Friday, September 7, 2018

Gambian Literature and Publications, Arts and Culture

Have you ever wondered where to read about or find Gambian literature and publications for FREE of CHARGE? Worry no more. You've come to the RIGHT PLACE and to the RIGHT PERSON. This is the only available BLOG both in and outside The Gambia, about Gambian literature and publications, and arts and culture. I am tempted to begin by asking if you'd know by now what niche my blog is all about? Have you been following my blog posts for a very long time now-and have actually been impressed with the way and manner I write? If YES, wherever you are living in this world; I want to tell you that I value you most on anything I write about.

I am a selfless young man, an industrious, multi-talented and a creative emerging West African writer and scholar who can give voice to Gambian literature and writing. I saw a clamitious decline in the consumption of African literatures in the Western world over the past few decades. Our literatures should be known by both the indigenous people of Africa and those in the Western world. Instead, they are actually suffering a setback of poor readership and a huge lack of patronage. Do you know Africans can write and there is a very rich literature found in The Gambia; and it is call Gambian literature?

As a literary blogger, I have some huge advantages over established businesses and larger publishing outlets to delight you about Gambian literature. I am the most consistent young West African ( literary blogger ) you've ever known or knowing about. Why? Because I have a good content and a niche- and do not care about the money or fame, the amount of followers or likes I have on social media. Rather, I care about giving you quality products for FREE. I am the only young literary blogger I know about who can write on any topic and have been blogging for the past two years. Visit my blog archive to further see and read on different topics I've been writing about to date.

 I entertain; I influence; I educate; I inform; I instruct and delight you-- but at the same time,  heal you from pain and sorrow. I am a wordsmith, a love doctor, a cultural educator, a philosopher and an emotional thrapist. I am not an affiliate blogger neither am I a content blogger.  I am a CULT OF PERSONALITY BLOGGER because I share my model with people so that they can solve things the same way like me. I place on my blogger any topic that comes to my brain, I blog. I eventually get enough traffic that’ll make me some money.

Having known the type of blogger I am now, let me now tell you something about my niche. Often a niche is taken to be a topic to write about, but to me, a niche and a topic are like a husband and a wife. They love each other, and one cannot go without the other. For example past topics on my blog were about religion, the New World ,  philosophy, literature, etc. To help you understand what a niche is, if I write about religion for example, the word religion itself is very broad because there are many religions on earth. But if I say for instance " The Dignity of Women in Philosophy of Islamic Religion", which is one of my past topics I've already written about; obviously, becomes a niche because it tells on the type of religion my topic was written for and about.

Having now known my niche and did know what I write about, let me also tell you (Why You Should Visit My Blog And Be Subscribed To It.) I am very consistent with my work,  I love what I do, can do it; having been doing it for years- and doing it for FREE--with a very good quality and not blogging for quantity. My talent and originality is beyond the rims of my country and call for a global AUDIENCE like YOU. Happy to say that at the time of writing this post; I had a total pageviews of 23,398 coming from everyday, every week, and every month VALUABLE READERS from:

 USA, Italy, UK,  Germany,  The Gambia, Belgium, Canada,  France, UAE,  Niger, Ethiopia, Poland, Finland, Senegal, Norway, Indonesia, Cyrus,  Spain, Sweden, Burkina Faso, Morocco, Nigeria, Ghana, Togo, Benin, Cameron, Liberia, Mali,  an Unknown Region, etc.

I would like to assure you more of me, and the consistency in my work to always impress you beyond expectation. With immediate effect from today, Friday 7th September 2018, my BLOG POSTS will now come your way WEEKLY on FRIDAYS.

Finally, I've a good news for you. My post next week Friday,  14th September 2018, is gonna be a post about (HOW CIRCUMCISION IS TRADITIONALLY PERFORM IN THE GAMBIA).  Be subscribed to my BLOG and don't miss it. Shout-out to y'all wonderful people.


( VERY IMPORTANT: PLEASE do not forget to click on the AD-SENSE ( i.e. the images showing on the right.) For every click you make for me, serve as a COMPENSATION and a HELP to me for the KNOWLEDGE and the JOY I am giving you for FREE)

 My special wishes for you. Kindly visit my mobile-friendly author website on this link :


 All Rights Reserved! Thank you for reading and following my blog. Should you wish to use any of my articles for research, lectures, personal use, etc, kindly address your message to: Copying any of my articles without a written permission to, is an infringement of Copyright.

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