Friday, February 22, 2019

The Innocent Girl: Part Three: Short Stories from The Gambia


Speaking from a perspective of religion,  Cheikh Tijan pondered into sententious silence and then replied:

" The best of educations, is to read in the name of Allah Who created. Created man from a clot of blood.

Western education is good as well, but it only stops on earth and there is no reward for it in the Hereafter. It gives good job, prestige, good papers, etc,-but it can't be compared to reading in the Name of your Lord. Allah ordered our Holy Prophet MUHAMMAD (S.A.W) and all genie and mankind, to read in the name of our Lord who created us; God doesn’t say we read in the name of Western education," he ended.

The children roared into a chit chat and murmured- and then exclaimed the word ‘Subhanallah', you are very right our mentor.

A genie young boy who has been sent by the unseen world to spy on Cheikh Tijan and his followers, has been keenly listening to them and hoping to make a major contribution to the topic of discussions. He has ensured that no one recognizes him from the inward look he has been stealing at the center of discussions.

He shoved himself out and kicking up a blinding cloud of red stones and dust,  mustered his courage; and then asked:

" I have a question sorry. May I ask about the attributes of the awaited Imam of our time, who'll lead Isa  ( Jesus) the son of Mary in a prayer?"

Cheikh Tijan already knew that the boy is a genie and sent to spy on them. In respond to his question, he smartly said:

" The Final Imam of our time will be sent by Allah whenever his time is due. His attributes are very close to our beloved prophet Muhammad ( S.A.W ). He shall be a righteous man and will come from the progeny of prophet Muhammad ( S.A.W).

That being said, we're living in a cheap world of chaos and deception. At the end of times--when we've already embraced the cheap illusion of the West and become totally deviated from the path of true religion. We shall get rid of these parasites like an infestation of fleas, sucking our young and changing right to wrong.

Every light lost to us is another light. With God,  we'll be triumphant over our enemies: among genie and mankind." Cheikh Tijan boldly declared in a deep masculine voice.

Instantly, the eyes of the young boy turned red, his furry blurs - he's angered to temptation and ironically managed to say:

"Thank you! This answers my question. I must take a leave of you."

He walked away in shame and anger; and faded into the silent air.

Mary F. Yanga has been informed about the ongoing meeting at the old Soto tree, where Cheikh has assembled all the children in the village of Sotokoi.

Mary has always seen Cheikh Tijan as an opponent and a person who is very hungry for power. She hates the religion of Islam and misunderstood the difference between Sunni and Shia Muslims- and the ongoing conflicts in the Arab world.

" I must set an example to him!", said Mary in an angry voice.

Mary is a very brave young lady and the heir to the Kingdom of Genies. She's not a Muslim and hated the practice of Rukiyaa ( Islamic traditional way of curing those affected by evil spirits through Qur'anic recitations).

Having known and heard what Mary and her followers have said about him, Cheikh Tijan, knows before being told and hears the unheard. He sees the unseen and more intelligent than his late father ( Malick). He did order the children to open the Holy Quran and continue reading Surah-Al-Khafiruun.

" Do not stop reading it until I ask you to do so", declared Cheikh Tijan. He spread a white piece of cloth at the spot where Mary intends to appear from in a circular opening on the ground; and sprinkled some charms on the spot in order to keep them blinded from the spirit world.

Mary is set with her team to bitterly battle with Cheikh Tijan who has been removing and destroying every genie who enters the body of Muslims and disturbs them.

" We must burn the Holy Quran and destroy their temple. Let's spill blood,  let's set an example for others to follow- and let's embark on a mission for the vision. The time of our Master ( The Anti-Christ is near); and we are conquering all nations to be handed over to him. We choose anyone we desire to be our president in each country on earth- and no one can challenge us!," revealed by Mary in her state of contrition and mental quest for war.

( To be continued)

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