Saturday, November 12, 2016

My Consort ( Poetry )

Of all women on earth
Beauty, structure, wealth ‘n hath-
One I love most;
My life-partner on my post:

That which pleases her desire,
Is what I aspire,
She hath never dim my joy
Never has she played me like a toy

She always show me that I’m fair
 That everything is created in pairs;
She’s my chosen bride to beset,
My only Honey to cuddle ‘n pet

Her talks, walks ‘n balks-
Dissolve my lungs
Heart ‘n chalk,
Punctuating my comma, dash ‘n dots
She knows exclamation, full stop ‘n dots-

We never fought like cats ‘n dogs
She got me bewitched, trap ‘n charmed,
I’m love-sick,
 Wounded, bleeding ‘n harmed

She doesn’t listen to ‘em, they ‘n those-
Or this, that, these ‘n those,
She listens to me, I ‘n Am,
Her rivers flow in streams, lakes ‘n dams.

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