Thursday, November 1, 2018

Letter To My Wife: Inspirational Articles from The Gambia

Dear landlord of my heart, 

                             I choose not to call you my better-half for fearing to have a half in the word better-half. I am writing this letter to break charming news to you by extending a gratifying, impressionable, and compassionately written INVITATION to you for appearance in my dream tonight. I know this may sound extremely funny to you, but that's the least most hilarious English word I can use jokingly in this context to define how I need you. I am so totally, completely, overwhelmingly, eye-popping, life-changing, spectacularly, passionately, deliciously in love with you. Although, I don't know you yet, and don't know where on earth do you live at the moment. I believe that I'll meet you one day and decided to write you this letter.

You don't have to attend every argument that you are invited to because I know we'll both suffer before I meet you; i.e if I've not already met you. I'm so glad that no matter how long it takes, I'll surely meet you. I represent a charismatic figure who is so open to criticism and likes following than leading; so much so that wherever I'm leading; I always see myself as a follower. In this ambitious undertaking, I am worth the effort as I guaranteed you true love for eternity--and would like to emphasize to you an African mentality which has it that wherever Africans are gathered or call upon to do something worthwhile, others will begin to destroy the slim chances to downgrade those with the zeal and talent to transform dreams into realities, and sleeps into actions.

I only hope this won't be for our case before I meet you. Or that if I had already met you; I hope you'll realize your mistakes and pray to God to help us against our enemies. You may be so dumbed that you cannot speak and so blind that you cannot see, they say love is blind, but I've seen it blinded in broad daylight. Let me quote from the famous Nigerian actor and scholar, Pete Edochie who said; "when a woman is beautiful but has no brain, her private part suffers the most." I want to tell you that no dream became destiny without plans and persistence. The highest forms of understanding we can achieve are laughter and human compassion. Remember that every past has a joy and sorrow, and every true love must have those who'll oppose it vehemently. I can’t help but break into a smile, as I lie here on my bed, awake and restless; I feel thankful that I don't care about your religion or tribe; I don't even care if you're human or not. I love for real and I am a man of my words.
I feel lucky to be able to call you LADY ML SOWE because wisdom teaches that in this life there's someone for everyone. The worst part of love is the search for your soulmate. Sometimes, it takes years and years; it will make you meet so many wrong people who'll waste your time and won't value your love until they lose you. I don’t want to make unreal promises: but what I can tell you is that no matter what, I will never stop admiring you and sending goodwill messages of peace and blessings from the very day I'll meet you, to the very day I'll be laid to rest. Showers of blessing, from glory to glory, I'm never worried and never feel sorry. I know (Anne ) was older than ( Shakespeare), but I don't know if you're younger or even older than me. Whatever your MOTHER planted for you, you'll surely harvest. My mother has already planted a lot of good deeds for me to harvest true love with you.

 It's not whether you get knocked down; it's whether you get up. A critic is someone who knows the way but can't drive the car. Love isn't finding a perfect person. It's seeing an imperfect person perfectly. Before you know someone is not perfect as you think, let your love or marriage have 4 years or more, that's the middle of understanding and the end of patience in any love or marriage. Do you know you can buy a plane for a woman and yet, she'll sleep with the pilot and accuse you of not giving her enough love? Don't explain it, your enemies will always doubt you and critics will always criticize; work for it and it's proven! I work for what will surely be proven in broad daylight: whether when I am still alive, or when I die. If I am meant for you, no matter how long it takes, I'll surely be yours. But note that it takes time before I truly love someone, but once I love; I love for real. But also when I say over, is over. Reflect upon your present blessings, of which every man has plenty; not on your past misfortunes of which all men have some. I, your husband to be; I am an astute and non-avaricious young man who has a pure and unadulterated burning passion for the development of Africa; and so very ambitious about religion. A scholar thinks twice before saying nothing. I don't need an intelligent or beautiful wife to be renowned for my scholarship. My gift is from the Highest and I cherish it. I need someone who truly loves me, that's all. To each, there comes in their lifetime a special moment when they are figuratively tapped on the shoulder and offered the chance to do a very special thing, unique to them and fitted to their talents. What a tragedy if that moment finds them unprepared or unqualified for that which could have been their finest hour. God's time is the best, and His timing is never wrong. What's yet to happen is just yet to come but it doesn't mean it won't happen. Nothing happens before its time, neither can one die nor be born before your day, nor does any marriage take place without the permission of God. Factually, some people even get married but they're just not meant to be. They'll only later realize it and take a divorce. Sometimes, you may have already met your soul-mate but don't know he/she is your life partner, or that you must have been separated in the past; or that you are yet to meet him or her. But still in a wrong relationship or marriage, thinking you're finally there. Just know that what's not meant to be, will never be.

