Wednesday, April 5, 2017

NAKEDNESS OF MAN ( Religious Paper )

Nakedness is not only lacking a clothe on the body but also not reasoning appropriately and denouncing one's five common senses irreparably. A human being is a thinking being and is endowed with dignity and self-worth-- being the best of creation with a free will to do the negative or positive. Man they say is not perfect and to err is human, but man always forgets he is naked.

 In the breath of my sedated array of imperfection-- I sense the noisiest voice of infallibility lecturing on intellectual soils of silence beneath the river of philosophy of mind and logic-- logically, labeling commotion of thought and ungratefulness to the adherence to one's religion which had been a priest of prediction for sinning openly in modern times of shame and nakedness. The nakedness of the mind and brain that thinks and acts. Logic is not what is logically correct but also what is appropriately reasonable for the mindset which loses balance and is sometimes not at equilibrium at all.

Man must be tested because man is not perfect but always thinks he is perfect. " We have indeed created man in the best of molds, then do We abase him ( to be) the lowest of the low" Quran 95 verses 4-5. It has become something of common practice for mankind to define himself as being worthy of interception from the examinations of life. Satan the devil prided himself on bowing before man made out of common clay-- but later in the philosophy of mind, we begin to understand on what ground stands the solitude of this refusal on the status of deeds and rank from creation. As we dwell into the well of thought and quenched our taste for knowledge-- I have realized that the basic teaching of philosophy of religion, precisely, Islam and Christianity-- have made it customary to wrap dead bodies into a piece of clothing or dress them before they are buried. Do you know why? Man himself knows he is naked, so, the nakedness of man follows him up to his grave for being given free will but chooses to go wrongly right, and rightly wrong in his words and deeds.

The nakedness of man is that he was born naked and will die naked-- will be raised on the day of judgment naked, and be nakedly judged for all his deeds good or bad. Let a man ask the trees why are they naked for us but yet use their leaves and branches to cover their shame-- that's because the shame itself has felt ashamed when man obstinately ate the forbidden fruit, and later banished himself from paradise, to kill, sin, lie and fill the earth with havoc for being naked and shameless-- yet man will boastfully say: " do you know me? Do you know who am I? The fact is, my brother, tell me who are you? The fire had declared himself better than clay-- when the silent light that could have said is better than the two had always adored and obeyed his Creator.

Pride has diagnosed the man with a long sickness of mind to always forget that he is from the earth and it he shall return-- from the earth, we came from it we shall return. Therefore, the best dress and gift to take along to our graves are not exotic cars, is not luxuries, not wealth, or the pride we nurture in our respective bank accounts of pomposity but our good deeds.

 Goodness is good but being good is just too good food for the mind to always reflect on the day you will leave your own house and bed you said you own and bought with your own money-- only to be buried in a narrow grave whether you like it or not, and you have the utmost right to remain silent before you'll be activated to silent by honorable angels who will not only epitomize your noise-- but resound its collection. No one can escape death, and everyone will die even the angel of death. Collective intelligence is the ability to recognize the right from the wrong-- the learned from the ignorant, and the weak from the strong.

Before you argue or quarrel first-- before you exposed the nakedness of others check the clothes you're wearing-- if only you had, you will begin to understand that man is a mirror-- if you cannot see your back while looking at your image in a mirror, somebody else can show it to you in the minor. If logic is the ability to distinguish good from bad, and that which is good had been made clear from what is bad-- any mind that can't differentiate these two things; needs a philosophical checkup to better rationalize its thinking in an ever-logical standard.

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