Wednesday, February 14, 2018

The Mid-night Dream ( A Poem)

At 3 a.m.,

Monday, mid-night,

While half sleepy and awake....

I saw a woman in my dream

Fetching water from my stream;

Quaking in her shoes;

Hair rounded my toes

Sitting beside me:

Just so close to me,

Touching my head,

Alive and dead.

I got more aware of the year

Of her origin from nearby

She saw the happiness in my heart

Tearing an intellectual me in a hearth

Wearing my heart on my sleeve

Like a new fashion called ML-vee.

I need a bite out of your apple, like Adam and Eve

This love, I owe thou, you must receive

For long,

I've been young and strong

Trusted, loved, and plagued

To ants who don't know my value

Took me for granted

Forgiving them my talent to be graded

Marked them my students in a test

For thinking, they'd best

Finding and never found

Wrong pairs I did bound

I can't find the heart in sweetheart


Listen let me explain

A poetry text so plain

I'm misunderstood?

For years I stood,

By the woman of betray-

Gave her my heart on a tray

She traded me so low

Mixed with sunlight and snow

At the market of lies

To lizards and flies

Artificially learned men

Thugs of omen

Who ain't on a letter of the alphabet in my book club

Ignorant men who the only cub

That lass is last

Because I broke her deal at last

Need raw flurries to fructose

Energize me with your glucose

I'm crazy for you like a crazy-glue

This feeling I felt for you is so damn true

Sweet like a piece of cake

I'm now alerted and awake

Sugary like an angelic sugarcane

Jonny and John McCain,

You can't walk in my shoe

This garden needs a hoe

The black god to the church

Sang a choir of my punch

Love me and I'll love you more

Hate me and I'll show you hatred

Woman of my dream,

Rub me off your body cream

Lips like the Gospel of Mathew

Eyes like Suratul Nisa

I'm laying in the grave

My knowledge is natural and brave

Aiming at your smile

Piercing across the Nile

Are you willing to sacrifice your life?

To be my DARLING wife

I'm living in the future so my present is my past

Phrases and clauses at last

Let these doubters ask the climbers

Where the top lays in the chambers

There, I'm sitting rotten with health

Come raped my wealth

Defile my chest

For being single and zest

Unhuman and inhuman

For us the humans

I am incessantly willing

Of course, not, not joking

I fathom your heart

For  the wisdom, I'd craft

Be the snake of my human

First Lady, you to be your man

Only your finger fits my ring

She doesn't know why I gave her a thing

Which itself made her who she's

That unintelligent mind who speak me

Come, my dream woman--

Let the dream continue;

Come, bite my lips 

Chew me on the mouth

Eat me raw

Lean me against the wall

The verdure of love cost my eyes

Dying to tell you you're nice

Light is striking twice in this place

Red-blues, the height of this race,

She thinks I'm bordered

No, I'm even bored.

So, I pick a piece of song

To correct her wrong

Just type this it will come

Listen to Big Sean, "I Don't F**k With You"

So I don't f**k with you

Including you and all haters you

Talk bad about me if you wish

For the good I did for you, that all saw in bish

If you understand, Modou Lamin Sowe is Modou Lamin Age-Almusaf Sowe

And Modou Lamin Age-Almusaf Sowe is Modou Lamin Sowe

A MESSAGE FROM MODOU: All Rights Reserved!
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