Sunday, April 23, 2017

Seeking Knowledge in Philosophy of Science and Religion ( Philosophy Paper )

Is knowledge knowledgeable, or is it wisdom that born knowledge? As an incentive to the attentive reader to virtue, let me tell you that it's the flower that produces the fruit, but the fruit does not produce the flower. Let me tell you, my dear reader, and do you know that it's the bee that produces HONEY, but the honey does not produce the bee? Wisdom is in this context a divine flower and a bee that produces knowledge. Man is a direct descendant of Adam and Eve, those first colored conundrum of creation, who, as first human beings, were the most knowledgeable and had each had wisdom. Do you know who was the first knowledgeable human being on earth? Let's take a trip into the being of philosophy as the largest in the long line of science and theology-- to weigh the significance of this topic .

 You don't have to google an answer, or ask anyone; let me tell you that the first knowledgeable human being on earth was Adam, whom, from creation, has been mentioned in the scriptures both in Genesis in the Bible; and in Surah Baqara in the Quran. God had placed him (Adam) in the heavens and taught him all the names of the birds and animals; when God told His saintly angels that "I shall show you I'm Allah (God), and know what you knew not", He asked all of them (the angels) to name things pointed out to them; and none did except man (Adam). Adam named all the names of the birds and things in the heavens; then, they ( the angels) said: " All praises be to Allah Alone". Now I ask you my dear reader, are we not all from Adam and Eve ( Awa or Hawa in Islam)? Therefore, my dear, add me on the list of philosophy to tell you that no man is born stupid or ignorant. We're all naturally gifted differently from creation , and was each created for a purpose.

I suppose the scholars and historians will come to conclusion at once as to stating the natural differences between knowledge and wisdom. Though, some philosophers had stated and had already argued that there's nothing like natural gift; saying that "everything is learnt and practiced". Here Allah gave the reply: "By degree shall We teach thee ( the Message ), so that thou shalt not forget.", Quran chapter 87, verse 5. Allah gives wisdom to some people who don't need a college or university degree to be told they're knowledgeable. When I asked a comrade;  I said; 'people in the past and us; who are more knowledgeable'. She said: " those in the past" , I asked why? Then she said: "Because our generations are not the same", when I further asked which generation? Are we not all sharing the same God? Have we not all received the same messengers and prophets? The same books and message was sent to all mankind? She said: " you're right."

Let me add something on this, anyone reading this article; I want you to help me mention any messenger or prophet of God; whether in Islam or Christianity, or any other religion; whose prophets or messengers had ever attended any secondary, college or university-- in order to gain knowledge or wisdom. If any, let me know. My dear reader, do not trouble yourself ought the effort;  there was none, and so, can we say, must we not state that what they had was not knowledge but wisdom? Even a mad man in the streets will tell you it's wisdom directly from God, the Most High, they all had, and not knowledge. If today on earth, we're all good followers of these noble people-- why will philosophers argue that there's no "natural gift" given to some people? Up to date, believe me there are some people on earth with such gifts; they might be very rear though.

Seeking knowledge is obligatory-- and anyone of us is free to seek it; but when we're seeking knowledge, let us seek the right knowledge which can only be found in the way of religion. " If God wants to do good by a person, He will grant him knowledge of religion.", by Bukhari and Muslim; hadith no: 1376 compiled by Al-Imam Al-Nawawi. My dear reader, one of the most fundamental things in any religion, and the first of which was commanded by ALLAH  ( God) to prophet Muhammad ( S.A.W), was not for him to pray or fast, and it was not charity; but it was for him to read. " Proclaim ( or Read) in the name of thy Lord and Cherisher, Who Created--Created man, out of a leech-like clot:Proclaim! And thy Lord is Most Bountiful.", Quran chapter 96, verses 1-3.

