Friday, June 7, 2019

Alif Laam Miim ( Poetry)

Aliif Laa Miim
Is Modou Lamin
These haters know Modou is not Lamin.
Gambians nyo nenj laaming
Y dina len jaagal kamil
I wish my future wife was a writer
A scholar and not a fighter
Recognizes the alphabet
And knows Aliif Laa Miim;
Call me Modou Lamin,
Pray for me and say amen.
In the first noise of four newborns
And tears made of laughter
In praise for fallen words
And love ever after
In the good night, dads
And I love you more than most.
That's where I found and continue to find
My victory.
All close
Almost infused
Falling clothes...
As if I could refuse.
You're my refuge.
And you're mine.
To subdue.
That tender center
And let's cinder
Like wildfires
In the Santa Ana winds
Let's fly high and skydive.
Into the swim.
Brilliant sky above
Whose like stretches
Far across the miles
Seen through the eyes of many
Day and night
light and dark
What is time?
A day in a century
No ticking clock
The sun and moon reflections
The turning of the tides
Water, Air, and Earth
Life's comfort blanket
Passage to the gods

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