I know ladies like to hear about how a very kind and hard-working man overcome his challenges, therefore, you may not have seen my younger days unless I tell you. Since I was a young boy, I have been focused on working hard toward a successful career. After finishing high school in three years and graduated post-secondary school, I was on track to start climbing the literary ladder and finding success. I am addicted to success and very hungry for it.
In reality, I felt burnt out and uninspired. I worked a job in which I found no purpose other than jealousy and evil. I surrounded myself with people who seemed unfulfilled in their jobs but held on to them for stability and fear of trying something new which isn't my destiny. I was tired of working for people and wanted to work for myself. So, I became my boss.
Very soon, I lost my motivation, and with that, my work ethic. I knew I had to veer off the straight and narrow path that was laid out for me my whole life and take the plunge in pursuit of my passions.
I wanted to use my legal skills to help people who can't help themselves (and thus also can't pay for the services). I wanted to travel the world. I wanted to have time to pursue my writing (which I haven't had time to do since I was in high school!). The problem was, none of these passions just come like that without inexplicable problems to overcome. Knowing that I am born to win and success is my surname; I sometimes got wrapped in chocolate and splashed into the water of jokes imaging to myself how I'd be shouting at my wife just because she hurt my child. I wish I had no past,
I wish the future was the past,... sometimes, I just wish the past was the future, to look at you in the picture; and tell you how expensive I am to be fooled by the wind of gossip and lies in the market of jealousy and hatred. One day, as I glanced at the clock on the wall, I dried my hands on a cranberry-colored dish towel. It was a quarter to two, I opened the door and jumped back as the mid-August night air, nipped my nose foolishly, and laughed at my self-comedy. I found myself entranced with the rich baritone of your voice, the gracefulness of your movements, the easy way you joked and laughed with me; made me sleepless. But I only woke up to realize it was a dream; and I have had to frown graciously the whole day wishing my dream was real.

You're like an eye without a tear, like a heart without a fear. Oh my god, that’s crazy. Oh my god, that’s thrilling. Oh my god, the agony. What a delicious, spectacular catastrophe. My heart is a calamity. I develop crushes regularly and always considered a crush was a demand, a command - LADY ML SOWE, do something! - but I have learned it’s less about doing and more about feeling, feeling in all its madness, incongruence, intensity, wonder, and pain for giving you this unique name and yet to meet you or have met you in the past.
Honestly, you swept me off my feet both literally and figuratively. Within 10 months that I've been seeing you in my dreams. But how presumptuous shall we hope to find divine acceptance with the Almighty mind? While yet do deeds ungenerous to the very person God has created for us.
A blameless race of test from God. Just like how lonely Adam was in the garden and fell asleep only to walk up and saw Eve. Sometimes, the scripts in my head I haven't dramatize for years did make me sleep only to wake up instead of seeing my Eve laying beside me; I'll see my alarm clock ready to remind me that today is as well another dream. Let virtue reign and then accord our prayers. Be victory ours and generous freedom theirs. I have been waiting my entire life, for this moment with you my darling wife, to call you Bae and you call me ML Baez.
 When will I see you? When? Where on earth do you live? Don't you know I am your husband? I ONLY wish husbands and wives do know they're meant for each other from the very moment we're born.
As this was only the start, the heavenly breath of holy hours of the dawn, pounding into the gutters of silence, drawn and sawn in the pawn of your unsurpassed fawns of cheerful magnanimous flames of angelic nobility; co-meddled with melting limbs of erring kings among holiness of queens and happiness of things. " No matter how much the cats fight, there always seem to be plenty of kittens", said Abraham Lincoln. I wish I bite your lips like I need a bite on your apples like Adam and Eve. Faith is to believe what we do not see, and the reward of this faith is to see what we believe. I still believe that you'll come into my life no sooner than you realize I am meant for you. I have just three things to teach you: simplicity, patience, and compassion. I am the most kind-hearted man you'll meet or have ever met.

 " The afternoon knows what the morning never suspected", said Robert Frost. I only wish you know that I use my night to think about you and use my morning to find you. My past has not defined me, destroyed me, deterred me, or defeated me, it has only made me stronger and a better worshipper of God. Although, I am so misunderstood, what's a World without enigma? "If knowledge can create problems, it is not through ignorance that we can solve them", said Isaac Asimov. Pain is the passing lane where you leave the competition behind you. There's no true love or marriage without pain. " People must not turn into bees, and kill themselves in stinging others", Sir Francis Bacon told us in his teachings.

As I woke up for Fajr Prayers and decided to try the network and send you such a romantically written, heartily felt, and emotionally send-up of an awful messaging content of a highly giggly spoken expression; I just knew it's of GREAT THANKSGIVING to say THANK YOU for this great milestone in Gambian Literature and Publication--and praying for the longevity of your desired aspiration to be my wife someday. Looking at your pretty smiles as they catch up the respectful a blazing furnace of God's mercy upon you; If ever someone remembers you before or now - know that I'm always wishing you every day, every second, and in every minute of my life mentioning your BEAUTIFUL NAME anytime I pray. Besides, the sides of your beauty sleep in my dreams reminded me of the picture below. Be rest comfortable to seek and act assured of my commitment forever, and the guardianship of love and truthful struggles to valiantly and gallantly fight and die in your war than accept a defeat.

Yours Affectionate Husband,
The Voice of The Pen,
Modou Lamin Age-Almusaf Sowe

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