Sunday, July 1, 2018


IMPORTANT DATE AND TIME:  Sunday, 15th July, 2018 at ( 1600 hrs)  4:00 p.m GMT

As a Gambian author, writer, or an aspiring writer you painstakingly write everyday, but you've been struggling with it for too long. You completely lack the support and guidance from those already published, who factually know the way but can't lead you there for REASONS of jealousy or simply thinking that your work is bad- or you're not a good writer. You've already discarded an earlier draft, and now once again the book's direction seems completely lost. You decide to throw the book out, again feel like taking another profession. You no longer care about this book, or, for that matter, ever writing again. I say DON'T GIVE UP! It took me FIVE YEARS to publish THE THRONE OF THE GHOST. Worry no more, believe in God.  He Alone can help us out. Writing is a gift. Don't write because you see others doing it and gain some success in it. There's a great difference between admiration and being it. You can admire someone or their work,  but remember you can never be them.

Writing, publishing and marketing your book takes renewing your resolve daily; it takes plenty of research for others; while it takes nothing at all for highly talented writers to just sit and write on any subject. But there's ONLY ONE FACT about writing and in my own institution of knowledge is AW-MBP that is " A Writer Must Be Published". No matter how good a writer is or writes, if he/she has not published any work,  he is not a writer.  You must write to be a WRITER , and be published to be an AUTHOR.  Don't Mind the grammar,  typos, syntax and typo-graphical errors in your work before or after publishing.  Even the readers who themselves read your work already know but don't want to accept that there's no book on this earth without an error, except the Holy Quran.

In this webinar session,  GAMBIAN author and librarian Modou Lamin Age-Almusaf Sowe will help young Gambian aspiring writers get a FREE REVIEW for their MANUSCRIPTS, write a REVIEW NOTE for their books, and guide them on how to find a suitable journal to get their work published. 

Having worked with African authors and being a part of a lot of book launches,  have travelled in eight  different African countries; I have seen great marketers fail at book production, and I've seen people with great books fail at marketing. I have seen people with great manuscripts but who don't know the value of their work and how to get published in two ways: 

1. Published with a publisher, or
2. Self-published. 

In this WEBINAR, YOUNG GAMBIAN ASPIRING WRITERS will have the opportunity to benefit from the following: 

•  Will receive help to design your book cover
• layout your book interior
• create all your own promotional material
• build an amazing author website that converts viewers to readers
• promote your book by following your own custom book marketing plan
• gain all the secrets of the trade for book promotion both on and offline
• get in bookstores
• get booked in media and radio interviews
• identify and reach your ideal audience
• grow a rabid following
• and most of all, sell loads of books!

1. Must be a Gambian aspiring writer living home or abroad and less than 29 years. 

2. CONFIRM YOUR REGISTERATION via email to Write the TITLE of your WORK in your email and leave your contact number, and date and place of birth in The Gambia.

3. Your work will be REVIEWED with a NOTE and send to you vía E-MAIL with the suitable PUBLISHER to target and publishing TYPE. 

4.You'll have the opportunity to MEET Modou Lamin Age-Almusaf and participate in the VoP Working Group discussions on WHATSAPP,   for FREE video calls,  question and answer, and conversations about your work. NO PLAGIARISM! The work must be the orginal work of the WRITER. 

Modou Lamin Age-Almusaf Sowe is a bestselling published author of fiction and nonfiction books. As founder of Self-Publishing The Voice of The Pen ( VoP), he uses his book marketing and publishing expertise to help YOUNG GAMBIAN authors become successful. He is the author of The Throne of The Ghost, his debut play  published in USA in 2016 by Malthouse Press and distributed by the African Books Collective. His writing and publishing career spans in eight countries – The Gambia, Senegal, Mali,  Burkina Faso, Benin, Nigeria, Morocco, and Republic of Niger.

Kindly visit my "Mobile-Friendly Author Website" on this link :


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