In life nothing is easy
The street of success is always busy
Why don’t you feel how am feeling?
If only you had
You wouldn’t have taken what you are not given
Can’t you see what I am seeing?
My blood flows in the rain am seeing
Increasing pain I am receiving
Your departure got me mixed feelings:
I survived death-
Drying, ‘n still living
I wish I can tell you how am feeling
Deadly silent my mouth is speaking
Hiding my unexpressed joy in my seedlings
Watering the tears of love I am freezing
Darling, don’t go and leave me!
I undressed my senses
While still dreaming
Your tears woke me up when am sleeping.
It’s your heart am singing
I pretended everything is fine
But if you go, I will miss you
Don’t you know your love always kills me?
Can’t you hold your lovely feelings?
Am dying in my eyes
Crying what you are not speaking
I wish when I speak you’re listening
Why don’t you feel how am feeling?
Could you listen when am not speaking?
I look inside my heart ‘n it’s you I am seeing
Your love book I am reading
I can’t stop laughing when my mouth is opening
I never close it when my eyes are closing
It’s my mind I am writing
Writers’ ended when am not beginning
It’s your fingers am fingering
Your hot red ginger I am gingering
Why can’t you feel how am feeling?
Honey, your noiseless voiceless sound I'm ringing
I drink your breath when am drinking
Creamy Sugar, we are meant to be
I wish my surname could contain the letter B
I remember our sun shining days
Sitting in the bush and eating bush- bay
I like the times you shake your waist beads
Childish (laugh), but sweet like a cream-mint
Creamy like a castle of chocolate am dreaming
Why can’t you feel how I'm feeling?
Without you, in my life, I am thinking
If I could survive
There isn’t cool music cooler than your vibes
If you truly love me— Honey,
Feel how am feeling.A MESSAGE FROM MODOU: All Rights Reserved! Thank you for reading and following my blog. Should you wish to use any of my articles for personal use, research, lectures, etc., kindly address your messages to:
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