for June 2015  included : 2,754,893 in Western Africa of which 2,58,893 are refuges, 9, 298 have pending asylum cases, 700, 116 are stateless (persons not considered as nationals by any State) and 1,549,516 are IDP’s or people in IDP-like situations assisted by the UNHCR.

Major obstacles to refugee movements in the developing world include; inadequate employments, lack of resource centers, poverty and the risks associated with low education. A serious problem exists in the rural villages in Africa, where the youth are involved in illegal migration resulting to problems associated with unemployment, and lack of proper counseling on self-actualization, which has negatively painted minds of many youngsters, to voyage on sea, instead of making their dreams come through in their shores. These mishaps have been so misapprehended to a severe extent that are attributable to poor education on Harnessing the Demographic Dividend for a world free from the triggers of refugee movements and migration crisis.  It is apparent that Africans do not have an understanding of exactly what UNHCR and IOM contained as an international relief for refugees and migrants who mostly suffer problems of illegal migration and refugee movements. The most significant thing in the life of the young children is the society he/she lives and it does believe; research has shown that African children love compensation on material well-being, than buying them toys to please their minds and the vices of poverty and the like can be made forgotten if the opportunities are brought to their doorsteps, through effective education and awareness creation for African youths. According to the UNFPA’s Publications on Migration, in 2015, 244 million people, or 3.3 per cent of the world's population, lived outside their country of origin. The majority of migrants cross borders in search of better economic and social opportunities. Others are forced to flee crises – the current mass movement of refugees and displaced persons has given rise to xenophobia and calls for tightening borders. Internal migration within countries is also on the rise.Migration is an important force in development and a high-priority issue for both developing and developed countries. In addition, almost half of all migrants are women, and most are of reproductive age. They have specific needs and human rights concerns.
UNFPA works to increase understanding of migration issues, advocate for better migration data, and promote the incorporation of migration into national development plans. UNFPA also advocates for addressing the special concerns of women and other vulnerable migrants, and works to meet the emergency reproductive health needs of refugees and internally displaced people."

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All Rights Reserved! Thank you for reading and following my blog. Should you wish to extract any of my articles for personal use, research, lectures, etc, kindly address your messages to Copying any of my articles without a written permission to me is an infringement of Copyright.

Saturday, July 8, 2017

My Lady Bird ( A Poem)

A pratfall of inept unbreakable love
A golden gap-toothed lightweight dove
Harnessed together by a love of God
An algorithm of a literary pod
With a bubble-filled sash of affection
Awash the dish of her dry base sensation

She drags defiantly, 'n hoists me upright
Squinting into the evening light
Crotch with her dotted cherry blossoms
Free admissions into her kingdoms
Embroidery of a ceremonial demon
Retractable like the temple of Solomon

Pawning at my corridor, Sowe Pullo Ardor
My Lady Bird, limited-edition of bed 'n had
Whistled her democratic incantations
Arresting my feelings in her detained stations
Pathologically thumb through the antebellum
Voluminous conundrum of  beautiful vellum

Echoes her reenergizing codes
Identical chi in nauty modes
My role of honor
Smelling the whiff of humour
Sexiest Slim on the planet
Labeled as monolithic modern hamlet

Snoozing my clock let lose
Filled with a well-structured Fulani nose
Nexus of cosmic human balance
Hears her soft breath at a glance
Pugnacious the phrase
For an add-on of the neighbours in case

An antifungal can of human spray
Engulfs me from faraway
Making my speech blur
Regmaroling my spur
Eyes like a pregnant cat
Killed my literary villain rat

Just long enough to raise an inquisitive eyebrow
Campaign buttons of elegant glow
Pressed hard on the keys of my lips
Slowly pedal dirt onto my hips
Unlocking my mental freedom
With her drolls of integral wisdom
My trouser stood at the busiest intersection
Perhaps, defining her newest conjunction

Coupled with her romantic flying elbows
Night WWE wrestling bed throws
Proudly kicking my consciousness
With a frenzied laughter of selflessness
Exclaim I declare
Clearly 'n very clear
Much respect,  appreciation, 'n inspiration
Association 'nop sa jekerr
Group deff mu nekh.'

Footnote and Glossary of  Senegalese Wolof Words:

1. YEFFI LADY SOWE  ( belonging to a woman call Lady Sowe)
2. Association Nop Sa Jekarr ( an association of teenagers happily in love with their husbands)
3. Group Deff Mu Nekh  ( women group doing it better and best at treating their love ones  with care)

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