Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Book Review for The Throne of the Ghost ( A Play)

Dear Reader ,
                          Would you like to read my book The Throne of the Ghost ( ISBN9789789497133)? You can purchase the book here from worldwide bookstores, supermarkets, sellers, and libraries:


Do you know why you should read my book? Because it's REASONABLY CHEAP, REFUNDABLE, DELIVERED WORLDWIDE AND NEW. It's of the best literature books to read in Africa. It will make you know and appreciate the beauty and true existence of "Gambian literature"; do you know there's Gambian literature? I believe passionately in encouraging a love of reading in people of all ages. There is nothing quite like the thrill of opening a book and being drawn into another world to meet new people and to discover their stories - it’s like having the world in your hand to read.

The power of a gripping story and intriguing characters is immense: it transports us into different and sometimes strange worlds, and helps us to understand why people behave as they do. It is a true voyage of discovery that broadens and stimulates our minds. The Throne of the Ghost is thrilling with intriguing characters, a debut and written for the New Generation.

Please, I need your generous comments and reviews for my book. You were one of those who either purchased, would like to read, or have read or downloaded a copy of my book.

What do you think of the book?

Kindly send me a review of the book in less than 60 words. You can also write your reviews on Amazon on this link below:


Do you know what the book is all about?


In four hundred and eighty moons ago or thereabout, when Africa was a huge farmland, there lived a king in a place known today as Niamina Dankunku, who was endowed with dignity as a result of his wisdom and unquestionable character and well known within the Senegambia, Guinea and Mali region. He had two wives and six children, his first son Ishaq was to succeed him upon his death, but Sheriff, his second son, and his mother Awa, led Ishaq astray and planned to kill him. Maimuna, the Jinn who loves Ishaq, was afraid to tell him. But Mariama, a friend of Maimuna, also a Jinn, stepped into their relationship and made things more difficult for Maimuna... Athough the play is entirely fictional and any resemblance to any person death or alive is coincidental, it, of course, reflects some of what is typical in human affairs today - jealousies, intrigues, rivalries and compromises.

Features & Details of The Book: Product Information:

Publisher: Malthouse Press Ltd
Publication date: March 7, 2016
Language: English
Country of Publication: USA
Genre: Drama
Type: Non-fiction
Distributors: African Books Collective  ( ABC)

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Click here to view the Book Trailer Video on Biteable and be inspired with my sweet voice:


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A Must-Read! Be inspired from these pictures to grab your copy now!

Looking forward to receiving your generous support. I'm much obliged and all gratitude. Consider yourself heartily thanked!

A MESSAGE FROM MODOU: All Rights Reserved! Thank you for reading and following my blog. Should you wish to use any of my articles for personal use, research, lectures, etc, kindly address your messages to: modoulaminsowe1@hotmail.com. Copying any of my articles without a written permission to, is an infringement of Copyright. I hope this blog post finds you well and the new year has begun on a great note. I am well too and looking forward to a great 2018 as I engage more with you. I appreciate you for being part of my 2017 readers around the world. I write to tell you that you can now translate all my blog posts into any language in the world . Simply type the language of your choice in the textbox below the inscription " Pageviews", it can be found on your right-hand of this page. You're all important to me, for everyone as I look at the wholesome approach to the discussion on overall African protest literature and the link to religious poetry from a person-centered view.

Friday, May 25, 2018

The Best of Creation ( Poetry)

You died an honourable dead;
 I thank you,  ‘Alhamdoulillah’
(R.I. P), I wouldn’t say ‘Astagfirrullah’
Thank for the "Light" you’ve brought to us and your guidance, ‘Sub-hanallah’
The Best of Creation, I call you ‘Ya-Rasorulllah’
(Al-Amin) your beautiful name, ‘Fatabarakallah’
Your honesty defines the word 'Maa Shaa ALLAH'
Ya-Aabi, Muhammad (S.A.W)
The beloved son of Aminah and Abdullah
Grandson of Abdul Mutalib and Nephew of Abou Talib
 Blood and fibre of Bannu-Quraiys
The breath and breathe of the truth
The ink and pages of the Holy Qur’an
 The sky of wisdom
The cloud of honesty and the rain of modesty
The ocean of patience and steadfastness
The Seal of prophets
The righteous of righteousness
The judge of the law and the lawyer of judges
The magistrate of faith and invincible author of authors
 Imam of the ‘’Masjids’’
The saviour of jinns and mankind
The Best of Creation
The first and last prophet of the prophets,
The only God chosen genius and the brain of intellectuals
Throne of kings and ornament of angels
The apparatus of scientists
The only Creation Allah promised a title: "Makamoul Mahmouda"

