Friday, January 18, 2019

The 20 Influential Gambian Women of All Time You Should Know About

Welcome back to The Voice of The Pen ( VoP), the only blog that publishes articles weekly on Gambian literature and publications, arts and culture.

This week, I choose to celebrate and recognize special Gambian women in our country's history as a celebration of women’s efforts across the nation to make the world a better place for females.

 These are the ladies who paved the way for women to have a place not only in the house, but the Statehouse  and all other workplaces in and outside The Gambia.

Here are the 20 influential Gambian women who continue to inspire us.

1. Hon. Fatou Bensouda

 She has been the International Criminal Court's chief prosecutor since June 2012, after having served as a Deputy Prosecutor in charge of the Prosecutions Division of the ICC since 2004 and having been minister of justice of The Gambia. She has held positions of Legal Adviser and Trial Attorney at the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR).

2.  Dr. Isatou-Njie Saidy

Isatou Njie-Saidy (also spelt Aisatu N'Jie-Saidy) (born 5 March 1952) is a Gambian politician. She was Vice President of The Gambia, as well as Secretary of State for Women's Affairs, from 20 March 1997 to 18 January 2017. She is the first Gambian woman to have held the position of Vice President and one of the first women in West African politics to reach this senior position

3.  Madam. Zeinab Jammeh

Zeinab Suma Jammeh (born October 5, 1977) is the former First Lady of The Gambia and the main wife of the former President of The Gambia, Dr. Yahya Jammeh. Zeinab Suma (or Soumah) was born to AlhajiIbrahima and Rhimou El Hassady Soumah in Morocco. Zeinab has undoubtably been a source of inspiration to hundred of thousands Gambian women from her Foundation and Baby and Children Platform.

4. Hon. Madam. Hawa Sisay-Sabally

Hawa Sisay-Sabally is a Gambian lawyer who served as Attorney General from 1996–1998 and has since spoken out against corruption in The Gambia and represented opposition politicians in criminal cases regarding their participation in pro-democracy protests.

5.  Madam. Fatou Bah Barrow

Current First Lady of The Republic of The Gambia and First Wife of H.E. President Adama Barrow.

6. Madam. Sarjo Mballow

Second Lady of The Republic of The Gambia and the Second Wife of Gambian President H. E. Adama Barrow.

7.  Dr. Ralphina D'Almeida ( Ralphina Philott Almeida)

Ralphina de Almeida nee Phillott (1972 MA Advanced History, Politics and Sociology). A Senior Lecturer in History and Development. The First Principal of The Gambia College and a founding Executive Member of The Writers' Association of The Gambia  ( WAG)

8. Madam. Louise Antoinette N'Jie MBE 

Louise Antoinette N'Jie MBE (23 January 1922 – 22 May 2014) was a Gambian teacher, feminist and politician who was the first woman to serve as a cabinet minister in  The Gambia.

8. Hon. Dr.  Fatou Lamin-Faye

 Honourable Fatou Lamin Faye is an alumna of the University of Huddersfield who has risen to be an education minister in The Gambia.

From 2004, she was appointed as Minister of Education and, from 2007, Minister for Basic and Secondary Education and under her leadership, education in The Gambia has been transformed, resulting in significant improvements in children’s learning achievements in literacy and numeracy.

9. Madam. Aja Fatoumata C.M. Jallow-Tambajang

 Aja Fatoumata C.M. Jallow-Tambajang (born 22 October 1949 is a Gambian politician and activist who served as Vice-President of The Gambia and Minister of Women's Affairs from February 2017 to June 2018, under President Adama Barrow.

11. Dr. Isatou Touray

Isatou Touray (born 17 March 1955) is a Gambian politician, activist, and social reformer. A noted campaigner against female genital mutilation (FGM), she became the first female Gambian presidential candidate in 2016, before dropping out to endorse Adama Barrow and Coalition 2016. She has since served in Barrow's cabinet, as Trade Minister, and then as Heath Minister.

