Is knowledge knowledgeable, or is it wisdom that born knowledge? As an incentive to the attentive reader to virtue, let me tell you that it's the flower that produces the fruit, but the fruit does not produce the flower. Let me tell you, my dear reader, and do you know that it's the bee that produces HONEY, but the honey does not produce the bee? Wisdom is in this context a divine flower and a bee that produces knowledge. Man is a direct descendant of Adam and Eve, those first colored conundrum of creation, who, as first human beings, were the most knowledgeable and had each had wisdom. Do you know who was the first knowledgeable human being on earth? Let's take a trip into the being of philosophy as the largest in the long line of science and theology-- to weigh the significance of this topic .
You don't have to google an answer, or ask anyone; let me tell you that the first knowledgeable human being on earth was Adam, whom, from creation, has been mentioned in the scriptures both in Genesis in the Bible; and in Surah Baqara in the Quran. God had placed him (Adam) in the heavens and taught him all the names of the birds and animals; when God told His saintly angels that "I shall show you I'm Allah (God), and know what you knew not", He asked all of them (the angels) to name things pointed out to them; and none did except man (Adam). Adam named all the names of the birds and things in the heavens; then, they ( the angels) said: " All praises be to Allah Alone". Now I ask you my dear reader, are we not all from Adam and Eve ( Awa or Hawa in Islam)? Therefore, my dear, add me on the list of philosophy to tell you that no man is born stupid or ignorant. We're all naturally gifted differently from creation , and was each created for a purpose.
I suppose the scholars and historians will come to conclusion at once as to stating the natural differences between knowledge and wisdom. Though, some philosophers had stated and had already argued that there's nothing like natural gift; saying that "everything is learnt and practiced". Here Allah gave the reply: "By degree shall We teach thee ( the Message ), so that thou shalt not forget.", Quran chapter 87, verse 5. Allah gives wisdom to some people who don't need a college or university degree to be told they're knowledgeable. When I asked a comrade; I said; 'people in the past and us; who are more knowledgeable'. She said: " those in the past" , I asked why? Then she said: "Because our generations are not the same", when I further asked which generation? Are we not all sharing the same God? Have we not all received the same messengers and prophets? The same books and message was sent to all mankind? She said: " you're right."
Let me add something on this, anyone reading this article; I want you to help me mention any messenger or prophet of God; whether in Islam or Christianity, or any other religion; whose prophets or messengers had ever attended any secondary, college or university-- in order to gain knowledge or wisdom. If any, let me know. My dear reader, do not trouble yourself ought the effort; there was none, and so, can we say, must we not state that what they had was not knowledge but wisdom? Even a mad man in the streets will tell you it's wisdom directly from God, the Most High, they all had, and not knowledge. If today on earth, we're all good followers of these noble people-- why will philosophers argue that there's no "natural gift" given to some people? Up to date, believe me there are some people on earth with such gifts; they might be very rear though.
Seeking knowledge is obligatory-- and anyone of us is free to seek it; but when we're seeking knowledge, let us seek the right knowledge which can only be found in the way of religion. " If God wants to do good by a person, He will grant him knowledge of religion.", by Bukhari and Muslim; hadith no: 1376 compiled by Al-Imam Al-Nawawi. My dear reader, one of the most fundamental things in any religion, and the first of which was commanded by ALLAH ( God) to prophet Muhammad ( S.A.W), was not for him to pray or fast, and it was not charity; but it was for him to read. " Proclaim ( or Read) in the name of thy Lord and Cherisher, Who Created--Created man, out of a leech-like clot:Proclaim! And thy Lord is Most Bountiful.", Quran chapter 96, verses 1-3.
From the above citations, Allah ( God) has never ordered man to read in the name of" western education" or to read in any other language; but to read in His name, meaning, learning or reading in the name of God is the best type of education . How many of us are really reading or writing in the name of God? But we learn from primary school to university-- and gain the world-- yet, we claim to have wisdom; when actually not even knowledge have we. But aquired the wrong one that will only benefit us here. Go and ask Saudi Arabia why are they not reading in the name of western education? And if you're a Christian, ask your church why are they not reading in the way of Islam; but the two had both been separated when they were once an entity. I'm not against anyone learning anything on this earth-- but I want to state that man was ordered to read in the name of his Lord; henceforth, let not your university degrees, college certificates and book knowledge deceive you to challenge those with wisdom and knowledge. A Whiteman once asked me; and he said: " why is it that Dr. Zakir Naik as a medical doctor who studied science, is one of the most knowledgeable Islamic scholars on this planet", my answer to him was; " because he has read in the name of God and not in the name of science, and ALLAH said: " He Who taught ( the use of) the Pen--Taught man that which he knew not.", Quran chapter 96, verses 4-5.
Finally, career development has been mentioned in the Quran; in order that for each of us to do what you can; and to strive in that way to your destiny-- let's accept being who we're , than being who we are not-- God says: "To each is a goal to which Allah turns him; then strive together ( as in a race) towards all that is good. Wheresoever ye are, Allah will bring you together. For Allah hath power over all things." Quran chapter 2, verse 148. Knowledge comes from the word " to know" and "known-how" and wisdom comes from the word " wise", therefore, wisdom is an attribute of God, in one of His names call " Al-Hakim", meaning The Wise; while knowledge simply means a known-how of something. To put it into its right perspective, knowledge is very easy to gain while wisdom is harder to; you can gain knowledge by going to school, reading an article, etc , but wisdom is not gained like that-- but given by ALLAH to anyone He desires to give wisdom to, for one reason, or the other.
