Saturday, July 8, 2017

My Lady Bird ( A Poem)

A pratfall of inept unbreakable love
A golden gap-toothed lightweight dove
Harnessed together by a love of God
An algorithm of a literary pod
With a bubble-filled sash of affection
Awash the dish of her dry base sensation

She drags defiantly, 'n hoists me upright
Squinting into the evening light
Crotch with her dotted cherry blossoms
Free admissions into her kingdoms
Embroidery of a ceremonial demon
Retractable like the temple of Solomon

Pawning at my corridor, Sowe Pullo Ardor
My Lady Bird, limited-edition of bed 'n had
Whistled her democratic incantations
Arresting my feelings in her detained stations
Pathologically thumb through the antebellum
Voluminous conundrum of  beautiful vellum

Echoes her reenergizing codes
Identical chi in nauty modes
My role of honor
Smelling the whiff of humour
Sexiest Slim on the planet
Labeled as monolithic modern hamlet

Snoozing my clock let lose
Filled with a well-structured Fulani nose
Nexus of cosmic human balance
Hears her soft breath at a glance
Pugnacious the phrase
For an add-on of the neighbours in case

An antifungal can of human spray
Engulfs me from faraway
Making my speech blur
Regmaroling my spur
Eyes like a pregnant cat
Killed my literary villain rat

Just long enough to raise an inquisitive eyebrow
Campaign buttons of elegant glow
Pressed hard on the keys of my lips
Slowly pedal dirt onto my hips
Unlocking my mental freedom
With her drolls of integral wisdom
My trouser stood at the busiest intersection
Perhaps, defining her newest conjunction

Coupled with her romantic flying elbows
Night WWE wrestling bed throws
Proudly kicking my consciousness
With a frenzied laughter of selflessness
Exclaim I declare
Clearly 'n very clear
Much respect,  appreciation, 'n inspiration
Association 'nop sa jekerr
Group deff mu nekh.'

Footnote and Glossary of  Senegalese Wolof Words:

1. YEFFI LADY SOWE  ( belonging to a woman call Lady Sowe)
2. Association Nop Sa Jekarr ( an association of teenagers happily in love with their husbands)
3. Group Deff Mu Nekh  ( women group doing it better and best at treating their love ones  with care)

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