12. Madam.  Isatou Ndow

Ms. Isatou Ndow  is the current Vice Principal of The Gambia College. She is a renowned scholar, an educationist and a author. 

13. Hon. Fatou Mass Jobe-Njie

Fatou Mass Jobe-Njie is a Gambian politician who served as Minister of Tourism and Culture from 2010 to 2014 and ambassador to Malaysia from 2014 to 2015.

14. Hon. Dr. Fatoumata Jahumpa-Ceesay

Hon. Dr. Mrs. Ceesay, Former National Speaker, The Gambia National Assembly
Hon. Dr. Mrs. Fatoumata Jahumpa Ceesay was former National Speaker of The National Assembly of The Gambia. Honorable, Dr. Fatoumata Jahumpa Ceesay, a wife, mother, and grand-mother, a trained journalist by profession, and a seasoned international leader with track record of decades of public service both on a national and international levels.
In The Gambia, Hon. Ceesay held various leadership positions from state to National levels including presidential spokeswoman and press secretary. At the Gambia National Assembly, she served at various capacities including but not limited to the Chair Women and Children Affairs, and the National Speaker of the Assembly, She has served in many committees including Women & Children Rights, Foreign Affairs, and Defense & Peace committee.
In West Africa, Honorable Dr. Ceesay served at Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) at various capacities as well, from Resource Person for ECOWAS on Gender to Regional Stakeholders Consultative Forum. She is the first Woman to hold a Deputy Speaker position in the ECOWAS Parliament; and founding member and Coordinator of the Economic Community of Female Parliamentarians Association (ECOFEPA).

15.  Fatou Camara ( Fatu Show/ Fatu Network)

A renowned T.V. Presenter and  Gambian Journalist. 

16. MsOley Lucretia Clara Dibba-Wadda

Oley Dibba-Wadda is a strategic analyst and expert in international development policy and programming, particularly on education and gender equality in Africa. She is the Founder and President of the Gam Africa Institute (GAIL) and has lead multicultural and multidisciplinary Pan African development organisations.The African Development Bank (AfDB) have appointed her as Director of Human Capital, Youth and Skills Development with effect from July 1, 2017.

17. Fatim Mbenga Badjie

Fatim Badjie was a former Minister of Health and Communications respectively under the government of former Gambian president Yahya Jammeh. She is the Chief Executive officer of Ace Communications Executive (ACE) which she started in March 2009. A Graduate of BSc. Communications and MSc. Information Communication Technology for Development, Fatima is an experienced expert in media relations, ICT and strategic planning and execution.

18. Patience Sonko-Godwin

Patience Sonko-Godwin (born 1943) is a Gambian historian.
Born in Banjul, Patience Sonko-Godwin was educated in the Gambia before going to St. Edwards Senior Secondary School in FreetownSierra Leone to have her sixth form education.  She studied history at Fourah Bay College in Sierra Leone, and gained a masters at the University of California, Santa Barbara. Sonko-Godwin worked as a teacher at Nusrat High School until 1989, when she was appointed Principal Cultural Officer at the National Council for Arts and Culture. Executive Director of the Council from 1991 to 1998, she retired in 1998 to concentrate on her research and writing.

19.Janet Badjan-Young

Janet Badjan-Young (born 1937) is a Gambian playwright and administrator, "easily one of the most prolific playwrights" in the country.

20. Prof. Dr. Ameena Ali

 Prof. Ameena Ali holds a PhD™ and she maternally serve Indigent/homeless, undocumented, sexually trafficked, incarcerated, DV, HIV & Teen Women. She graduated from the
University of Phoenix
Greater New York City Area. She lives in USA and she is a renowned Gambian scholar and lecturer.

21.  ( kindly suggest any other name (s) to me should you know any)

Should you know any other renowned Gambian lady ( ladies) past or present, who should be added on this list; kindly send me an e-mail to:

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 My special wishes for you!

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