From the above citations, Allah ( God) has never ordered man to read in the name of" western education" or to read in any other language; but to read in His name, meaning, learning or reading in the name of God is the best type of education . How many of us are really reading or writing in the name of God? But we learn from primary school to university-- and gain the world-- yet, we claim to have wisdom; when actually not even knowledge have we. But aquired the wrong one that will only benefit us here. Go and ask Saudi Arabia why are they not reading in the name of western education? And if you're a Christian, ask your church why are they not reading in the way of Islam; but the two had both been separated when they were once an entity. I'm not against anyone learning anything on this earth-- but I want to state that man was ordered to read in the name of his Lord; henceforth,  let not your university degrees, college certificates and book knowledge deceive you to challenge those with wisdom and knowledge. A Whiteman once asked me; and he said: " why is it that Dr. Zakir Naik as a medical doctor who studied science, is one of the most knowledgeable Islamic scholars on this planet", my answer to him was; " because he has read in the name of God and not in the name of science,  and ALLAH said: " He Who taught ( the use of) the Pen--Taught man that which he knew not.", Quran chapter 96, verses 4-5.

Finally, career development has been mentioned in the Quran; in order that for each of us to do what you can; and to strive in that way to your destiny-- let's accept being who we're , than being who we are not--  God says: "To each is a goal to which Allah turns him; then strive together ( as in a race) towards all that is good. Wheresoever ye are, Allah will bring you together. For Allah hath power over all things." Quran chapter 2, verse 148. Knowledge comes from the word " to know" and "known-how" and wisdom comes from the word " wise", therefore, wisdom is an attribute of God, in one of His names call " Al-Hakim", meaning The Wise; while knowledge simply means a known-how of something. To put it into its right perspective,  knowledge is very easy to gain while wisdom is harder to; you can gain knowledge by going to school, reading an article, etc , but wisdom is not gained like that-- but given by ALLAH to anyone He desires to give wisdom to, for one reason, or the other.

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Saturday, April 15, 2017

The Dignity of Women in Philosophy of Science and Religion

In my quest to unlock the keys to mental freedom in philosophy of mind, science and religion, a theory of cognitive development in science has been the historical rationale of the dignity of  women and their consensus in religion . Philosophy is demanding to know how is it that to this day and age,  man has openly disregarded the value of women in all aspects of development, until in the late 1500's, a century following the beginning of slavery and discoveries-- the world began empowering women to this day. It will even be a plus for you to know that it was a woman who had persuaded men during the Berlin Conference led by the German Chancellor,  Ottovon Bismark to end slavery at the scrambling for and partitioning of Africa --- should she not, slavery would have been still in existence; but it has not even ended-- there is mental slavery going on, and commercial slavery in some parts of Africa and the world at large; where certain women, children and migrants are captured and sold into slavery unjustly.

Taking a journey into the library of  early creation-- it will be religiously suitable to state that Awa ( Eve in Christianity ) was not the least selfish with the apple she has eaten under the influence of Iblis ( Lucifer or Satan)- this marked the beginning of civilization from post-creation of man; who was later sent down on earth to be tested-- are you not being thrilled that while they were in heaven; they have never seen each other's private part, although , there were no clothes then;  but that is because of the attribute of God having said to His angels that He'll create man in His image, and raise him above all His Creations-- the dignity that God has given to us as human beings, have made them lived in heaven for years without seeing each other's nakedness. It will be hilariously funny and intellectually inappropriate to state that civilization started in Egypt some 5000 years ago, just like I've said that let us say Mungo Park was the first whiteman to explore the River Nile, but he did not discover it; the river was there before Mr. Park was born, and other scholars indicated that the first civilize human being was a Whiteman, who later during the age of slavery had influenced Africans by given them clothes in exchange for our golds, diamonds, etc, thus, marking the civilization of Africans.

Actually, the first civilize human being on earth was a woman, Awa ( Eve) the wife of Adam; from whom we all originated from creation. Had it been that Eve had not convinced Adam to eat the forbidden fruit-- women would have been the only civilize people on earth. The word wisdom is a divine gift measured in the similitude of light ( Nur), which as an attribute of God in one of His 99 names call "Al-Hakim," The Wise; it can be said that Adam and Eve were living in paradise nakedly without clothes -- but an attribute of God call wisdom in translucent light by an act of obedience to their Lord, have served as their clothes to cover their nakedness during their stay in paradise-- until the day they disobeyed God (Allah) ; that was when they first saw each other's private parts, and out of ingratitude had unplugged leaves of trees to cover their shame hopelessly . That was the beginning of cilivization my dear reader.

