Wednesday, September 5, 2018


I matter in this matter and the world matters
For being a master in any other matter
Matter of fact, I am me in my world
After the hatred and the envy untold
Remove your blindfold
I am the only me who write very bold
Bold enough to run and play with a pen-like Usain Bolt
I am the servant of thy MASTER
The rain in every water
I breathe fire
My mind sees clouds in every dark sky

For being the me you've never spoken to I
The only me who sees the ONE-EYE
I am the only me they don't want to hear about
They know I MATTER
Don't they?
They know themselves
Do they?
I MATTER in your life
Even if you stab me with a knife
Words I speak are holy
For those who want to accept Christ and be godly
I MATTER, for I am the me in every ME, and YOU

Because they say;
"A MATTER is anything that has mass and can occupy a space"
The world is my matter
BECAUSE my words are the space
To put a smile on your face
BECAUSE I am the century's WRITER
I am the guardian angel for the poor
The voice to defend the defenseless
And the weapon to jump over fences
Make the evil be on diverging lenses
Trembling for being lost in their senses

Because I am ME
Happy being ME
I am ME
Me I am
I ME am
I am I
Who am I?

Because I am the only ME
Who write and speak like ME
Tell that to HE and SHE
I am the only I that is so eloquent like ME
And the only ME who talk like I
Do you know why?
I am good at being ME
I compete with nobody but ME
Because I am nobody but ME
I AM, BUT, ML ME- the poor servant of God.

( This photo was taken when I was 14 and started writing. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚Looking at my pointed ears, my red lips and young eyes, always make me laugh at myself )

|| Annuit Coeptis || "The sugarcane will never be salty even if it grows on a salty land. So, your life would always be sweet whatever the ingredients your enemies will put in it. My special wishes for you." Kindly visit my Mobile-Friendly Author Website on this link: http://www.modoulaminagealmusafsowe. All Rights Reserved! Thank you for reading and following my blog. Should you wish to use any of my articles for personal use, research, lectures, etc, kindly address your messages to: Copying any of my articles without written permission to is an infringement of Copyright.

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