Thursday, November 3, 2016


Have you ever wondered what success is and who are those successful? Are you hungry for success and want to know how is it obtained?

Praise be to Allah (S.W.T), the One, the All-Powerful, the Forgiver, the One Who makes the day and night overlap, an eye-opener to all those who have eyes and soul. He has awoken to piety chosen ones from among His creatures, made them renounce worldly pleasures, inspired them to be always watchful for His pleasure, and granted them the ability to persevere in acts of obedience to Him.

In this article, you will learn what success is and how to be successful, the merits of success, and how success is obtained. The case being like this, every sensible human being should wisely choose the path of virtue and reason and should be attentive to what success is all about. Many people have been effectively confusing success for prosperity, righteousness for grace, and destiny for hard work. If we’re to make an x-ray of the modern definition and perception of the word ‘’SUCCESS’’, we will undoubtedly be falling for the Great Age Deception, which has been carefully and intellectually designed to unknowingly keep you blinded from the truth forever, thus, make Mankind to dearly love the world; and detest the Hereafter.

Let’s discuss in detail what (Worldly Success) is all about. Incontrovertibly, the most famous type of success earned and endeavored for by 99% of the world’s population— since 1000 years ago, is Worldly Success. This is earned by submissively devoting oneself to developing an incipient interest and love for the world and all the things in it. Over 99% of the world’s most famous and successful people both past and present, all earned their successes through unreligious connections unpleasantly detested by Allah (S.W.T), namely: acquiring wealth, fame, power, jobs, luxuries, etc., are all earthly pleasures, — which when not earn correctly, misleads one to fall for the Great Age Deception (New World Order) built by Satan to welcome his final messenger and best prophet, as Muhammad (S.A.W) is to Allah (S.W.T). Only the learned can teach what’s to be learned.

In doing this, I committed myself to include only accurate, genuine, and clear-cut hadiths, and verses from the Holy Quran and Bible to clarify any ambiguity. Allah (S.W.T) has made things so very clear to us in the verses in Hud, chapter 11 verses 15-16 which read:

 '‘Those who desire the life of the Present and its glitters,—to them We shall pay (the price of ) their deeds therein without diminution.’'

 Consequently, from this verse, it’s very important to pay attention to how we all strive in our various endeavors in acquiring education, earning a good job, being wealthy - and so on, simply, if anyone desires this life and its glitters, you can be a person who has obtained a Ph.D. in education, drive the most exotic cars on earth, get all that you desired; by gaining Worldly Success. But in addition, this is what Allah (S.W.T) says in the next verse making an enjambment in Hud verse 16 : 

‘'They are those for whom there is nothing in the Hereafter but Fire: vain are the designs they frame therein, and of no effect are the deeds that they do!.’'

I’m deeply scared and I got a migraine— when I saw an exclamation mark at the end of the verse. When Allah (S.W.T) exclaims, is beyond ordinary punctuation! Is not like when Mankind does; it’s so sad seeing someone having everything on earth: wealth, children, lovely husband/ wives, luxuries, fame, power, attending the best institutions of learning with degrees, and becoming the most famous - or prosperous— person people talk about, etc., but only in vain.

 Allah (S.W.T) added and exclaimed in the ending of Hud verse 16 that: ‘’To no effect is the deeds they do.’’ Meaning, this might even include: fasting, praying, giving alms, etc, everything they do is zero to Allah (S.W.T) because they’ve been deceived by Satan, who made them detest the Hereafter; and deeply fall for this world.

 Please note that as a concerned servant of Allah (S.W.T), I won’t proceed in my next paragraph, without revealing to you a great secret, in the above verses in Hud chapter 11 of Glorious Quran verses 15-16, – which are used by both the Jinns and human beings to enrich themselves, and become admired in the world. 

Some people read these verses after performing ablution with their urine, and face the east and pray. If anyone wants to be wealthy on earth and lose in the Hereafter, no doubt, I’m giving you this long hidden secret not encouraging you, but discouraging you to outthink those with the courage of doing it.

 A similar verse is mentioned in the Holy Bible, in 1 John chapter 2 verse 15 which says: ‘'Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.’' 

