Thursday, July 25, 2019

Anthology Calls for Submissions 2019

Deadline: 15th August , 2019 .

The Writers' Association of The Gambia (WAG ) in collaboration with the American Corner Gambia are excited to announce citing from a very successful and ongoing Pen Your Own Book summer training on Creative Writing facilitated by award winning young Gambian author and scholar, Mr. Modou Lamin Age-Almusaf Sowe, the Secretary General of the Writers' Association of The Gambia (WAG ), a call for submission to the anthology entitled ( NEVER AGAIN). 

 Call aims to sensitize the public through creative writing on the importance of reading and writing in the indigenous languages of the Gambia in order to draw fundamental attentions to a given set of problematic actions, national values and legal issues surrounding the Gambian youths, and drawing their attentions on the promotion of African languages and cultures. 
 Agreeing with us that not much has changed in the education curricular of Africa, Resolution 71/178 of the United Nations General Assembly has proclaimed 2019 as the International Year of Indigenous Languages (IYL 2019) and entrusted UNESCO as the United Nations specialised agency dealing with Education, Science and Culture to act as lead agency for the organisation of the year. 

The Gambian youths therefore have an important role to play in helping the education sector- by encouraging their peers to read and write in their mother-tongues, in order to preserve our rich African cultures and languages, widen their readership, and to promote the habit of reading among youths and marginalised groups. Once more people are seen reading African language books at home or in public places, school children and the youth, especially students would be attracted to reading African books.  In this anthology,  we will deal with the role of Gambian youths in the harmonization of Africa's many spoken languages and cultures,  in promoting an inclusive development, the future of the book as a cultural product, and the promotion of reading among youths. The THEME of the call is : ‘‘The Harmonization of Africa's Many Spoken Languages: The Role of Gambian Youths. ’’

The Rules and Submission Guidelines:

For the Anthology

  • The work must not have previously appeared in print anywhere.  (Yes, this includes electronic forms.)  We do utilize a plagiarism checker to verify if a work has been in print before, and we do report plagiarism.
  • All submissions must be written in the indigenous languagues of the Gambia, or in English. Please use Americanized English (example: Color not colour).
  • In dialog, quotation marks must be double and not single marks (example: “You must be joking.” would be correct, ‘you are not joking’ would be incorrect as we are an American Corner. )
  • Each author can submit only (1) unique work for this anthology. 
  • The submission should include a head-shot in .jpg format. Preferably in 300 dpi as we publish in print and electronic editions.
  • A bio of 150 words is required.
  • Works must be in Microsoft Word or RTF, double-spaced, 12-point font, with one-inch margins. Our acquisitions team would be grateful if you used a simple font such as Times New Roman.
  • Poems must not exceed 30 lines for poetry works, and 1500 words for short stories.
  • Only registered participants for the Pen Your Own Book summer training on Creative Writing are entitled to make submissions to this call.

In this anthology, we're looking for short stories or poems that explore the naughty side of an affair with your boss in work places, sexual harassment, the issues of rape in present Gambia and how young girls are being affected. 
We are looking for a unique take on how LOVE, FORGIVENESS AND UNITY can be used as reconciliation tools to eloquently address these issues. 
Submissions of both short stories and novellas to this anthology are welcome, please keep in mind the minimum word count is 500 and the maximum word count is 1500. And for poetry, the minimum word count is 14 and the maximum word count is 30 lines. 
This anthology is a great opportunity to showcase emerging young Gambian writers and allow them to build their professional platforms.

Submit your best work.  We will be doing light editing as necessary to fit the standards we strive to maintain.

All contributing authors will receive a free copy of the book in hard copy and softcover.  Authors that are chosen for the anthology will not be paid nor receive royalties for their submission. This is an opportunity to build your platform. However, in the event of marketing the book globally; this will be seriously put into consideration.

Should you have any queries, please contact the EDITOR; Mr Modou Lamin Age-Almusaf Sowe on +2207204117 or email: 

Reach out to Mr Modou Lamin Ceesay on :

+2203181344 or 


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 My special wishes for you! To schedule or book me for public lectures/ book launches/ conferences/ readings/ scriptwriting/ keynote/motivational speaking events, please email:

 Kindly visit my mobile-friendly author website on this link :


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