Monday, October 31, 2016

How Culture and Environment Influence One’s Life ( Academic Paper )

 Culture and Environment
This paper x-rays ideas assimilated by socialists and other research persons on culture and environment and their effects to man as a living being. The ideas are philosophical in their content, (Modou Lamin Age-Almusaf, 2016, p. 14) suggests in The Throne of The Ghost that culture is a virtue which should be championed by every society in the Twenty-First Century, including the future generations yet unborn, but it can’t be socially harvested without being morally implanted into the wombs of our environment-- which directly or indirectly transmogrify the human psyche.

 When people evolved, this happens as a result of a mixture of cultural values and environmental adoption. However, this varies from other theories adopted by some writers, who defined culture as a way of life of people, and environment as our surrounding in which we live. This thesis, has a vivid  concepts adopted on a research by (Berkman & Kawachi, 2000): in showing how health and environment  has determined several factors including genetic inheritance personal behavior, access to quality healthcare and the general external environment (such as the quality of air, water and housing conditions). In addition, a growing body of research has documented the association between social and cultural factors and man.
 Numerous facts have been proven by (Modou Lamin Age-Almusaf, 2016 p. 21) on how culture as a seed of the environment is grown on the minds of people and can impact positive changes in their social lives, an analysis of the role performed by the people in serving as the sources of artistic heritage, and their contribution in assimilating ideas to generate rich cultural values from norms and customs of their society bond by the environment.

Principles are also laid down to serve as guidelines with references, to prescribe how civilization and the environment can change one’s life, if one is to be ethical. Consequently, the nitty-gritty of culture also serves as a strength to reenergize the weakened shape of the surrounding to enhancing a holistic development. In conclusion, the people and their origin, sex, color, ethnicity, political affiliation and ethno-linguistic composition, all aid in influencing and creating a definite shape to a suitable environment in which people can dwell and interact. Some of the ways in which customs and location can influence one’s life includes:
Environmental Influence, of a society which adopts an existing concept as a social value, in most cases, culture is seen as an object of civilization over a long period of time by the same ethnic-group, sex, family or surrounding. Here, an idea from one person or a group influences the same people in a particular surrounding sharing the same background.

Cultural Influence, similarly, this happens as a result of an ancestral belief or practice of an individual or a group which is handed down from one generation to another. Culture and environment are used as agents to influence others through practices and beliefs. In this regard, the people follow and strengthening their own beliefs rather than being influenced by their atmosphere.
An ethnically diverse sample of How Culture Influence One’s Life would be of great benefit to drawing conclusions about extremes of the stress continuum by studying African-Americans who experienced psychosocial sources such as racism and discrimination, example (Clark et al,.1999).

Berkman and Kawachi. (2000). Social Epidemiology,
              A research on Culture and Environment page 1-13
Clark. (1999). Racism as a stressor for African-Americans.
       A bio-psychosocial model, American Psychologist, 54(10): 107-123.
Sowe, Modou Lamin Age-Almusaf. (2016). Research on Culture and Environment.
             The Throne of The Ghost page 1(6): 14-21

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  1. The pen solely are the chosen one, for one could have lamented on this better than you do. stay blessed!

  2. My Modou Lamin Age-almusaf Sowe...the Gambian dream!

  3. The pen solely are the chosen one, for one could have lamented on this better than you do. stay blessed!

  4. Thank you Jainaba, you are one of my readers and kind followers!


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