Sunday, June 30, 2019

PRESS RELEASE from the Young Writers' Association of The Gambia (YWAG)

We, the Young Writers' Association of The Gambia (YWAG) have today 30th, June 2019 elected a 13-member executive to administer the affairs of the Association from July 2019 to July 2021.

Below is an overview of the Association's new Action Plan from 2019 - 2021 drafted on this date by the new executive :

1. The Hassoum Ceesay Prize for Literature ( awarding young Gambian writers annually in poetry, drama, slam poetry and prose)

2. Promoting a culture of reading and writing in schools ( creating a literary mindset among Gambian students )

3. Access to reading and learning materials ( to improve the standards of written and spoken English language and to improve the performances of Gambian students in WAEC / WASSSCE)

4. Creating reading spaces and publishing young Gambian writers. ( To Create spaces where young Gambians can read, research and write; and publish their works)

Those interested to join the Association can obtain a membership form at the NCAC Research and Documentation Unit Directorate of Fine and Performing Arts in Fajara  behind the GT Bank opposite the US embassy for just D50.

Contact the Treasurer here: 3346115

The new executive is as follows:

1. President - - Rohey Fofana alias Aja Rohey Fofana

2.  Vice President- - Omar Njagan

3. SECRETARY GENERAL - - Ismaila Saidybah

4. Harry Bah alias (Harry Potter ) - - Assistant Secretary General

5. PRO-- Adama Joof alias ( Tha Proud Pen)

6. ASSISTANT PRO-- Aji Ndumbeh Jobe ( The Eye of the Pen)

7. Treasurer - - Sirreh Kujabi

8. ASSISTANT TREASURER - - Adama Suso ( Mickie or Double Voice of the Pen)

9. Press and Information Secretary - - Omar NK Ceesay ( NK Tha Hero Poet)

10. Assistant Press and Information Secretary - - Mamadou B. Jallow ( Tha Fulani Poet )

11. Book Publishing and Promotion Secretary - - Sulayman Yourhigness Jammeh


13. YWAG Representative - - Saidou Anna Ibn Ahmad

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