Friday, May 25, 2018

The Best of Creation ( Poetry)

You died an honourable dead;
 I thank you,  ‘Alhamdoulillah’
(R.I. P), I wouldn’t say ‘Astagfirrullah’
Thank for the "Light" you’ve brought to us and your guidance, ‘Sub-hanallah’
The Best of Creation, I call you ‘Ya-Rasorulllah’
(Al-Amin) your beautiful name, ‘Fatabarakallah’
Your honesty defines the word 'Maa Shaa ALLAH'
Ya-Aabi, Muhammad (S.A.W)
The beloved son of Aminah and Abdullah
Grandson of Abdul Mutalib and Nephew of Abou Talib
 Blood and fibre of Bannu-Quraiys
The breath and breathe of the truth
The ink and pages of the Holy Qur’an
 The sky of wisdom
The cloud of honesty and the rain of modesty
The ocean of patience and steadfastness
The Seal of prophets
The righteous of righteousness
The judge of the law and the lawyer of judges
The magistrate of faith and invincible author of authors
 Imam of the ‘’Masjids’’
The saviour of jinns and mankind
The Best of Creation
The first and last prophet of the prophets,
The only God chosen genius and the brain of intellectuals
Throne of kings and ornament of angels
The apparatus of scientists
The only Creation Allah promised a title: "Makamoul Mahmouda"

You got wounded at the battle of "Uhúd" in the name of Islam, we know your true intention
The Holy Qur’an given to you is indeed the final Book,
The Farewell Sermon you’ve made spoke a lot of your Islamic emotion
You died but we are still undertaking your corrections
The Five Pillars of Islam you have firmly erected is truly a foundation
I wish I could thank you for all your deliberations
Your dead we couldn’t stand in lamentation
If dead was exchangeable, your tears we wouldn’t cry
Since you left us the sky is dry
You died for our living
And gave for us to be forgiven
We were living raw in darkness and you made us ripe
The truth you brought ended many lies
Idols are lies
There's no deity worthy of worship but ALLAH
You guided us from wrong to right
‘’Ihdinas siraatal musta-qiim’’, you’ve placed us on the right path
You spread Islam on earth
Judgment Day will  surely come when those who contradict the Holy Qur’an,  and denied you will stand aside
All disbelievers and fake prophets who refuse to convert to Islam will grovel to hell in flights

A MESSAGE FROM MODOU: All Rights Reserved! Thank you for reading and following my blog. Should you wish to use any of my articles for personal use, research, lectures, etc, kindly address your messages to: Copying any of my articles without a written permission to, is an infringement of Copyright. I hope this blog post finds you well and the new year has begun on a great note. I am well too and looking forward to a great 2018 as I engage more with you. I appreciate you for being part of my 2017 readers around the world. I write to tell you that you can now translate all my blog posts into any language in the world . Simply type the language of your choice in the textbox below the inscription " Pageviews", it can be found on your right-hand of this page. You're all important to me, for everyone as I look at the wholesome approach to the discussion on overall African protest literature and the link to religious poetry from a person-centered view.

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