My dear reader, whether you are Muslim or Christian, is high time we all check ourselves and renew our loyalty and faith in Allah. Today in the world, there are very few correct Muslims or Christians, if there aren’t, most of the signs for the Day of Judgment to come; won’t be shown on daily basis, and those with true knowledge and wisdom, with righteous people, are acutely underestimated and dying one by one. Such that there won’t be anyone with perfect wisdom as stated in the Hadith of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W). Beyond no reasonable doubt, I write this to remind you and myself that the second and best type of success, is ‘’Divine Success’’, this type is the hardest to earn or strive for. It’s mainly attained with patience, righteousness, misfortunes, hardship, and all the vices detested by Mankind. But it’s the best type of success both on earth and in the Hereafter, achieved by all noble prophets and messengers of God— either in Islam or Christianity— and all their companions, followers, scholars, and virtuous people.

There is no relic of history in the form of anything— noble prophets, messengers, and their companions, — have left here for us other than Holy Books and their teachings. If God wills, they would have all earned good jobs, driven the most exotic cars on earth, built the most expensive houses, and learned at the world’s best colleges or universities. But truly, none of them; and I repeat, none did. Now my dear reader, who is the most successful? Is it us or them? Do you know the Great Deception used to mislead you? One word: DECEPTION —If Jesus (Isa ) has never attended any institution of learning and knew more than you and I— the same to all messengers and prophets and their companions, including even some saints and virtuous people, tell me what is success and who are those successful?

 Let not your wisdom, luxuries of this life, knowledge, and people, I mean your pride or wealth deceive you. Is good to seek knowledge, but let’s seek righteous knowledge. Being so inclined to logic and reasoning, I just heard one of you reading this saying: ''our times are different that’s why. We’re in the age of technology.’’ 

My dear reader, may Allah (S.W.T) forgive you for having such a negative thought and belief. Decent people still following these noble people and following the Right Path are seen as uncherished, ignorant, and living primitive lives. Don’t you hear what Allah (S.W.T), my Lord, your God, and their Lord says— no matter who you are and any religion you belong; hear what Allah (S.W.T) says in Surah Ad-Zuha (Adh-Dhuha) chapter 93 of the Holy verse 4: 

''the life Hereafter is better than this life.’'

 Can someone who has seen all the answers before an examination is given to him, be equal to the one who doesn’t? If we’re living better lives than them, and our generations are different, will we ever be equal in rank and status, deeds and technology even on the Day of Judgment? What more answers or questions do you a created being, have to further ask or even argue in this verse? Are you the Creator or created? If you desire this life, Allah has spoken about it, as discussed earlier, and He preferred the Hereafter for all His messengers, prophets, and their followers, virtuous people, including me and you.

 Let’s eschew evil and renounce earthly pleasures to gain the Hereafter if your intention is Paradise and not ‘Earthlidise’ (not an English word), forgive my poor English, is a new word to be learned.

The Bible says in Mathew chapter 5 verse 8 that '‘Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see thy Lord.’' Allah places Divine Success, which is the second type of success, amid difficulties, as a winning treasure for only true believers. Success is therefore mentioned, and Allah calls all His creatures and says to us: rush to succeed, but many people don’t know the simple meaning of ‘Haayallal-Faalah’, meaning come to success, rush to succeed, and come to win. How come we all ignore this clarion Call and still had to attend to worldly engagements for more than 1 hour, when Allah’s Call to success is less than 5 minutes. How can we succeed or become successful for shunning the Call to success, and still called ourselves pious Muslims or Christians? Are we Munafiq or Muuminun? I can see you becoming tired of reading this because it’s a write-up for true guidance, if it was a book/movie on how to make love or worldly things, without making sales, I’ll be a bestseller, but is about God— I know it’s too long, but hear this final Hadith, Abu Hurairah (A.S) relates that the Messenger of Allah (S.W.T) Muhammad (S.A.W) said:

''When the Call to prayer is raised, the devil(Satan) will go away in great disgrace and with great speed so that he would not hear the Call. When the Call is over, he will come back. Then, when the Iqama (second call or adhan) is raised, he will flee away again. He will even come between a person and his soul and whisper evil things to him. ''Remember this; remember that—things which the person did not have in mind—to distract him from his prayer, and he would not know how many rak’as he had prayed.’’ (Al-Bukhari and Muslim) Hadith No: 1036.

Thank you for reading! 

I'm nothing but only a poor slave of ALLAH!

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