Thursday, October 18, 2018

Two Inhuman Things that Plagued The African People's Culture: Gambian Literature and Publications

           Welcome to my blog! Good to see you here! Literary, the sun and I are pleased to offer you a warm welcome to the VOICE OF THE PEN.

 In this week's blog post, you're going to watch a brand new video on my Youtube channel. Do not foget to subscribe to my blog and Youtube channel.

 The fact that slavery and colonialism are two inhuman policies that plagued the African people's culture with indelible and irreparable consequences, is not a debatable issue. While reparations are being demanded by African nationalists from the Western European and United States of America, with  focus on labour, man power and socio-technological developments,be inspired watching my video that explains among others, the RAPED AFRICA TODAY that has suffered slavery and colonialism. Africa is rising a clarion call for self-sufficiency. Our rivers flood to their banks, we have resources in abundance to stop our beggars seen everyday in the streets. We are too united a continent to be divided by war and tribalism, we are rather to determine to repair the past with shared values of love, unity and forgiveness.


With an unbreakable trunk of explicit respect for humanity, and a string of inexplicable confidence and trust for African integration for the Africa we want; I write this blog post to your kind attention in order to compensate you with inspiration and affection. My poem focus on giving incentives to Africans torn out of their self-reliance and dignity.

I'll be very selfish to shun your commitment in this seldom struggle for African integration, no matter how long it takes, now or later, with pain and sweat, surely, slowly... there shall be a UNITED STATES OF AFRICA!

Kindly click on this link to watch my video:

 ( I love reading! Librarianship is not only my work and career, but it is something I love passionately because the world belongs to those who read.)

 See you next week Friday. Sweet kisses, Modou Lamin Age-Almusaf Sowe.

( VERY IMPORTANT: PLEASE do not forget to subscribe to my blog and click on the AD-SENSE ( i.e. the images showing on the right.) For every click you make for me, serve as a COMPENSATION and a HELP to me for the KNOWLEDGE and the JOY I am giving you for FREE.

My special wishes for you! Kindly visit my mobile-friendly author website on this link :


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