You got wounded at the battle of "Uhúd" in the name of Islam, we know your true intention
The Holy Qur’an given to you is indeed the final Book,
The Farewell Sermon you’ve made spoke a lot of your Islamic emotion
You died but we are still undertaking your corrections
The Five Pillars of Islam you have firmly erected is truly a foundation
I wish I could thank you for all your deliberations
Your dead we couldn’t stand in lamentation
If dead was exchangeable, your tears we wouldn’t cry
Since you left us the sky is dry
You died for our living
And gave for us to be forgiven
We were living raw in darkness and you made us ripe
The truth you brought ended many lies
Idols are lies
There's no deity worthy of worship but ALLAH
You guided us from wrong to right
‘’Ihdinas siraatal musta-qiim’’, you’ve placed us on the right path
You spread Islam on earth
Judgment Day will  surely come when those who contradict the Holy Qur’an,  and denied you will stand aside
All disbelievers and fake prophets who refuse to convert to Islam will grovel to hell in flights

A MESSAGE FROM MODOU: All Rights Reserved! Thank you for reading and following my blog. Should you wish to use any of my articles for personal use, research, lectures, etc, kindly address your messages to: modoulaminsowe1@hotmail.com. Copying any of my articles without a written permission to, is an infringement of Copyright. I hope this blog post finds you well and the new year has begun on a great note. I am well too and looking forward to a great 2018 as I engage more with you. I appreciate you for being part of my 2017 readers around the world. I write to tell you that you can now translate all my blog posts into any language in the world . Simply type the language of your choice in the textbox below the inscription " Pageviews", it can be found on your right-hand of this page. You're all important to me, for everyone as I look at the wholesome approach to the discussion on overall African protest literature and the link to religious poetry from a person-centered view.

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

RESURRECTION ( Religious Poem)

We only use our "wills" as tools on the face of the earth
To weed our rewards of the Life Hereafter
And ask God which darkness gives light?
Which "angel" broadcasted my news?
Who is in Hell to judge me?
Didn’t I do good to deserve good?
Give me my book in my right hand
Proof me signs to be burnt in Hell
Stop that video! That's ’s not mine
Return me on my golden bed
And enlarge my grave for me

Thou "messengers" don’t whisper any word into my alive ear
Tell time to rebirth my flesh
Let me wear the clothe of your worship
Won’t thy pay me the good I have laboured for?
Save my soul the rain
Cry me the Atlantic Ocean
Put off the fire I must die in again
Beg thy Lord for me my bones
Melt me away shame
Fade me away a dust
Swallow me my sweat
Please! Hide me away the heat from Hellfire
Stop running away from me my mother
Didn’t you recollect seeing me father?
Take me back on earth my legs

Messengers of salvation
Please! Persuade God for me
Vomit me my pains
God of the gods
You are that You are
Please, have mercy on your poor servant!
Call umbrella to stop the heat from the sun

Please, marry me Islam!
Protect me the Holy Quran
Rebirth me the Ramadan
Make me a charity
Encourage me to feed the poor
Tell those who are alive what I seeyeth
Find me my lost faith
Let prayers play me like a game
Resurrect me fate
The truth is left in a nest
Next my life to an animal
Let me feed on grasses
Let me feed on grasses.

( Note: Everybody will die even the angel of death. ”Kullu nafsin zaikatul maut” is a verse from the Holy Qur'an, which means every soul shall have a taste of death.) This poem was inspired by death as a reality. The poem mirrors down the Islamic prediction of judgment day and all the events highlighted about the Doomsday in the Hadiths and Holy Qur'an.

