Saturday, November 17, 2018

Young African Writer, Mr. Modou Lamin Age-Almusaf Sowe, Suggested New Words in the English Dictionary

I feel honored and humbled to have one of my scholarly works published by the African Youth Architects  ( AYA), which I decided to share with special readers like you here on my personal BLOG.

Click on the link:

All rights reserved!  African Youth Architects  ( AYA)
Source: African Youth Architects  ( AYA)

We, the African Youth Architects, are united in our conviction that the crisis currently affecting Africa is not only a migration or refugee crisis, but also a crisis of unprecedented raise of youth unemployment manifested in abysmal trends and indicators.  The African Youth Architects (AYA) focus on empowering the African youths and their organizations by creating job opportunities for them, in order to tackle youth unemployment by 2030. The sole objective of AYA is to launch an international campaign on the attainment of a relevant and a quality education for all, the implementation of the World Programme of Action for Youth, and the AU AGENDA 2063, in partnership with international organizations, in order to create a suitable platform for coordinated actions and mass mobilization towards youth unemployment and employment creation for the youth in all sectors .

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