 Having lost their divine veneer of patrician civility, man regained conciousness through the overall dignity of women. Have you ever wondered as to why is it that there is no complete surah ( chapter) in the holy Bible or Quran, call surah Men, or in Arabic,  should we say Al Rojal, Men ( meaning the plural of Rajol, Man). But we have a whole Surah in the Quran referring to Women, chapter 4 of the Glorious Quran is call An-Nisaa, or The Women. This is to dedicate the undeniable dignity of women and their divine importance on earth and in the hereafter, both in religion, science and status.

Have you not heard about the story of Esther,  Ruth, Mary, and others in Christianity?  Do you know that of all the messengers and prophets God had sent to us-- there was no female prophet or messenger, but it was women who made them attained their goals and had firmly established them on the lane of their mission. Who was the first person to accept Islam? Was it not a woman?  Why did God create Awa ( Eve) from the rib of Adam? Because a man alone without a woman in his life is religiously and divinely incomplete.

" The world is a place of transient enjoyment; but the best of provision on this earth is having a righteous wife ", Hadith number 280 of Imam Al-Nawawi, from ( Muslim). Religiously, God Himself has given religious bonus added on the free-will we're sharing with women, by exempting them from fasting or praying during mensuration and so on-- why are men not exempted from such during puberty, etc ? Today on earth, women have been made cheaper than commodities in the market of silence, and are being use as sexual tools in all publicity of products, social media, in advertisements , businesses, films, etc, and they are being publicly abused, beaten, raped, cheated, degraded, discriminated, underestimated and reduce to nothing-- they have suffered the indignity of unremembered graves ,  ineptitude and immeasurable brutality.  Who are women? From my intellectual thoughts-- "WOMEN " means womb of and for men; that is to say we are from women and they born for us-- and so, if men don't have the womb to born women; we cannot say " rib-men" but women were created from the rib of men; logically, women are divinely honorable gifts from ALLAH ( God) given to men to be treated with dignity and justice for the rest of their lives.

Not to intersect your thoughts on the busiest traffic of intersection-- the Bible tells us in Proverbs chapter 30 verse 31: " charm is deceitful and beauty is passing; but a woman who fears thy Lord, she shall be praised." During the last sermon of prophet Muhammad  ( S.A.W), one of the things he had strongly emphasized was to be kind to Women, and treating them fairly. The Holy Quran and Bible are full of chapters and verses directly talking about the dignity of women, their rights, treatment, etc. For example chapter 60 of the Holy Quran is Al-Mumtahana or The Woman to be Examined; and surah Maryam ( Mary) chapter 19. One of the most respected and best writers on earth is not only Shakespeare or anyone else-- but also Aissa ( R.A), wife of the prophet ( S.A.W). As if this reminds us about Hinlu Bin Uthuba, the wife of Abu Shufiyan ( May Allah be pleased with both of them), who was one of the most influential women on earth; who first initiated women's bureau, women's rights, etc, and had been seen as a great woman in Islamic history. The wife of Pharaoh, Assiah  ( God be pleased with her) ; she was a pious woman who had immensely contributed in Islam and had died an honorable death, despite her husband being the worst man on earth. In the next world, I want to be a woman and I respectfully wish to salute and dedicate this piece to all women on earth-- my mother, including all of you: my mothers, grandmothers,  sisters, nieces, aunties, step-mothers, etc. You're all best of women on earth. Without women, the world is nothing but a library without books; a world without nations, and a living body without a soul.

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Monday, April 10, 2017

Resurrection ( Al-Qiyamaah) in Philosophy of Religion ( Philosophy Paper )

A difficult traditional concern of metaphysics is to understand the concept of God, the philosophy of religion justifies this subject, in religious language, in the nature of morality and faith. Is there any life after death ? Why do we need to die? The chicken eat grains and swallow peables, yet she complains of having no teeth. If she has teeth; will she eat gold? Let her go and ask the cow that has teeth and yet eat grass. Man was in paradise, and only because of disobedience , he was sent on earth to be tested. In life, there are three things unknown to us; and they are: we all know our birthday but don't know the day we will die, nobody knows the day of judgment and resurrection , and no one knows whether he will go to heaven or hell. Only the mercy of Allah can take someone to heaven, plus, your own good deeds-- even that has been limited in Islam by the assurance that doing good-- is only a passport to heaven not the visa; on earth, there are some people who are always correct-- and they are: those who think they know it all and have it all, those who never forgive and do not distinguish between human power and divine power, those who easily judge others than be judged , those who promise and never fulfill, and those who always talk bad about people by seeing only the wrong side of them and not the opposite-- when you trust them, they will let you down-- and when calamity befalls you; they will stretch their mouths and hands on you.

