Monday, April 30, 2018


It's my profound gratitude to present to my readers a pictorial of my farewell lunch at the African Development University (A.D.U),  one of the most innovative and prosperous universities in Africa.

 Have you ever wondered where to explore in Africa? Are you passionate about learning and have an incipient interest for education? Are you a researcher and looking for somewhere to go? Here I recommend to you the only African university whose MISSION STATEMENT is : "To prepare the most talented young people on the continent of Africa to lead the development of their nations."

Nothing can be compared to its highly efficient and industrious staff and faculty, made up of Harvard University graduates and lecturers.  Education at A.D.U is affordable, easier and possible.  I love the CAKE and truly appreciate all of you. Let's Do Better!


A MESSAGE FROM MODOU: All Rights Reserved! Thank you for reading and following my blog. Should you wish to use any of my articles for personal use, research, lectures, etc, kindly address your messages to: Copying any of my articles without a written permission to, is an infringement of Copyright. I hope this blog post finds you well and the new year has begun on a great note. I am well too and looking forward to a great 2018 as I engage more with you. I appreciate you for being part of my 2017 readers around the world. I write to tell you that you can now translate all my blog posts into any language in the world . Simply type the language of your choice in the textbox below the inscription " Pageviews", it can be found on your right-hand of this page. You're all important to me, for everyone as I look at the wholesome approach to the discussion on overall African protest literature and the link to religious poetry from a person-centered view.

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Research Librarianship: Bachelor of Library and Information Honors (My Independent Research Paper)

If books were revelations, writers would have been prophets and libraries would have been temples. It is hard to say and harder to acknowledge that not much has changed in the education curricular of Africa. African universities and libraries still serve the purpose of book lending than being adapted to new methods in information  technology and literacy in the Era of Technology. (Sowe 2018 )

 University libraries play a fundamental  role in education and research and in order to be successful in our globalized, information-saturated world, students must not only acquire content knowledge in their selected disciplines but also develop their ability to find, evaluate, and use information efficiently and ethically. As a result, librarians are educators with a wide range of specializations, as such, they help to develop an active instruction program to help students in the discovery, evaluation, and use of information resources. Of equal importance is our work with students to teach them how to critically and ethically use information.  In addition to the academic support that libraries offer, the Library creates unique opportunities for students that add to their success: working as a team to solve real-life problems, learning how to successfully interact with people, utilizing the latest technologies, and general life skills. The A.D.U. Library’s reference and instruction team have served as a basis for inspiration to develop this research paper and information, through Information Literacy (IL) competencies and the provision of a variety of research assistance programs and instructional services in the Republic of Niger.

The earliest library records could be traced to cuneiform script 2600 BC clay tablets, the papyrus temple records from ancient Egypt, the Nippur libraries of 1900BC and the thirty thousand clay tablets from 700 BC in a classified library system in Nineveh, highlighting the scrupulous work on religion, administration and literary skills of the Mesopotamian scholars that will mesmerize the modern enthusiasts. Digitization and computerization started playing a major role since its advent in the 1960s. After a successfully research and a careful examination of the A.D.U. Princeton Library and the Directorate of Academic Research, I would like to recommend the following: University libraries in Niger and Africa should allocate specific percentage of their annual budget to the library. This is because the library not only serves the institution information-wise, but it is an index for accreditation.  All universities in Niger are  badly in need of facilities on library internet connectivity and computerization projects for research grants, lectures, conferences, etc, available and accessible to researchers carrying out investigation on the university's areas of interest.  

This study has examined the impact of research in Nigerien private universities'; and the impact of library ICT on university education. The first goal of my research is to explain the criteria for determining whether/ how the A.D.U library is responding to the community as a new library and research provider, and the most innovative university library in Niger aside from the American Cultural Centre's Library which is not a university library. For example, will the A.D.U. Princeton Library structure be able to withstand research in the future? What will happen if university libraries in Niger focus only on lending books and do not include the use of library ICT? Will the formal education setting contain the burden? To achieve this goal, I relied on "Ten world best universities and the use of library lecture note series, et cetera.

My research has engaged a case study approach to investigate the role and responsibility of the A.D.U. Library in consolidating research in Nigerien private universities. The main instrument I used for data collection is setting up the  A.D.U. Library myself, and meeting the students on one-one interviews, visiting the university libraries in Niger, and with a well-structured questionnaire have presented my argument in a more comprehensive manner. I  gathered data through book lending, interviews, partnering with university librarians and made observations. Library on university education of present students’ in the Republic of Niger, highly  depend on the role of Library services and resources for research, and the role of library ICT in their studies. Libraries I visited include: American Cultural Centre's Library, Abdou Moumouni University Library, National Library of Niger, ESCAE University, Ministry of Basic Education resource centre, UNESCO Niger, Islamic University Library and others.