Sunday, May 20, 2018


She smiles like the ocean’s coldest moon
Angelic like paradise’s swimming pool
Heavenly sent my First Lady
Beautiful like yesterday’s today's tomorrow
You're not noisy like a cheap African soap
Am dying to tell you ‘danga ova raffet’
My imagination crossed your carpet
Your beauty is not fake nor flash in a bucket
Your body doesn’t have rashes or crash like a limpet
Am very sick in love with you like my very ill-pet
I wish you accept the things I can’t explain
‘Yatah ma mussa duga ci train’
Every evening ‘mai dem train'
‘Mai naawu melni’ plane
Dying for your fame
First Lady ‘yow ya bareh feum’
‘Donnulo jiggen buii fenn’
‘Sumala gissut suma helbi daai teiy’
‘Sumala gisseh reeh’
Sweet 'melni mew’
Your heart is open and transparent
Decreeing restage
Resting lounge to me a parent
Icy like a diece
Nice like godly mice
Commendable madam First Class
You restructured my broken glass
Your look always change my mood
‘Duchaan’, everything in you is good
Plus the addition of your smiles so pretty cool
Multiplying ‘ak nii ngayi dohhey’
Dividing your beauty’s locket
All nearly make me kick the bucket.

I wrote this poem three years ago
For trusting love will never go
It took me so long to publish this poem
For feelings I felt for you so strong
I held my belt in my heart
Grieving for an affection's meditation
This feeling got me arrested in her station
Rhyming my imagination
You merit the tune of my every heart-beat
Including the sweet-joy I ran with in a defeat
Your adoration strikes in me more than a giga-byte
You keep riding in my dreams like a bike
I mean what you meant
Better call me a Gambian undiscovered Celt
The feelings you fed me got me melt
I don't mean nobody,
Literature just got writing what I felt
I walked up to her ‘n knee when I knelt

NOTE: This poem was written since three years ago ( it is an except from my poetry book, Spit of Misery) it will soon be available in stores for purchase. Thank you for your generous support! 

A MESSAGE FROM MODOU: All Rights Reserved! Thank you for reading and following my blog. Should you wish to use any of my articles for personal use, research, lectures, etc, kindly address your messages to: modoulaminsowe1@hotmail.com. Copying any of my articles without a written permission to, is an infringement of Copyright. I hope this blog post finds you well and the new year has begun on a great note. I am well too and looking forward to a great 2018 as I engage more with you. I appreciate you for being part of my 2017 readers around the world. I write to tell you that you can now translate all my blog posts into any language in the world . Simply type the language of your choice in the textbox below the inscription " Pageviews", it can be found on your right-hand of this page. You're all important to me, for everyone as I look at the wholesome approach to the discussion on overall African protest literature and the link to religious poetry from a person-centered view.

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Statement On The Occasion Of Ramadan 2018 ( Religious Paper )

As the Islamic world enters with devotion and piety the Holy Month of RAMADAN on 1437 of Hijra, on 17 May, 2018. On this solemn occasion of  forgiveness, blessings and prayers, I would like to extend my warmest greetings and best wishes of good health, peace and happiness to you all. I pray to Allah, the Almighty, for the continuous progress and prosperity for both Muslims and Christians all over the world, and for the peace, security and wellbeing of the entire world.

In a world ravaged by tensions and confusions that affects many countries in this 21st Century, and sometimes weaken the very essence of our Noble Religion: thus, the present Jerusalem and Palestinian uprising. Whilst reiterating my Eid-ul-Fitr (Ramadan) best wishes, please accept, the assurances of my highest consideration and humble forgiveness to you all. Time has come for those sleeping to wake up and for those already dead to thank God and rest in their graves. The world only awaits Jesus, the Antichrist and the Mahdi.

All other signs have been clearly proven before our very eyes. Care should be taken for the "War" that awaits the world that will be caused by a world leader leading to the appearance of the Mahdi. We can all see, hear and to some extent feel what's been going on in Syria. We have seen the cordial relationship between the US and Saudi Arabia over other Arab nations in recent years.  I said in one of my books, (Temple of Wisdom) that the stick that will destroy the sight of a person,  the eye of the person cannot see it. I'm very glad to even see a G5 being formed by countries in the Sahel: Mali, Niger,  Chad and Burkina Faso . This is a demonstration of their commitment to stopping Al-Qaeda and Boko Haram, who will not form nothing like G5 to carry out their mission.

In North Korea, the world awaits the long-scheduled meeting between USA and North Korea on matters having to do with nuclear weapon disarmament. In China and South Korea, we can see the role they're playing between US and North Korea.  Moving to Lebanon, Iraq, Russia and Afghanistan,  we can clearly see the consequences of a bitter outcome that can be predicted for Saudi Arabia's unpleasant intervention in Yemen and  the backing of Turkey as a result of matters directly connected to Syria.