Doing good and being good all the time, should not be a guaranteed to paradise-- but let doing good and being good between one and Allah, and between him and people be the plus to this. On the day of judgment, even holy prophets of God will all fear being thrown to hell except prophet Muhammad ( S.A.W). Therefore, my dear father, my mother, sister and brother-- stop judging people and judge yourselves-- have you not heard the parable of someone who have killed hundred people and the one who fetched water for a dog from a well; and they will both be admitted into paradise: beneath which the rivers flow-- some people sin all their lives but just one month or so- prior to their death-- Allah will correct them or have corrected them, and they will meet/ met their death honorably and died as believers. Do not misjudged a person because of his or her sins-- man is not perfect but Allah is-- there is no person on earth both past and present without a single atom of sin. Let me use simple logic to make you understand. Why do you think the water in the rivers, oceans, seas, etc, never got dry since creation; but the rainwater that will fall from the sky will never stay on the earth surface, but will all be absorbed into the earth? My brother, I mean to tell you that those who don't talk bad about people, or try to know what they do by finding out what they have or lacked-- they are far more better than those always backbiting, talking to you to leave a person or stay away from him/her, giving you news all the time about their bad deeds. They are themselves the true meaning of liars and hypocrites. A  good Muslim and a good Christian will never judge people but judge themselves. Let me puzzle you a bit-- if you planted trees in your garden and found weeds growing with them; you removed them all but there is always one common weed that looks like exactly your plant, and will always germinate anytime you remove it-- please is time you know that its divine power not mankind-- and so, I advise you leave it grow with your plant since you've done all your efforts but cannot get rid of it-- certainly accept it's divine not man-made .

Death is the end of wealth and power-- wealth is influence, and knowledge is power, information is liberation but power rules power. The most disputed feature of religious concept , is the existence of life after death. An examination of a metaphysical concern of mind and nature that has enabled for us to explain the stages of life after death in philosophy of science and religion. If gripping ever grapped time to inform us about our death,  nobody will die disbelieving-- the most painful and inescapable thing on earth is D-E-A -T-H. The venom of death stings at a time no one expected sorrow at its least expectations--in the middle of joy and success; health and sickness; young or old-- the most detested thing to hear is death.  My brother , God does anything in life at anytime, and under any circumtances, whether it favors us or not-- He does not care. Nobody loves a person more than God; in one of my philosophy classes, I said if anyone tells you that I love you so much , say I love you too-- if she says I love you more than anything or anyone; tell the person not when I die; and If anyone thinks he or she loves you more than everyone else--  ask the person why did God make you a human being and not an animal? If for example someone has intentionally killed your love one; who is the only person feeding the family or taking care of you-- I'd strongly believe that if you can kill that person you will because he or she did it intentionally; but to my dismay, I've never heard or seen anyone challenging God for intentionally killing his/her love ones-- does this happen? God gives the reply to this question by saying: " And for Him is no fear of its consequences. " Quran, Ash-Shams, or The Sun, verse 15; so, if your father is your hope, your mother, or anyone else-- God will kill the person intentionally and start looking at you eye to eye to see what you will do. Only an invincible God does this, and if anyone don't like it-- there is nothing you can do about it.

When God, the All-Knowing and All-Powerful, decree and command His saintly angels tearing the sky with thunders of haste and obedience-- flashing holy particles of light dancing back the ray of darkness covering the expected soul to be taken away at its fixed time -- there seated honarable Malakul Mawt ( the deservedly highly respected angel of death) with his 40 co-workers,  guarding the Tree of Life to always open and read every fallen leave of a person to die by the will of God. If fast was faster and quick was quicker to race the fastest and quickest thing or person ever created--  not even Usain Bolt, the angel of death be always mentioned. He has never smiled or laughed from his creation-- if death is not real, why will everyone die,  including the angel of death?