Click on this link for a free download and to read the PAPER: 

                        You can also view the slide presentation on the link below:

A MESSAGE FROM MODOU: All Rights Reserved! Thank you for reading and following my blog. Should you wish to use any of my articles for personal use, research, lectures, etc, kindly address your messages to: Copying any of my articles without a written permission to, is an infringement of Copyright. I hope this blog post finds you well and the new year has begun on a great note. I am well too and looking forward to a great 2018 as I engage more with you. I appreciate you for being part of my 2017 readers around the world. I write to tell you that you can now translate all my blog posts into any language in the world . Simply type the language of your choice in the textbox below the inscription " Pageviews", it can be found on your right-hand of this page. You're all important to me, for everyone as I look at the wholesome approach to the discussion on overall African protest literature and the link to religious poetry from a person-centered view.

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Writers' of God and Authors' of Satan ( Poetry)

Compatriot, don’t judge me

Your heart is evil like the ugly figure pentagon

Undress me in public, if you wish be a hexagon
You can’t do what I did;
Your jealousy is cool so splendid.
If I were born British, 
I would’ve been called Shakespeare
Bcoz I am Gambian, all I do is speak God in trade-fairs
But you know life is not fair,
But my brain is so clear.
The Illuminatti can kill me with a spear
Chinua Achebe my granny said:
‘’If you don’t like someone's story, write your own’’
My shoe size don’t match your pair.
Your Satanic ink is dry 
Hastily in writing you mean to fly
The barrel of my pen you can’t repair
Villain ( The Illuminati)! 
You don’t know me,
 So don’t judge me.
My birth is not your dead
 ‘N my dead is not your birth
But you are as blind as a bat.
Don’t be blind-folded, 
Mandela is dead-
Achebe is gone, 
Shakespeare was only a pre-eminent English poet ‘n playwright
Can’t you read my rhymes?
Recreated like a Christian born-again
I am a slave of God, 
Not Satan’s author or writer.
In Secret Societies you wrote your manuscripts
I don't desire fame or wealth
I don’t care the mistakes in my books
Their contents are wisdom above your looks
Sufficient is Allah for me enough proof
I don’t need the Nobel Prize for Literature
 Bcuz I am God’s literary critic in Literature

A MESSAGE FROM MODOU: All Rights Reserved! Thank you for reading and following my blog. Should you wish to use any of my articles for personal use, research, lectures, etc, kindly address your messages to: Copying any of my articles without a written permission to, is an infringement of Copyright. I hope this blog post finds you well and the new year has begun on a great note. I am well too and looking forward to a great 2018 as I engage more with you. I appreciate you for being part of my 2017 readers around the world. I write to tell you that you can now translate all my blog posts into any language in the world . Simply type the language of your choice in the textbox below the inscription " Pageviews", it can be found on your right-hand of this page. You're all important to me, for everyone as I look at the wholesome approach to the discussion on overall African protest literature and the link to religious poetry from a person-centered view.

Wednesday, April 18, 2018


In life nothing is easy

The street of success is always busy

Why don’t you feel how am feeling?

If only you had

 You wouldn’t have taken what you are not given

Can’t you see what I am seeing?

My blood flows in the rain am seeing

Increasing pain I am receiving

Your departure got me mixed feelings:

I survived death-

 Drying, ‘n still living

I wish I can tell you how am feeling

Deadly silent my mouth is speaking

Hiding my unexpressed joy in my seedlings

Watering the tears of love I am freezing

Darling, don’t go and leave me!

I undressed my senses

 While still dreaming

Your tears woke me up when am sleeping.

It’s your heart am singing

I pretended everything is fine

 But if you go, I will miss you

Don’t you know your love always kills me?

Can’t you hold your lovely feelings?

Am dying in my eyes

 Crying what you are not speaking

I wish when I speak you’re listening

Why don’t you feel how am feeling?

Could you listen when am not speaking?

I look inside my heart ‘n it’s you I am seeing

 Your love book I am reading

I can’t stop laughing when my mouth is opening

I never close it when my eyes are closing

It’s my mind I am writing

Writers’ ended when am not beginning

It’s your fingers am fingering

Your hot red ginger I am gingering

Why can’t you feel how am feeling?

Honey, your noiseless voiceless sound I'm ringing

I drink your breath when am drinking

Creamy Sugar, we are meant to be

I wish my surname could contain the letter B

I remember our sun shining days

Sitting in the bush and eating bush- bay

I like the times you shake your waist beads

Childish (laugh), but sweet like a cream-mint

Creamy like a castle of chocolate am dreaming

Why can’t you feel how I'm feeling?

Without you, in my life, I am thinking

 If I could survive

There isn’t cool music cooler than your vibes

If you truly love me— Honey,

          Feel how am feeling.                          


A MESSAGE FROM MODOU: All Rights Reserved! Thank you for reading and following my blog. Should you wish to use any of my articles for personal use, research, lectures, etc., kindly address your messages to: 

Copying any of my articles without a written permission to, is an infringement of Copyright.

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Virginity for Valentine - a poem by Modou Lamin Age-Almusaf Sowe

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