Tuesday, May 22, 2018

RESURRECTION ( Religious Poem)

We only use our "wills" as tools on the face of the earth
To weed our rewards of the Life Hereafter
And ask God which darkness gives light?
Which "angel" broadcasted my news?
Who is in Hell to judge me?
Didn’t I do good to deserve good?
Give me my book in my right hand
Proof me signs to be burnt in Hell
Stop that video! That's ’s not mine
Return me on my golden bed
And enlarge my grave for me

Thou "messengers" don’t whisper any word into my alive ear
Tell time to rebirth my flesh
Let me wear the clothe of your worship
Won’t thy pay me the good I have laboured for?
Save my soul the rain
Cry me the Atlantic Ocean
Put off the fire I must die in again
Beg thy Lord for me my bones
Melt me away shame
Fade me away a dust
Swallow me my sweat
Please! Hide me away the heat from Hellfire
Stop running away from me my mother
Didn’t you recollect seeing me father?
Take me back on earth my legs

Messengers of salvation
Please! Persuade God for me
Vomit me my pains
God of the gods
You are that You are
Please, have mercy on your poor servant!
Call umbrella to stop the heat from the sun

Please, marry me Islam!
Protect me the Holy Quran
Rebirth me the Ramadan
Make me a charity
Encourage me to feed the poor
Tell those who are alive what I seeyeth
Find me my lost faith
Let prayers play me like a game
Resurrect me fate
The truth is left in a nest
Next my life to an animal
Let me feed on grasses
Let me feed on grasses.

( Note: Everybody will die even the angel of death. ”Kullu nafsin zaikatul maut” is a verse from the Holy Qur'an, which means every soul shall have a taste of death.) This poem was inspired by death as a reality. The poem mirrors down the Islamic prediction of judgment day and all the events highlighted about the Doomsday in the Hadiths and Holy Qur'an.

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