" I swear by the Resurrection Day; And I do swear by the self-reproaching soul. Does man think that we cannot assemble his bones? Holy Qur'an chapter 75 verses 1-3. Philosophy of mind, under actions and theory-- have helped us recognize that man thinks he will never die,  and that some think they will never be raised after death. Before a person dies , Allah commands the angels to go round the four corners of the earth to cease and confirm that even a single piece of bread is not left for the soul to be taken away to his Lord. When it's time for a person to die, all doors of his/her fortune closes-- If Allah can bring down rain from the sky, who are you to doubt there is no life after death?

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Wednesday, April 5, 2017

NAKEDNESS OF MAN ( Religious Paper )

Nakedness is not only lacking a clothe on the body but also not reasoning appropriately and denouncing one's five common senses irreparably. A human being is a thinking being and is endowed with dignity and self-worth-- being the best of creation with a free will to do the negative or positive. Man they say is not perfect and to err is human, but man always forgets he is naked.

 In the breath of my sedated array of imperfection-- I sense the noisiest voice of infallibility lecturing on intellectual soils of silence beneath the river of philosophy of mind and logic-- logically, labeling commotion of thought and ungratefulness to the adherence to one's religion which had been a priest of prediction for sinning openly in modern times of shame and nakedness. The nakedness of the mind and brain that thinks and acts. Logic is not what is logically correct but also what is appropriately reasonable for the mindset which loses balance and is sometimes not at equilibrium at all.

Man must be tested because man is not perfect but always thinks he is perfect. " We have indeed created man in the best of molds, then do We abase him ( to be) the lowest of the low" Quran 95 verses 4-5. It has become something of common practice for mankind to define himself as being worthy of interception from the examinations of life. Satan the devil prided himself on bowing before man made out of common clay-- but later in the philosophy of mind, we begin to understand on what ground stands the solitude of this refusal on the status of deeds and rank from creation. As we dwell into the well of thought and quenched our taste for knowledge-- I have realized that the basic teaching of philosophy of religion, precisely, Islam and Christianity-- have made it customary to wrap dead bodies into a piece of clothing or dress them before they are buried. Do you know why? Man himself knows he is naked, so, the nakedness of man follows him up to his grave for being given free will but chooses to go wrongly right, and rightly wrong in his words and deeds.

The nakedness of man is that he was born naked and will die naked-- will be raised on the day of judgment naked, and be nakedly judged for all his deeds good or bad. Let a man ask the trees why are they naked for us but yet use their leaves and branches to cover their shame-- that's because the shame itself has felt ashamed when man obstinately ate the forbidden fruit, and later banished himself from paradise, to kill, sin, lie and fill the earth with havoc for being naked and shameless-- yet man will boastfully say: " do you know me? Do you know who am I? The fact is, my brother, tell me who are you? The fire had declared himself better than clay-- when the silent light that could have said is better than the two had always adored and obeyed his Creator.

Pride has diagnosed the man with a long sickness of mind to always forget that he is from the earth and it he shall return-- from the earth, we came from it we shall return. Therefore, the best dress and gift to take along to our graves are not exotic cars, is not luxuries, not wealth, or the pride we nurture in our respective bank accounts of pomposity but our good deeds.

 Goodness is good but being good is just too good food for the mind to always reflect on the day you will leave your own house and bed you said you own and bought with your own money-- only to be buried in a narrow grave whether you like it or not, and you have the utmost right to remain silent before you'll be activated to silent by honorable angels who will not only epitomize your noise-- but resound its collection. No one can escape death, and everyone will die even the angel of death. Collective intelligence is the ability to recognize the right from the wrong-- the learned from the ignorant, and the weak from the strong.

Before you argue or quarrel first-- before you exposed the nakedness of others check the clothes you're wearing-- if only you had, you will begin to understand that man is a mirror-- if you cannot see your back while looking at your image in a mirror, somebody else can show it to you in the minor. If logic is the ability to distinguish good from bad, and that which is good had been made clear from what is bad-- any mind that can't differentiate these two things; needs a philosophical checkup to better rationalize its thinking in an ever-logical standard.

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