Friday, February 15, 2019

The Innocent Girl: Part Two: Short Stories From The Gambia


As Modou Lamin Age-Almusaf Sowe said in his famous book, The Throne of The Ghost: education is the golden cage in which the eggs of success must be laid— CHEIKH TIJAN was so luck a child to be taught his religion and the norms of society, at a very tender age. Having been lucky to have religious elders who surrounded him with books; he was taught by both the jinns and human beings alike. The soul of human dignity, wisdom and steadfastness, ranked him a priceless supernatural being. Despite being an imbecile, he has never departed to anywhere truth and religion has never been.  Even in his sleep, he snores insightful vision, truth and eloquence. This faithful Friday in August, all the students in OUSTAS ALH. JANKO SOLO’s Madarassa (Qur’anic school) were sent to fetch woods at the forest. They have always been reporting to their OUSTAS that CHEIKH TIJAN never fetched wood while in the forest; but whenever their Oustas counts the number of bundles fetched by his students; he always confirms that there are fifty bundles being brought altogether. On this very day, their Oustas found it absolutely germane to unnoticeably follow them inside the forest. Having seen all his students being so busy chopping woods;  he saw at once that CHEIKH TIJAN was sitting alone in a quite place, and reciting the Quran.

His startling eyes opted for a vote of no confidence against CHEIKH TIJAN. At once--he wasn’t so quick to make any noise that could signal his presence. In the unbelievable battle of his common senses; he fed his eyes and ears satisfactorily enough to belch the gift CHEILK TIJAN has been endowned.
When they returned home from the bush; their OUSTAS drew their attentions with an assignment in Surah-Al-Baqarah, the longest surah in the Holy Qur’an. It has been argued worldwide that it’s likely impossible for any ordinary human being to memorize Suratul-Baqarah in just a day, even the world best scholars of our time, found it ultimately impracticable. But CHEIKH TIJAN did memorize it in less than 30 seconds, and even had to read ahead of his OUSTAS.

‘It’s your turn CHEIKH TIJAN, can you read the Surah ’, 

His OUSTAS declared, as he attempted to test his wisdom- and upon suspecting that he is just not a mere human being.
He recited the whole Surah, and went ahead to the extent of correcting his OUSTAS in a very polite manner, stating that the correct pronunciation is:

 ‘Mim Baahliha-wa quissaliha-wa fuumihaa-wa aadasiha-wa baasaliha’, and not ‘Min Bahlika’. 

From then, his OUSTAS provided him a separate seat and segregated him from his students. CHEIKH TIJAN was so dear to the Holy Qur’an that he is never seen without carrying it along anywhere he goes.  As stated in the Holy Qur’an in Surah-Al-Room chapter 30 verse 21 that: ‘We have created for you mates from amongst yourselves, so that you may live with them in peace and tranquility, and We have put love and mercy in between your hearts’.

 He has never terminated his obligatory or supererogatory prayers without asking God to give him a righteous wife, as an imbecile, he was always seen playing with children. He constantly drops saliva from his mouth like an agreed coalition government of waves fluctuating along the river bank in Grand Yoff or Pikine; he smells so abusively- so much so that his odor always burns the houseflies flying around him all day. Everyone avoided him— except  the kids,  who are his closest friends. To people, he is insane, a failure and an imbecile. But to God, he is a genius and one of the most pious men ever to walked on this planet. Unlike other kids, CHEIKH TIJAN has never played football or attended night clubbing programs. He doesn’t smoke, he doesn’t drink, nor does he eat pepper. 

His uncontrollable tongue is always seen licking the corners of his mouth playfully, talking to the earth like a dog which has greedily eaten some hot red German peppers. With all these misplaced adjectives and irregular adverbs, he has never missed a single day of his life without praying the Five Daily prayers. His hobbies include: going to the bush with kids, staying aloof in an isolated place, giving alms, fasting on Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays, reading the Holy Qur’an,  and preaching the kids about the Oneness of God. 

'Education is so very important, but reading in the Name of your Lord who created you, is the best of all educations'.

 He stated, as he addresses the children gathered under the old Soto tree. A shy, smart and intelligent young boy who is very close to him asks:

 ‘Cheikh, is Western education important to us as Muslims?’ 

CHEIKH TIJAN pondered for few minutes, and pronounced the word: ........ 

( to be continued)

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