Monday, April 10, 2017

Resurrection ( Al-Qiyamaah) in Philosophy of Religion ( Philosophy Paper )

A difficult traditional concern of metaphysics is to understand the concept of God, the philosophy of religion justifies this subject, in religious language, in the nature of morality and faith. Is there any life after death ? Why do we need to die? The chicken eat grains and swallow peables, yet she complains of having no teeth. If she has teeth; will she eat gold? Let her go and ask the cow that has teeth and yet eat grass. Man was in paradise, and only because of disobedience , he was sent on earth to be tested. In life, there are three things unknown to us; and they are: we all know our birthday but don't know the day we will die, nobody knows the day of judgment and resurrection , and no one knows whether he will go to heaven or hell. Only the mercy of Allah can take someone to heaven, plus, your own good deeds-- even that has been limited in Islam by the assurance that doing good-- is only a passport to heaven not the visa; on earth, there are some people who are always correct-- and they are: those who think they know it all and have it all, those who never forgive and do not distinguish between human power and divine power, those who easily judge others than be judged , those who promise and never fulfill, and those who always talk bad about people by seeing only the wrong side of them and not the opposite-- when you trust them, they will let you down-- and when calamity befalls you; they will stretch their mouths and hands on you.

Doing good and being good all the time, should not be a guaranteed to paradise-- but let doing good and being good between one and Allah, and between him and people be the plus to this. On the day of judgment, even holy prophets of God will all fear being thrown to hell except prophet Muhammad ( S.A.W). Therefore, my dear father, my mother, sister and brother-- stop judging people and judge yourselves-- have you not heard the parable of someone who have killed hundred people and the one who fetched water for a dog from a well; and they will both be admitted into paradise: beneath which the rivers flow-- some people sin all their lives but just one month or so- prior to their death-- Allah will correct them or have corrected them, and they will meet/ met their death honorably and died as believers. Do not misjudged a person because of his or her sins-- man is not perfect but Allah is-- there is no person on earth both past and present without a single atom of sin. Let me use simple logic to make you understand. Why do you think the water in the rivers, oceans, seas, etc, never got dry since creation; but the rainwater that will fall from the sky will never stay on the earth surface, but will all be absorbed into the earth? My brother, I mean to tell you that those who don't talk bad about people, or try to know what they do by finding out what they have or lacked-- they are far more better than those always backbiting, talking to you to leave a person or stay away from him/her, giving you news all the time about their bad deeds. They are themselves the true meaning of liars and hypocrites. A  good Muslim and a good Christian will never judge people but judge themselves. Let me puzzle you a bit-- if you planted trees in your garden and found weeds growing with them; you removed them all but there is always one common weed that looks like exactly your plant, and will always germinate anytime you remove it-- please is time you know that its divine power not mankind-- and so, I advise you leave it grow with your plant since you've done all your efforts but cannot get rid of it-- certainly accept it's divine not man-made .

Death is the end of wealth and power-- wealth is influence, and knowledge is power, information is liberation but power rules power. The most disputed feature of religious concept , is the existence of life after death. An examination of a metaphysical concern of mind and nature that has enabled for us to explain the stages of life after death in philosophy of science and religion. If gripping ever grapped time to inform us about our death,  nobody will die disbelieving-- the most painful and inescapable thing on earth is D-E-A -T-H. The venom of death stings at a time no one expected sorrow at its least expectations--in the middle of joy and success; health and sickness; young or old-- the most detested thing to hear is death.  My brother , God does anything in life at anytime, and under any circumtances, whether it favors us or not-- He does not care. Nobody loves a person more than God; in one of my philosophy classes, I said if anyone tells you that I love you so much , say I love you too-- if she says I love you more than anything or anyone; tell the person not when I die; and If anyone thinks he or she loves you more than everyone else--  ask the person why did God make you a human being and not an animal? If for example someone has intentionally killed your love one; who is the only person feeding the family or taking care of you-- I'd strongly believe that if you can kill that person you will because he or she did it intentionally; but to my dismay, I've never heard or seen anyone challenging God for intentionally killing his/her love ones-- does this happen? God gives the reply to this question by saying: " And for Him is no fear of its consequences. " Quran, Ash-Shams, or The Sun, verse 15; so, if your father is your hope, your mother, or anyone else-- God will kill the person intentionally and start looking at you eye to eye to see what you will do. Only an invincible God does this, and if anyone don't like it-- there is nothing you can do about it.

When God, the All-Knowing and All-Powerful, decree and command His saintly angels tearing the sky with thunders of haste and obedience-- flashing holy particles of light dancing back the ray of darkness covering the expected soul to be taken away at its fixed time -- there seated honarable Malakul Mawt ( the deservedly highly respected angel of death) with his 40 co-workers,  guarding the Tree of Life to always open and read every fallen leave of a person to die by the will of God. If fast was faster and quick was quicker to race the fastest and quickest thing or person ever created--  not even Usain Bolt, the angel of death be always mentioned. He has never smiled or laughed from his creation-- if death is not real, why will everyone die,  including the angel of death?

" I swear by the Resurrection Day; And I do swear by the self-reproaching soul. Does man think that we cannot assemble his bones? Holy Qur'an chapter 75 verses 1-3. Philosophy of mind, under actions and theory-- have helped us recognize that man thinks he will never die,  and that some think they will never be raised after death. Before a person dies , Allah commands the angels to go round the four corners of the earth to cease and confirm that even a single piece of bread is not left for the soul to be taken away to his Lord. When it's time for a person to die, all doors of his/her fortune closes-- If Allah can bring down rain from the sky, who are you to doubt there is no life after death?

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