Wednesday, November 23, 2016


In life nothing is easy
Success is a road always busy
With enemies talking ‘menemies’
Why don’t you feel how am feeling?
If only you had—
 You wouldn’t have taken what you're not given
Can’t you see what I’m seeing?
My blood flows in the rain am seeing
Increasing pain I’m receiving-
Your departure got me mixed feelings
I survived death;
 Dying ‘n still living

I wished I can tell you how am feeling
Deadly silence my mouth is speaking,
Hiding my unexpressed sorrow in my seedlings;
Nursing the tears of love I’m gardening,
Have your Darling changed?
Undressing your common senses:
With unusual texts
Going back to her ex’ses,
Being fooled by fake friends
In fake brines,
 While still dreaming;

Your tears woke me up when am sleeping
It’s your heart am writing
Lust of Love
And Love of Dust!
Don’t you know love always hurt?
Can’t you hold your lovely feelings?
Am dying in my eyes
 Crying what you are not speaking
I wished when I speak you’re listening
Why don’t you feel how am feeling?

Could you listen when am not speaking?
Love has eyes 'n ears
Ears have pinners to cover them;
Seal them,
Hearing the unheard
And seeing the unseen
Rubbish in bin,
So bin them,
When promises are being broken
Those you trusted lied to you
You still obliged to her lie
Ignoring the lies
By Mulie ‘n Abdoulie
Say ‘Blie’
‘Cheehh Wolie’
When they lie:
Start killing love flies

I looked inside my heart
 And it’s you I’m seeing
 Your love-book I am reading
I can’t stop the Laughter of Crying
Hearing gossips of lying
The love flew
Things started flying,
Your hope started drying
You started crying
Beginning the begotten,
Mending the broken
Your fingers am fingering
Gingering your hot red-ginger
Why can’t you feel how am feeling?

Tell him/her
Honey, you’ve changed,
 Your noiseless voiceless sound am ringing
Drinking your breath when drinking
We are meant to be
I wish my surname could contain the letter B
Remembering our sun shining days:
Eating my ripe bush- bay
Walking in the bush-
Sitting under the bush-bay
Fashioned like one ‘Mbouba ak Toubay’
Times we’ve been
To places you’ve never been-
Sweet like a cream-mint
A Castle of Roasted Chocolates
Your torch lit
Why can’t you feel how am feeling?
If truly you love me—
                              Always feel how am feeling.            

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Sunday, November 20, 2016


Abiding aberration and abloom aimless ambition
Born Brexit’s bureaucratic boundaries-
Connotation of costly condolence coined concordance
Devastating damnation dividing Damascus
Engulfs Egypt’s electrifying energy
Fanatically fashioned faint-hearted fascism
Galliambic government governs governance governor
Hallucinating hope hit Haiti’s house hidden hunger
Inhuman introjections insinuating influential independence
Justice’s judiciaries jailing journalists’ juries’ jingoism
Kept Kenya’s kangaroo knack keen kingdoms
Levitating legitimate lake lambasted linguistic language
Moving magnetic macaronic missiles massacring Muslims’
Nuisances noised nuclear neo-nationalists nonentities’ notion
Oppressing our oil’s organizational O.A.U organic offerings

Peacemakers paid philosophically pessimistic ponderings pumping petroleum’s pleasant perfumes
Quicken quadrillions quest quantities
Rubbish Rwanda ransacked remembered racial riot
 Sorrowful sob Somalia’s sacrificial sweet- sausage
Tyrannical tailoring tailpiece talking Terrorism trash Taliban
    Ultimately under umbrella ultra-filtration
 Visually vivisecting voter’s voted victory
World wifi wants walkabout walkathon
X-raying x-axis xenophobia
Yarning yaw yardstick yearbook-yogurt
Zink zoom zapped Zionism

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Saturday, November 12, 2016

My Consort ( Poetry )

Of all women on earth
Beauty, structure, wealth ‘n hath-
One I love most;
My life-partner on my post:

That which pleases her desire,
Is what I aspire,
She hath never dim my joy
Never has she played me like a toy

She always show me that I’m fair
 That everything is created in pairs;
She’s my chosen bride to beset,
My only Honey to cuddle ‘n pet

Her talks, walks ‘n balks-
Dissolve my lungs
Heart ‘n chalk,
Punctuating my comma, dash ‘n dots
She knows exclamation, full stop ‘n dots-

We never fought like cats ‘n dogs
She got me bewitched, trap ‘n charmed,
I’m love-sick,
 Wounded, bleeding ‘n harmed

She doesn’t listen to ‘em, they ‘n those-
Or this, that, these ‘n those,
She listens to me, I ‘n Am,
Her rivers flow in streams, lakes ‘n dams.

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Wednesday, November 9, 2016


A man says I am
 Not my father is,
He says I have but not my father had
He gives but does not ask back
He cries but his tears never seen
He suffers for the success of others

Who is really a man?
He who can stand adversity
Not loved until he has
Underestimated before he have
Discriminated without a disease
Always been laugh at until he smiles

Who is truly a man?
A piece of soap but does not wash himself
He who means what he says
Always trusted without trustees
Ugly but his pockets full
Handsome but unserious
Intelligent but infamous

Who is a man?
Caring ‘n loving
Honest ‘n kind
Lazy but fast in thinking
Succeeded ‘n wish the same for others
He who respects the dignity of women
Accept being beaten than beat women

He who can control his desire for love
Even if he can marry four;

Who are the first categories of men?
They’re powerful but do not fight
They know but don’t always talk
Contented if they lack
Die like a man than to live like a coward
They love you more when you break their heart
They promise ‘n never break vows
Happy even if they’re sad
Laugh if they’re angry

They always share the wisdom they’re endowed with
Help others if they will lack

Love one person if they’re love by many
They always eat what they sweat for
They never walk ‘n bow down
They always accept guilt even they’re innocent
They always think of death when they die
Accept to be poor if they’re rich,
Quarrelsome but never seen quarrelling;

Brave but cowardice,
Kind but wicked,
Honest but dishonest;
Caring but selfish
Faithful but always cheat
Religious but never seen praying
Famous but don’t want to be known
They forgive ‘n forget
Responsible if not employ
They help but don’t want to be thanked
Dance but don’t want to be clapped for
They give without asking them;

They call you fertile if you’re barren
They virgin you if you’re not
They treat their wounds ‘n don’t hurt others
Call you mother if you’re their wife
Take your anger ra’er than seeing you angry
They keep your wedding ring than breaking it
They beautify you if you’re ugly
They’re always satisfy with your beauty
 If you lack what others have
They include you if they’re excluded

Who are the second categories of men?
They lift you up ‘n peep under you
They wear trousers but worth wrappers
They enjoy today but will suffer tomorrow;
They always lavish what they don’t sweat for
They had but don’t want others to have
They always pretend but don’t love
They live in fake lives while the truth is known
They are beautifully dressed while their pockets empty
They are really handsome but ugly at heart
They always take women as objects of temptation

They don’t love
 They like you for a reason,
They dump you after tasting your sugar
They called you unserious
 After getting what they wanted,
They always say my father has but not I have
They like enjoying but don’t want to work
They can’t bear adversity,
They always beat women ‘n unsympathetic,
Borrow but don’t return
Want to enter heaven but don’t want to pray
Powerless but like fighting
They don’t know but always talk
They like leading but don’t want to be led
They always say I have but not God gave me
They promise but never fulfill
They fall in love but don’t know who truly love them.
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