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You don't have to google an answer, or ask anyone; let me tell you that the first knowledgeable human being on earth was Adam, whom, from creation, has been mentioned in the scriptures both in Genesis in the Bible; and in Surah Baqara in the Quran. God had placed him (Adam) in the heavens and taught him all the names of the birds and animals; when God told His saintly angels that "I shall show you I'm Allah (God), and know what you knew not", He asked all of them (the angels) to name things pointed out to them; and none did except man (Adam). Adam named all the names of the birds and things in the heavens; then, they ( the angels) said: " All praises be to Allah Alone". Now I ask you my dear reader, are we not all from Adam and Eve ( Awa or Hawa in Islam)? Therefore, my dear, add me on the list of philosophy to tell you that no man is born stupid or ignorant. We're all naturally gifted differently from creation , and was each created for a purpose.
I suppose the scholars and historians will come to conclusion at once as to stating the natural differences between knowledge and wisdom. Though, some philosophers had stated and had already argued that there's nothing like natural gift; saying that "everything is learnt and practiced". Here Allah gave the reply: "By degree shall We teach thee ( the Message ), so that thou shalt not forget.", Quran chapter 87, verse 5. Allah gives wisdom to some people who don't need a college or university degree to be told they're knowledgeable. When I asked a comrade; I said; 'people in the past and us; who are more knowledgeable'. She said: " those in the past" , I asked why? Then she said: "Because our generations are not the same", when I further asked which generation? Are we not all sharing the same God? Have we not all received the same messengers and prophets? The same books and message was sent to all mankind? She said: " you're right."
Let me add something on this, anyone reading this article; I want you to help me mention any messenger or prophet of God; whether in Islam or Christianity, or any other religion; whose prophets or messengers had ever attended any secondary, college or university-- in order to gain knowledge or wisdom. If any, let me know. My dear reader, do not trouble yourself ought the effort; there was none, and so, can we say, must we not state that what they had was not knowledge but wisdom? Even a mad man in the streets will tell you it's wisdom directly from God, the Most High, they all had, and not knowledge. If today on earth, we're all good followers of these noble people-- why will philosophers argue that there's no "natural gift" given to some people? Up to date, believe me there are some people on earth with such gifts; they might be very rear though.
Seeking knowledge is obligatory-- and anyone of us is free to seek it; but when we're seeking knowledge, let us seek the right knowledge which can only be found in the way of religion. " If God wants to do good by a person, He will grant him knowledge of religion.", by Bukhari and Muslim; hadith no: 1376 compiled by Al-Imam Al-Nawawi. My dear reader, one of the most fundamental things in any religion, and the first of which was commanded by ALLAH ( God) to prophet Muhammad ( S.A.W), was not for him to pray or fast, and it was not charity; but it was for him to read. " Proclaim ( or Read) in the name of thy Lord and Cherisher, Who Created--Created man, out of a leech-like clot:Proclaim! And thy Lord is Most Bountiful.", Quran chapter 96, verses 1-3.
From the above citations, Allah ( God) has never ordered man to read in the name of" western education" or to read in any other language; but to read in His name, meaning, learning or reading in the name of God is the best type of education . How many of us are really reading or writing in the name of God? But we learn from primary school to university-- and gain the world-- yet, we claim to have wisdom; when actually not even knowledge have we. But aquired the wrong one that will only benefit us here. Go and ask Saudi Arabia why are they not reading in the name of western education? And if you're a Christian, ask your church why are they not reading in the way of Islam; but the two had both been separated when they were once an entity. I'm not against anyone learning anything on this earth-- but I want to state that man was ordered to read in the name of his Lord; henceforth, let not your university degrees, college certificates and book knowledge deceive you to challenge those with wisdom and knowledge. A Whiteman once asked me; and he said: " why is it that Dr. Zakir Naik as a medical doctor who studied science, is one of the most knowledgeable Islamic scholars on this planet", my answer to him was; " because he has read in the name of God and not in the name of science, and ALLAH said: " He Who taught ( the use of) the Pen--Taught man that which he knew not.", Quran chapter 96, verses 4-5.
Finally, career development has been mentioned in the Quran; in order that for each of us to do what you can; and to strive in that way to your destiny-- let's accept being who we're , than being who we are not-- God says: "To each is a goal to which Allah turns him; then strive together ( as in a race) towards all that is good. Wheresoever ye are, Allah will bring you together. For Allah hath power over all things." Quran chapter 2, verse 148. Knowledge comes from the word " to know" and "known-how" and wisdom comes from the word " wise", therefore, wisdom is an attribute of God, in one of His names call " Al-Hakim", meaning The Wise; while knowledge simply means a known-how of something. To put it into its right perspective, knowledge is very easy to gain while wisdom is harder to; you can gain knowledge by going to school, reading an article, etc , but wisdom is not gained like that-- but given by ALLAH to anyone He desires to give wisdom to, for one reason, or the other.
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