Whether the world knows it or not, we're watching you and have had a very clear knowledge of most of your actions going on on the globe. To add insult to injury, we've seen the repercussions attached to the US's efforts of opening an Embassy in Jerusalem.  I'm only a "reminder" and won't take this wisdom to my grave only to be questioned on judgement day.  Whenever I write,  there's a reason, a lesson to learn and a message to spread across. In conclusion, we can see global hypocrisy at its height for the US's action on Iran made today by sanctioning them for vague reasons. I've said-- and  herein attached the link to that poem, which will tell you ISIS have anything you have . I mean anything! Click on this link to read the Poem:


With warm regards,

Modou Lamin Sowe  ( Modou Lamin Age-Almusaf Sowe )

A MESSAGE FROM MODOU: All Rights Reserved! Thank you for reading and following my blog. Should you wish to use any of my articles for personal use, research, lectures, etc, kindly address your messages to: modoulaminsowe1@hotmail.com. Copying any of my articles without a written permission to, is an infringement of Copyright. I hope this blog post finds you well and the new year has begun on a great note. I am well too and looking forward to a great 2018 as I engage more with you. I appreciate you for being part of my 2017 readers around the world. I write to tell you that you can now translate all my blog posts into any language in the world . Simply type the language of your choice in the textbox below the inscription " Pageviews", it can be found on your right-hand of this page. You're all important to me, for everyone as I look at the wholesome approach to the discussion on overall African protest literature and the link to religious poetry from a person-centered view.

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Happiness ( Poetry)

I'm happier than I use to be
Drinking HONEY in my human bee
Squeezing my hard work on the breast
Yummy like an African yeast
Tiers bended to gimme a kiss
Tongue hanging for a hiss
Wet on the bed of my dream
Yearning for my cream
My trouser's seedling
I'm staring up into the ceiling
For the happy life I'm living
I'm superhuman, am non-living
"No money no honey"
No honey for me to give money
I need some rice on the plate
I'm sweeter than a cake
I reached the finish line,  I'm not racing
Who're they chasing?
Be careful who you trust
Both salt and sugar are white
Not only snow is white
Flour 'n milkpower are both white but not the same

Don't care if you're wrong or right
Whether you're black or white
Don't underestimate my brain
I'm meant for change
My rhymes are looking so ungrateful
Bcos love isn't tasteful
But they'll never make me hate you
I'm born grateful
For the pain in your heart is restful
The hall of fame is not full
Is King ML sitting on The Throne of Jinns
Much as I do my reader
The pen remains my leader
If money grow on trees
Get the roots in your house
If you can't water the tree
Get the money first ,  get the power
And then get the women
No African girl will choose six packs over six cars
Tell my fellow men to stop the gym and work hard
I make you pay attention
For suffocation of inattention
To keep me unsafe
It's down here take a walk with Satan
The magic came with a sprinkler
I'm the reason for the gossip and frenzy
For haters who envy
Tell them I'm now in another world
The world of the supernatural
Rest In Peace grandfather, Demba Racki
Gorr yabula teh jinneh mussula fonto
Grandmother, Yaye-Binta Faye
Gissumalen, y awma sen feye

My imagination just defeated my seeing
I race in my heart
Laughter got me laughing
Smile broke my broken teeth into pieces
Peace married my emotions
Happiness invaded my anger
Misery missed my footsteps
Worrying waved my mind with joy
Mixed with strawberry of hope in a fruit-salad
Je suis malade
Maintenant je comprends Français
Aujour'hui,  je suis très heureux
When the truth is told, lies end with shame

A MESSAGE FROM MODOU: All Rights Reserved! Thank you for reading and following my blog. Should you wish to use any of my articles for personal use, research, lectures, etc, kindly address your messages to: modoulaminsowe1@hotmail.com. Copying any of my articles without a written permission to, is an infringement of Copyright. I hope this blog post finds you well and the new year has begun on a great note. I am well too and looking forward to a great 2018 as I engage more with you. I appreciate you for being part of my 2017 readers around the world. I write to tell you that you can now translate all my blog posts into any language in the world . Simply type the language of your choice in the textbox below the inscription " Pageviews", it can be found on your right-hand of this page. You're all important to me, for everyone as I look at the wholesome approach to the discussion on overall African protest literature and the link to religious poetry from a person-centered view.

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Virginity for Valentine - a poem by Modou Lamin Age-Almusaf Sowe

Disclaimer: This picture is subjected to copyright.  On Valentine’s Day, a gift so rare, A heart laid bare, a moment to share. In shock, I s...